Chapter 422: Horror game kills NPC (16)

At this juncture, Jin Shu, who could only think about eating from beginning to end, became the only lucky person to buy a dinner box today.

Lexin, who had a whole pocket of money ready to bargain with the flight attendant, looked at Jin Shu who was eating a big meal at this time, and the unwillingness and anger that had been suppressed for a long time in his eyes almost burst out.

How is this damn game set up?
Is it possible that Jin Shu is also a child of luck?

The people from the international school walked out of the first-class carriage in shock.

When the zombies just rushed out, Lexin took them into the first-class carriage.

I thought I would be able to sit back and relax, but I didn't expect that now that the zombies have been eliminated, eating has become the biggest problem.

William held his stomach and looked at Lexin.

"What should we do now? Can you call that ugly flight attendant back?"

Lexin frowned and shook his head.

"Don't you obey the rules when you get on the bus?"

Lexin started to regret it a little. Looking at the current state of William and others, they looked like a complete burden.

I thought that after completing the game and returning to reality, William's connections would bring me a lot of benefits. After all, as the son of the richest man, his appearance was quite eye-catching. No one present knew who his father was.

Thinking about it, this dandy young man was able to survive to the second carriage unharmed probably because of his status as the son of the richest man in real life.

Lexin wanted to be William's savior, but she didn't want to be implicated by such a waste, so her face looked very ugly.

William was still urging from the side.

"I'm asking you, what should I do now?"

Lexin tried his best to smile, just to make himself look calmer.

"It's okay to be hungry all night. The flight attendant will continue to distribute meals at 7:30 tomorrow morning."

"But I'm hungry now."

William had the attitude of assigning someone, and looked at Jin Shu and Xiao Pai, who were the only ones in the carriage holding lunch boxes in their hands.

Since Lexin was of no use, William left her behind and walked straight to Jin Shu.

"You are also from No. 1 Middle School, right? When I saw you fighting just now, you didn't look like a student, but more like my bodyguard."

Jin Shu looked up at him while eating. Her look was no different from looking at a fool.

"My name is William, what's your name?"

Jin Shu didn't say anything, and the people in the queue next to her quickly stood up and answered for her.

"This is my eldest brother, Jin Shu, the leader of No. 1 Middle School!
I've heard about my name for a long time, I'm Zhang Tao, known as Xiaopai in the world. I didn't expect to see you here. Come on, come on. If you don't mind, just eat my portion. It's still warm. "

Jin Shu glanced at him.

Xiaopai leaned over and whispered.

“You don’t know William?”

"do not know."

"You know Zhou Xue Shu, right? The richest man in the city! His dad!"

Jin Shu looked at him and said only one sentence.

"If you don't eat, you'll be hungry. Don't bother me."

"Boss, this is a big shot. Before the horror game came, his father publicly said in front of the media that if his son is selected, anyone who protects his son will receive a reward of five million!
Five million! Just protect him! "

As expected of a rich man.

Since you can't control the rules of the game, and you can't decide the time to enter the game, then find another way to protect yourself. Someone who enters the game will definitely want to get these five million.

"And the richest man also said that if he dies unfortunately, the money can be sent directly to his family!

In short, as long as you let this prince remember it, you will get five million! "

After all, after the game is released, it is not a matter of a word for the prince to give five million to whomever he wants.

"Not just him, have you seen the ones behind him? Both his parents are celebrities on the rich list, and they have also posted similar content.

But it’s definitely not as cost-effective as William’s!

Now that I look at it, giving him a box lunch is a great deal! "

Xiaopai only belatedly remembered who this William was.

It was just a bit familiar at first, but then after seeing Lexin protecting them meticulously, Xiaopai immediately remembered it.

Sure enough, Lexin, a woman, can’t afford to be early without any benefits!
"So Jin Shu, since you have the ability, you should be nice to them. After you go out, you can get a sum of money happily. Isn't this more money than if you worked hard in their company after graduation?"

There are really not many people who are as sober as Xiaopai these days.

But Jin Shu's task was only to complete the game, and she didn't want to do any other unnecessary things.

Seeing that Jin Shu was still indifferent, Xiaopai sighed and decided to go on his own and help Jin Shu earn the money.

William took the lunch box, looked down at it, and then said with disgust.

"What about the four of us? Is this enough to eat? Don't you have another portion in your hand? I'll pay for it."

Jin Shu also had the pink lunch box next to her. Different from other simple foam boxes, it looked like a carefully prepared meal.

Xiaopai roughly understands Jin Shu's character, and he is completely at the level of the most powerful guy who does everything based on his mood.

So he quickly pressed on with a shy smile.

"Brother William, our boss doesn't like to talk. You can eat this lunch first. I promise you tomorrow morning, as long as you follow my boss, you will definitely be able to eat!"

William obviously hadn't realized how difficult it would be to eat on this train.

He frowned and stared at Jin Shu, then threw the lunch box to the three people behind him.

"Eat it."

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"It's just one portion, do you still want me to fight with you? Eat, I'm not hungry."

I have never done anything so embarrassing in my life.

He would rather go hungry than eat.

Jin Shu was minding her own business after finishing a lunch box. She had just thrown the foam box into the trash can. Before she could turn around, a figure suddenly jumped out from the corner. She grabbed the empty box in the trash can, opened it and started talking. Licking randomly.

Jin Shu never wastes food. No matter whether it is delicious or not, whether she likes it or not, she will eat it cleanly.

So when she saw someone rushing over to lick her lunch box, even Jin Shu couldn't help being a little shocked.

When everyone saw the man's face clearly, his expression was even more shocking than seeing a ghost.

"What the hell, monitor, what are you doing!"

Xiaopai couldn't help shouting.

But Mr. Gao Lin didn't seem to hear it. He grabbed the lunch box and licked it seriously. He knelt on the ground with his legs and his body low. He looked like a dog with no self-esteem at all.

Lexin on the side saw this scene, a trace of entanglement and struggle flashed in her eyes, and finally she looked at Jin Shu with cold eyes.

"See? Are you satisfied? The person you once couldn't reach is now so hungry that he licks your lunch box. You are satisfied when he becomes like this, right?!"

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