Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 383: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Chapter 383: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (35)

All necessary basic training facilities are available in the capsule rooms. Even the 11th Regiment, which is underfunded, can equip each capsule room with nearly one million worth of training equipment. One can only imagine how much military expenditure the huge alliance army will spend every year. .

But this facility could only warm up Jin Shu. After practicing all the exercises, she felt like she didn’t even break out in sweat.

Forget it, give yourself a half-day vacation today and go out for a walk.

As soon as he came downstairs, Luopu immediately stretched out his head.

"Going for a walk?"

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows.

"Take me one!"

Luopu turned over and jumped out of the window, just in time to keep up with Jin Shu.

"This house is so depressing, there is nothing! To be honest, in Little Blue Star, shitting, eating, and bathing were my three indispensable hobbies in life.

Now, gone!
When I poop, the decomposer is built in. When I eat, I only need one capsule and a glass of water, let alone taking a bath. This piece of clothing can help me purify all the dirt in my hair follicles!

I have no fun living, Peiya, I am too tired. "

Jin Shu rarely quarreled with him because she deeply sympathized with what Luopu said.

Indeed, as a human being, if our life is too simple and straightforward, it will be boring.

Eating, sleeping, and defecating only meet the most basic needs. You are not given any opportunities or excuses to fish, and the rest of the time is used for training.

No wonder warriors have shorter lifespans than the average person.

Physical injuries aside, this boring life is probably the culprit.

Luopu couldn't cheer up, because there was almost nothing in the legion's living area, and only two or three people could be seen.

"Tomorrow we will also join the team for training. After the training camp, we will have intra-team competitions. It feels like living on a knife's edge every day.

Peiya, is it too late for me to quit the group? "

"The Alliance Legion has arranged a vacation on an asteroid for your family. You ask your family if it's too late to return it now."

Luopu immediately shut up.

This is the benefit of joining the group. One person can endure hardships, and the whole family can enjoy happiness in heaven.

"Where are you going? There is nothing here."

"Go hang out in the training room."

"Ah? Then I won't go, Peiya, I will be swept to death by you sooner or later!"

What kind of person hangs out in the training room!

Jin Shu grabbed his belt.

“I heard that the fighters and maintenance engineers in the group will have regular training and competitions. If there is too big a difference in strength, they will be forcibly separated and reassigned.

You don’t want to be assigned to a tough warrior who beats and scolds you all day long, right? "

Luopu's scalp felt tight when he heard it.

It’s too tiring, it’s too tiring to live, it’s already tiring to live, and you have to train for life with such a partner who is so involved in life and death!
Forget it, let's go in, otherwise he will really be kicked away because of the huge disparity in strength.

Although warriors and maintainers have the same status, in fact everyone knows that warriors will still have the upper hand over maintainers at any time.

Of course, elite maintainers are a different matter. Those are the objects that the soldiers crazily fawn over.

Luopu was still decades away from becoming an elite maintenance engineer. He followed Jin Shu into the training room resignedly. Once inside, it lasts a whole night.


When the rest time came, Jin Shu began to enter the space simulation cabin for mental strengthening training as usual.

The success of the last friendly match was all due to the experience she accumulated from escaping from death in the simulation cabin time and time again, so no matter what time it is, mental strength will always be a warrior's greatest confidence.

Now, she can last more than four hours in the training cabin.

This achievement has surpassed that of the original owner.

I think back then, the original owner also represented the school in a friendly match, but unfortunately he lost to the rival military academy at the time.

So she sadly lost the opportunity to directly enter the legion, but instead attended school honestly for five years, and during this period she accepted the maintenance engineer Ling Xiao arranged for her by the school, and then the tragedy began.

Jin Shu has always felt that the reason why she works so hard is to avoid all possible accidents and keep the direction of her life completely in her own hands.

If the original owner had directly entered the army, she would most likely have inherited her father's career and become the outstanding warrior she most wanted to be in her dream.

Instead of being like now, where we failed for no apparent reason and were criticized by thousands of people for no apparent reason.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu walked into the simulated space capsule again with an expressionless face and started a new round of anti-stress training.

Now the time she persists is gradually increasing, and it takes nearly four and a half hours to complete a simulation, and each time can only be extended by about ten minutes, so the space for growth during the stationary period is no longer as good as before.

After a night of training, Jin Shu broke through the five-hour life-and-death barrier and finally gave up her spirit to R-level.

The next level is S-level. When she becomes an S-level elite warrior, she will be qualified to stand on the elite warrior training ground and fight for a chance for herself.

In the second half, Luopu couldn't hold on and fell asleep with his head covered in the training room.

Jin Shu didn't feel sleepy at all. On the contrary, after a night of training, she was in high spirits and in high spirits. After the squadron song played, she immediately put on her training clothes and hat and ran to the training ground.

Luopu participated in the training camp for trainers, and because the intensity was different, he was not in the same training ground as Jin Shu.

The first day of training was a long-distance run in a space capsule, a 50-kilometer run against a gravity of 600 kilograms.

In the end, nearly two-thirds of the soldiers failed to hold on and collapsed halfway from exhaustion.

So Huang Zheng was very surprised when Jin Shu followed her through the entire field without changing her expression.

As the training coach of this new recruit team, he obviously didn't expect Jin Shu's physical fitness to be so strong.

During the intermission, Jin Shu took off her hat and sat drinking water. Opposite was the maintenance technician training ground. She could see a slender figure following the team, running along like a puppet.

It can be seen that Luopu is not very adaptable to recruit training, and at this time he has been trained to death.

"Your name is Frant Peja, right? My name is Maggie. I just saw you running very leisurely. Which family do you come from and are you in such good physical condition?"

"Little Blue Star's."

"Little Blue Star... I don't think I've heard of it, but it must be a very powerful planet that can cultivate such an excellent warrior like you.

Let’s train together from now on. I also have a friend named Merck. The three of us can work together. We can also work together on missions in the future. "

At this time a tall man came over to say hello.

Jin Shu glanced at the two of them, then smiled and shook her head.

"No need, I'm used to being alone."

"Everyone here is looking for teammates, didn't Captain Huang tell you? After the training camp is the recruit competition, it will be difficult for you to complete the task without teammates."

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