Chapter 421: Horror game kills NPC (15)

"Brother? The dining car is here!"

When the worker remained motionless, everyone present realized that something was wrong.

Lexin stood up silently and stood beside him.

At this moment, the worker who had his head lowered as if he had been dead for a long time suddenly trembled violently, and then suddenly raised his head. There seemed to be threads of pus beating in his eyes full of red bloodshot eyes!

In addition, the normal person's skin color has now turned into a blue-gray color, like large patches of corpse covering the whole body.

His eyes widened, but he seemed to be unable to see anything. He could only rely on his nose to sniff the air vigorously, and black viscous liquid continued to flow out of his wide-open mouth.

Xiao Pai, who was sitting opposite, was frightened by this sudden scene.

"Damn it! This must be a zombie!"

This reminder immediately made everyone around him stand up vigilantly.

Zombies, how could there be zombies!
A perfectly good person was starved into a zombie? !
With a scream, the crowd fled in all directions.

The zombie worker had become irrational at this time, and only the most primitive desire to eat was left in his mind. His eyes had lost their function, and his nose became extremely sensitive. After determining the direction of the smell of flesh and blood, he roared and headed directly towards The other side rushed over!

The small platoon rolled and crawled away, shouting at the same time.

"Jin Shu, run quickly! Stop reading the fucking book in your hand!"

Only then did Jin Shu put down the book in her hand. The written name was: "On Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Cooking Methods of Flesh and Blood".

Xiaopai saw it and gave her a complicated look.

Could it be that Jin Shu is a pervert? What kind of weird book is this?
The small platoon ran fast, and the zombie worker immediately turned his head towards Jin Shu who was aside.

Seeing that Jin Shu was about to be bitten, Xiaopai's heart was beating wildly and he couldn't bear to watch directly. But in the next second, Jin Shu immediately stood up, calmly turned sideways and avoided the zombie's attack skillfully and accurately, while heading towards As he walked forward, he hooked his feet over the package on the ground, and was tripped when the zombie pounced from behind.

The process was so fast that no one could see how she escaped.

The zombie workers who failed here immediately turned around and rushed towards the direction with the most people.

He roared and roared, almost more ferocious than a wild beast.

Lexin kicked him away and hurriedly avoided the seat.

But at this time, not only the physical strength of the zombie workers, but also the speed and convenience have been increased several times.

The chased ones from the International School were running around, and William shouted as he ran.

"Didn't I say that all zombies have low mobility! Is this the Wolf Warrior version of zombies? Damn!!"

The crowd dispersed, and the scene turned into a hawk catching a chicken. Everyone wanted to hide behind others. The most important thing was to always be careful not to fall down in other positions, otherwise they would be killed. It’s not just zombies.

Gao Linjun, who had been hungry for two days, looked a little sluggish and his movements became much slower.

He was clearly watching the zombie rushing towards him, but his brain was like a rusty machine, unable to operate and make correct judgments.

The huge fear made his legs weak and unable to walk normally for a while. Seeing the worker with a charred mouth and a hideous face approaching, Gao Linjun shouted for help in pain and then looked at Lexin not far away.

However, Lexin just glanced at him briefly and quickly rushed to the first-class carriage.

At this time, the boy's eyes showed unprecedented disappointment and anger. Knowing that he could not run away, he simply closed his eyes and did not dare to look directly at the arrival of death.

However, just as he was nervously waiting for the severe pain of being bitten by a zombie, the charging zombie slowly stopped the moment it approached him.

Jun Gao Lin trembled and opened his eyes. The zombie worker's already distorted face was now close to him, smelling up and down carefully. Panic had already taken away all his ability to move. Gao Linjun could only stare wide-eyed and stiffen, letting the zombies smell all over him.

Finally, the zombie turned and left, leaving Gao Linjun, who was still immersed in fear and despair, sluggish in place.

On the other side, Jin Shu had a clear purpose and walked straight to the flight attendant.

"Hello, here's a box lunch."

As soon as he finished speaking, the zombie worker suddenly rushed over from the corner. Jin Shu dodged again and the zombie missed him again. Before he could turn around, Jin Shu had already handed over the money.

After surviving the night successfully last night, everyone had an extra five yuan reward in their pockets, which was just enough for a packed lunch.

The paper puppet flight attendant was not affected by the zombies at all. He completed his task conscientiously and took the money and asked her.

"Lunch box activity, buy two get one free, buy two."

buy two get one free?

What a bargain.

Jin Shu shouted to Xiaopai.

"Throw me the money in your pocket!"

At this time, the small platoon was huddled in the corner and shivering. After hearing what Jin Shu said, they did not hesitate to waste time. After confirming that the zombies had not charged in their direction yet, they quickly got up and ran towards Jin Shu.

At this moment, the zombies were attracted by the moving figure and rushed towards the small platoon with their mouths wide open.

Its speed is really too fast, as if it were driven at twice the speed. It is simply not the reaction speed that normal humans can achieve.

If the crowd hadn't been disrupting its view, it would have been able to feast on human flesh by now if there was only one person in the carriage.

Xiaopai was so frightened that he had nowhere to run. Seeing that he was about to become the zombie's first meal, Jin Shu stood sideways in front of him, and then when the zombie rushed towards him fiercely, she supported the other with one foot. He kicked hard.


There was a loud noise, and the zombie worker was kicked out, and then got stuck in the hollow sundry storage space under the dining car with great precision.

It struggled hard, but the dining car was pushed forward quickly by the paper puppet steward.

Jin Shu didn't forget to chase after him and got his three lunch boxes.

One of them turned out to be a pink lunch box, which looked exquisite and formal.

Just like that, the zombie worker who was stuck in the dining car and unable to move was pushed out by the flight attendant.

Everything finally calmed down.

Xiaopai breathed heavily, and the cold sweat on his head could not be wiped off.

"Damn, I'm scared to death! I'm most afraid of this kind of man-eating thing when riding a horse!
It's scarier than a ghost! At least a ghost can kill with one hit, but this thing can chew people to death! "

Jin Shu stuffed a box lunch directly into his arms.

"It's important to eat."

Xiaopai was once again impressed by her stable and unparalleled mental state.

No matter ghosts or zombies, they can't affect the speed of my eating.

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