Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 384: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Chapter 384: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (36)

The assessment at the end of the training is called annual training, which is once a year. This year, new recruits will join the regiment, so this time the alliance army plans to combine new recruits and veterans to participate in training. The configuration is generally two veterans and three recruits to complete the annual training. .

Teams with outstanding results will be given priority to complete the three-year recruit training through the annual training and directly join the official team. Generally, there is only one quota.

But other outstanding performers may also take this opportunity to apply to the previous regiments. After all, all regiment leaders will serve as examiners during the annual training.

Annual training is the most transparent promotion channel in the army. The recruits have no intention of ending the recruitment period so quickly. Everyone is rushing to join the legion in front.

Jin Shu can parachute into the new corps, so she must have some skills, and Captain Huang takes such good care of her, which shows that Jin Shu's background is definitely not simple.

Maggie saw this clearly, so she chose to come to Jin Shu Alliance without hesitation.

"Have you thought it through? Everyone else has already formed a team. If we don't decide, we might be left alone."

"No, you can find someone else."

The good intentions that come to the door are most likely because they are prepared and have an impure mind. Jin Shu's indifference successfully persuaded Maggie to retreat. It didn't take long for Maggie to find another person to successfully form a team. When Huang Zheng arrived, , everyone is already standing together in groups of three or three.

Unlike Huang Zheng yesterday, as the captain, he had a serious expression and a stiff attitude during the recruit training. Even if a female soldier came to apply for a halftime break because she was feeling unwell, he would be scolded by his cold attitude.

In the military, there is no distinction between men and women. After all, with the development of science and technology, the monthly menstrual period that bothers women has been perfectly avoided from the human body structure without affecting fertility. So here, no matter what gender In the eyes of superiors, all soldiers are treated equally.

Facing such a strict and cold captain, all the recruits lowered their heads nervously, for fear of offending the captain and getting angry.

"Everyone, is the team ready?"

"It's done!"

At this time, Huang Zheng saw Jin Shu behind the team at a glance, with solemn eyebrows under the brim of his hat.

"What about you? Why didn't you form a team? Frant Peja, where is your teammate!"

Before Jin Shu could answer, another voice came from not far away.

"Back to captain! Just now when we took the initiative to ask Peiya to form a team, Peiya said personally that she doesn't need teammates!"

It was Maggie's voice.

She looked at Jin Shu with a smile on her face.

Huang Zheng continued to stare at Jin Shu and asked her loudly.

"I'll ask you again, where are your teammates!"

The sound almost deafened Jin Shu's eardrums.

She raised her chest and looked up at Huang Zheng and said seriously.

"Go back to the captain, my teammates are over there!"

As she spoke, she pointed at the two people standing at the end of the team, a man and a woman. They were all stunned when they were pointed out. It was obvious that they did not expect that they would suddenly be chosen as teammates.

Huang Zheng looked at the two people alone in the corner, with an imperceptible smile on his lips.

"Then why don't you stand with your teammates?"

Jin Shu did not hesitate, turned around, walked directly to the two people, and said something in a very low voice.

"My name is Frant Peja, and I will be your teammate from now on."

The boy said nothing, while the girl nodded flattered and said quickly.

"My name is Cress."

Jin Shu then looked at the boy. The boy hesitated for a while and whispered.

"My name is An Ning."

What a delicate name, as delicate as his face.

Huang Zheng walked slowly to Maggie and asked in a deep voice.

"Why did you say that Peiya has no teammates?" "Just now, just now she said it herself!"

"No matter what, it is a taboo in the military to falsely accuse a comrade behind his back! You, get out of the queue and continue to carry the load for thirty kilometers!"

Maggie's eyes widened in disbelief, but when she saw Huang Zheng's solemn and cold eyes, she immediately swallowed back her grievances and lowered her head silently.

During the lunch break, Jin Shu sat with two new teammates. The three people who had never spoken to each other were tied together. In the end, it was Cleese who spoke first.

"Well, we will be teammates from now on, so should we get to know each other now?"

An Ning raised her eyes, her expression a little unnatural.

"I have nothing to say. As you can see, I am the last one in the eleventh group, so no one wants to team up with me."

When Cress heard this, she lowered her head a little embarrassedly.

"Me too……"

The two of them were of equal strength, and in the final graduation assessment, both were among the graduates who were at the bottom in terms of both mental strength and combat effectiveness.

Compared with those who failed the assessment, they are certainly excellent.

But compared with these soldiers in the army now, the skills of both of them are not enough.

The military is a place that values ​​force. The strong are kings and the weak are slaves. Bullying is not uncommon here, and many superiors will not interfere too much even if they see it with their own eyes.

So these two people were so obviously excluded that no one would care.

If you don’t want to be ostracized, then train hard and try to get rid of the weak status. In the final analysis, food is the original sin here.

Fortunately, Jin Shu didn't care about this.

She has never been too demanding on others. It doesn't matter if her teammates are not strong enough, as long as she is strong enough.

"I'm going to take the liberty to ask, I don't think I've seen you in our group before. How did you suddenly parachute into our group?"

Cleese has been curious for a long time, but she didn't dare to talk to Jin Shu before. Unexpectedly, the two of them have become teammates by accident.

Everyone is curious about Jin Shu.

During the training, they didn't know what was going on outside, so they were full of speculation about Jin Shu.

"I am your next freshman."

"Our next class... didn't we just enroll?"

"Well, I participated in a league friendly match not long ago and won the championship. The school sent me directly here."

Jin Shu said it in an understatement. At this time, the two people opposite were already in a state of turmoil.

An Ning was fine, but stared at Jin Shu in surprise.

Cress rushed over and almost knelt in front of her.

"You participated in a friendly match and won the championship?!"


"Oh my gosh, you are so awesome! No wonder you were able to parachute into our group!"

Kress's surprised voice attracted several teams nearby. Someone with good ears had already heard what was going on here and took the initiative to come up and ask.

"The champion of the friendly competition? No wonder! It's amazing!"

More and more people came together, and just like that, the whole group knew that Frant Peja was the champion of the friendly competition.

Cress was a little at a loss.

"I'm sorry, my voice was too loud, it must have caused trouble to you!"

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