Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 382: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Chapter 382: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (34)

"Later, their daughter was captured by the Zerg. The alliance army originally wanted to take care of her. Our Captain Jin secretly used military armor to save his daughter. In the end, his daughter was rescued, but he was dismissed from his position for violating military discipline. The division commander ordered him to be punished as a treasurer.

Alas, this happened more than ten years ago, and few people remember it. "

When Huang Zheng said these words, Luopu stood behind and secretly observed Jin Shu's expression. A bold guess emerged in his heart. At this time, he had to rely on his accurate grasp of human micro-expressions to judge whether his guess was accurate.

Then Huang Zheng gave a three-minute account from beginning to end. During this period, Jin Shu's face was expressionless and her eyes were calm. Let alone listening to her own experience, she couldn't be so calm even when she was listening to other people's experiences.

He himself was moved by this great father's love.

However, Jin Shu asked after listening.

"Then is her daughter still alive?"

Huang Zheng shook his head.

"I don't know about that. It's a pity. Captain Jin's daughter is in the same class as me. She has always been the pride of our 11th Legion, and she is the pride of Captain Jin.

It's a pity that she made a wrong judgment in the final assessment, otherwise the 11th Regiment would not have declined like this. "


Jin Shu didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

Huang Zheng was a talkative person. When faced with a fair, tender and curious girl like Jin Shu, he couldn't help but reveal everything he knew.

"Captain Jin committed a taboo in the military. Not only did he disobey military orders, but he also secretly misappropriated military mechas. Unlike the mechas used by his daughter in competitions, military mechas have complete procedures for use within the military. If captured by the Zerg, It was an unprecedented disaster for the league.

Although I understand Captain Jin's love for his daughter, by doing so he completely threw the safety of the Alliance Legion into the background, so the division commander was very angry and directly removed him as the leader.

The leader who came later was not as powerful as Captain Jin, and he didn't take care of things very much. Moreover, many interstellar nobles could put their children into the eleventh regiment just by spending a little money.

Now our group is in chaos and chaos. It has gradually been reduced to a logistics group. As long as there is an important battle, our group will hardly be allowed to play. Even for this training competition, not many people from our group signed up. "

At this point, Huang Zheng suddenly realized that he had said so many things that he shouldn't have said. He suddenly came to his senses and patted his mouth hard.

what happened! The person who didn't know what to say actually said so many things that were not conducive to the image of the legion!

"Sorry, actually our group is not that bad. The infrastructure is still very complete, and the seniors and seniors are very easy to get along with. Don't worry..."

Jin Shu smiled and nodded.

"I know. I had some familiarity with them before coming here. Thanks to the captain for the introduction. I feel more familiar with the 11th Regiment now."

Huang Zheng chuckled.

Can this be friendly? It seems that this talented freshman also has some salty genes.

"Forget it, I will take you around the legion living area first, and you will get used to it first. Let me tell you in advance, although you skipped five years of study and came to the legion, I will not treat you as someone after that. Look at it as a freshman with no experience.

After that, you will go directly to the recruit camp and train with your previous seniors. The cycle is three years. After three years, you will be transferred to the official corps to complete the tasks assigned by the corps.

Okay, let’s go back and rest after walking around. Tomorrow’s training will begin, so be mentally prepared. "

Afterwards, Huang Zheng took two people for a walk around the legion's living area.

Along the way, many soldiers cast curious glances at Jin Shu. After all, a new class of recruits only joins the regiment every five years. Not long after the last class arrived, two more have arrived.

These are all participating in the training camp, all outside information has been blocked, and they obviously don't know about the league's friendly matches.

Huang Zheng kicked away his teammates who came over to watch the fun on the pretense of running, and then smiled gently at Jin Shu.

"They will be your comrades in arms from now on. Even if they look like this now, they are still very reliable when they should be reliable. Don't be afraid."

Jin Shu just smiled.

The original owner had seen this kind of scene since she was a child. Because she was the only daughter of the regiment commander, she was as delicate and beautiful as a porcelain doll carved from pink and jade. When she was a child, she was often held and played with by the big brothers and sisters in the army.

As soon as she walked into this place, Jin Shu could feel that her heart that had been tingling suddenly became soothing and cheerful. Her whole body relaxed, and Jin Shu's mood improved a lot.

"This is where you will live from now on. The soldiers and maintenance technicians cannot live too far apart, so we have arranged capsule rooms on the upper and lower floors for you.

You go back and tidy up first, and prepare to train together tomorrow. "

Capsule rooms, as the name suggests, are just like capsules. They are constructed as upper and lower double floors, and then arranged in a row around them. They are neat and uniform without any personal characteristics. At a glance, except for the different numbers on the houses, the rest are exactly the same. .

All the people living around are teammates from the team. Even though the legion is vast and sparsely populated, the training and living conditions of the soldiers are still strictly arranged in accordance with the standards.

Jin Shu took the elevator and came to her room. After recording her pupils, the door lock was unlocked. The air pressure bomb cabin was filled with white. The walls and floors were all white. The whole room was almost thirty square meters, and there was no one. door.

Here, in addition to sleeping, the basic needs of the human body, eating, excretion, and washing have all been compressed into a very simple process.

So there is no such thing as a bathroom or kitchen. Except for a pressure bed, the rest of the place is full of independent training equipment.

It’s really hard not to be motivating when you live here.

Jin Shu put on the uniform of the 11th Regiment, which was similar to a motorcycle uniform. It was black and white. When folded, it was only a small piece the size of a thumb. Pressing the shrink button will quickly stretch it. After putting it on, press the button again, and the clothes will instantly shrink. Covers the whole body in all directions without blind spots.

Although the package is tight, the movement is not restricted. The extremely thin material has no weight at all when worn on the body, and only has a very light wrapping feeling.

This is much improved than the training clothes the original owner believed. Not to mention the basic functions of self-cleaning and resisting external forces, this piece of clothing also has an anti-pressure function, which can help the warrior resist the pressure of 300 kilograms from the outside world, which is very important for In space combat, three hundred kilograms is enough to change life and death.

After putting on clothes, Jin Shu simply started training because all network facilities in the army could not be used during the training period.

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