Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 381: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Chapter 381: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (33)

If possible, Luopu wouldn't mind signing a contract directly with Jin Shu, the content of which was that he would follow her and help her for the rest of his life, without any second thoughts.

But Jin Shu shook her head when she heard this.

"Forget it, your life is long, you'd better live your own life."

In this way, in less than three months, Jin Shu moved herself from the desolate and barren Little Blue Star slum to the end of her original owner's life.

According to the original owner's plan, she planned to go directly to the Eleventh Legion after her graduation and practical operations to assist her father in taking care of her sick mother.

Unfortunately, this wish ended when she failed the actual combat assessment.

Her father, who was originally the leader of the regiment, was dismissed from his position by the army in order to save her life, and he could only be an unknown warehouse manager for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu could feel the throbbing pain in her heart.

This is a regret left by the original owner.

When they left, instructor Amai came to see them off in person.

Of the three people who were directly sent to the legion, Astor chose the first legion, Ling Su chose the third legion, and Jin Shu, who had always been the target of competition among the twelve legions, chose the eleventh legion.

The twelve legions are located on the main planet in the Ertes galaxy. In order to ensure the safe and stable development of interstellar military power, the main planet is located in the center of the galaxy, surrounded by dozens of space stations. The largest space battleship in the galaxy is stable. Floating in the interstellar sky, space surveillance spacecraft all over the planet are always monitoring every move around them, and any spacecraft that approaches without permission will be killed.

This place is no stranger to Jin Shu. After all, she has lived on this planet since she was a child. After coming back after many years, there is almost no change here.

When the spacecraft lands, the three of them will separate and go to their respective legions.

Just as Jin Shu was about to leave, Astor, who had been looking at her sideways, took the initiative to talk to her for the first time.

"The Eleventh Legion needs to take the flight line No. 6. You are going in the wrong direction."

"Ok, I know."

"Come on, there will be opportunities in the future. See you on the battlefield."

Jin Shu glanced at him, wondering if it was her own imagination, but she actually saw a hint of sympathy in Astor's eyes.

Not knowing what to reply, Jin Shu nodded casually, turned around and left.

Behind him, Ling Su watched this scene and silently clenched her fists. When Astor turned around, she returned to normal and followed with a smile.

"What did you say to Peiya?"


"Didn't you ask her why she chose the 11th Regiment?"

"did not ask."

This is what people's choice is worth asking.

Ling Su sighed.

"I think she is a bit unique. In fact, there is no need to be different on such an important matter. The strength of warriors trained by different regiments is definitely different, and she will definitely regret it."

"When you have time to care about others, you should care more about yourself. If it weren't for your sister's relationship this time, let alone the third group, you would probably not even be able to enter the fifth group.

That's it for now, please be more careful. "



Instead of rushing to report to the group, Jin Shu went directly into a store.

Today's stores do not have salespersons or display cabinets. They are just a simple sales port. You just need to say what you need, and after you pay, the items will automatically fall down.

Jin Shu bought a lot of medicines and some snacks that almost no one on this planet would buy. Luopu followed curiously, and waited until he got into the car sent by the army to pick them up, then he couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Who did you buy these for?"


"Is there a friend of yours in the 11th Regiment? Who?"

Sure enough, she is definitely not the original Peiya. How could Peiya know anyone in the alliance army.

"The more you know, the sooner you will die. Do you still want to know?"

For the first time, Jin Shu treated Luo Pu with a serious expression and an indifferent attitude. This made Luo Pu immediately shut up and silently moved his butt to the chair next to him.

The Eleventh Regiment is located in the third eastern district of the planet. The area where the soldiers usually live is not large, but the entire Eleventh District covers an area of ​​more than 300,000 square kilometers, which is almost the size of a small country on Little Blue Star. .

Putting aside the living areas, most of the rest are training bases that have been developed and built. Because each actual combat base strives to be 100% restored, the Alliance army has spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to build real scenes for each legion. battlefield.

The real-life battlefield located in the 11th Regiment is a real-life simulation of the center of the storm on the Corolan Star, the archenemy of Ertes.

The real battlefield will not be open to the public unless necessary.

Only during weekly military training will the higher authorities approve the opening.

This time Jin Shu came to report, and the captain of the first detachment of the 11th Regiment was responsible for arranging her daily life.

"I have watched your competition. It was very exciting. I never expected that you would choose our eleventh regiment. The regiment leader is very happy, but he is leading the troops for training now. When the training is over, he will come to see you in person."

"No need to bother."

"The welcome ceremony for a talented warrior like you should be more grand. However, our 11th regiment has limited funds. I'm sorry for you for the time being. When this training camp is over and the intra-group training competition begins, if we can get a good ranking, This year’s funding will definitely increase a lot, and I’ll give you a welcome ceremony then!”

The other party was enthusiastic and kept introducing the basic facilities and structure of the group to Jin Shu along the way.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Huang Zheng, and my ancestors are also from Little Blue Star."

"My name is Frant Peja, he is my maintenance engineer Luopu."

"I know this! If you have anything else you want to ask, feel free to ask me. I've been here for a long time and I know everything!"

Jin Shu nodded and asked.

"Then do you know where the previous captain Jin Kaisheng and his wife are now?"

"Captain Jin? Why do you want to know this?"

“When I was at Little Blue Star, the humanoid mecha simulation training object in the training room was Captain Jin’s AI model.

I admired him so much that I wanted to meet him in person. "

This reason was perfect. Huang Zheng thought about it and felt it made sense, so he whispered.

"Captain Jin has left the army for a long time and is now working as a warehouse manager in the spare equipment warehouse in the East Third District.

If you want to see him, go directly to the equipment warehouse to find him.

Also, Captain Jin’s wife is now a cleaning staff member of our training room, so she should be off work at this point. "

Luopu asked from the side.

“Aren’t all robots doing the cleaning now?”

Huang Zheng's voice became even lower, as if he was telling a big secret.

"You probably don't know this, but it happened many years ago. Their daughter became a deserter during the graduation examination of the Alliance Military Academy, lost her armor, and leaked the alliance's secrets.

This is a shame for a soldier! "

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