Chapter 423: Horror game kills NPC (17)

Jin Shu stood up and walked directly in front of Lexin. Even though she was not as tall as him, her aura was enough to make Lexin feel unprecedented pressure.

"Do you think I won't beat you?"

Lexin's expression changed drastically and he sneered again and again.

"Nowadays, everyone is working hard to survive on a united front, but now you are fighting in a nest, right?

Jin Shu, you can't survive on your own, put away your arrogance. "

"I send this sentence to you intact.

Also, even if you all die, I won’t die either. "

After saying this, Jin Shu suddenly raised her hand, Lexin subconsciously shrank and hugged his head, looking pitiful and pathetic in his panic.

Jin Shu had lived for such a long time, but she didn't have the energy to care about this kind of people. After a little intimidation, she withdrew her hand after achieving her goal, and then lowered her eyes to look at the inhumane Gao Linjun who was squatting on the ground.

It seems that on this train, mutations will occur if there is no food for more than three days.

The zombie worker just now was a complete body, and now Gao Linjun is already a semi-finished product.

On the other side, Xiaopai watched helplessly as his lunch box was divided up by three young ladies from an international school.

The rich second generation, who usually go on vacations in luxury cars and on the beach, unaware of the sufferings of the world, almost got into a fight over a box lunch on the train.

William was arrogant and unwilling to compete for food like them. He simply planned to go back to sleep.

Xiaopai quickly reminded him.

"Brother, bedtime is ten o'clock in the evening. It doesn't matter if it's too early. We can wait at the door first and go in five minutes early."

"It's so annoying, hey!"

William's mouth was bored but his body was honest and he leaned outside the sleeper box.

He lowered his head, and his face lost much of the arrogance it once had.

"This damn place..."

Xiaopai walked over and saw the former prince in trouble, so he quietly walked over to try to win his favor.

"Brother, things are unpredictable. Everyone has to go through this. We are lucky to be selected when our bodies and brains are at their peak.

Otherwise, when we are seventy or eighty years old and can no longer run or even move, we will really have no choice but to wait for death! "

William glanced at him and sneered.

"Can you go away? Leave me alone."

Xiaopai, who has just transformed into a caring little brother and is ready to open his warm embrace to the prince at any time:...

Damn rich people.

Even if he is rude, he still looks so chic and handsome.

It didn't matter. Thinking of the benefits he would get after going out, Xiaopai generously forgave him for his rudeness.

William stood alone outside, and no matter who came forward, he would inevitably be scolded.

The expressions on the faces of the students who came with him were obviously much worse.

They chose to stay with Lexin. After all, compared to Jin Shu, Lexin looked much more enthusiastic when looking at He Shanxu.

The time hasn't come yet, and I don't dare to sleep now when I go back to the berth, so Lexin took the initiative to ask.

"How did you come together to be chosen?"

Luke, the only boy, scratched his hair irritably.

"The driver took me to school and he showed up here as soon as he got off the car!"

The two girls also nodded.

"We also suddenly appeared here on the way to school. If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have gone to school today!"

Lexin nodded and comforted.

"Current research shows that everyone will be selected by a horror game once in their life. There is no way to avoid it. Since you can't avoid it, it's better to calm down." The two girls looked at her gratefully.

"Thank you, several drivers who came with us are dead..."

No wonder these people were able to leave the first carriage unharmed. It turned out that someone had sacrificed themselves.

"Don't worry, we are all classmates and fallen people from the world. I will try my best to help you."

"Thank you, you are so kind. Much better than that classmate of yours..."

Lexin looked at Jin Shu standing by the window and smiled helplessly.

"There are always people who put their own lives first, which is understandable. However, I have always believed that help is mutual. Since she chose to push us away, I am not a virgin. No matter what she encounters in the future, I will not care about her. .”

In a simple sentence, he showed himself to be responsible and principled, which directly moved the two wealthy daughters.

After the conversation became more familiar, Lexin asked casually.

"I thought you were all friends, so you were selected into the game together.

Now it seems that you and William are not very familiar with each other. "

Luke snorted coldly.

"How could he see us with his eyes on the top of his head?

friend? Don't insult our eldest young master! "

"I don't think he looks like that kind of person."

When Luke heard this, he sneered again and again.

"You can ask them both, does that guy have any friends at school?

Who would be so reluctant to be friends with that kind of person! You only have eyes for yourself and no one else!

If he didn't have a good father, who would have spoiled him! "

It can be seen that Luke is very resentful towards William.

Lexin smiled and said nothing, looking up at the clock above his head.

"It's almost ten o'clock, go to bed."

On the way to the sleeper area, we had to pass the first-class carriage. After seeing the long-dead passengers sitting on the seats, the three of them were so frightened that they huddled together and walked forward tremblingly, not daring to move forward at all. Look both ways.

After finally reaching the sleeping area, I found that there were only three rooms with closed doors, and the rest of the rooms had their doors wide open, not even curtains.

Lexin raised his eyes and went in to take a look.

"Two girls, please live with me. Can you three boys share a room?"

The three boys refer to William, Luke and Gao Linjun.

When he saw Mr. Gao Lin, who was clearly not in a good state of mind across from him, Luke shook his head faster than a rattle.

"I don't want to live in the same room with him, and William definitely doesn't want to either."

At this time, Mr. Gao Lin seemed to be completely unable to hear the outside world. He lowered his head and lowered his hands like a zombie. When talking to him, he only slowly raised his head and then replied in a slow tone.

How could Lexin not see Gao Linjun’s problem.

Referring to that worker, he is the only person in this carriage who has not eaten anything for two consecutive days.

Logically speaking, even if he mutated, it would only be the next day, but Lexin didn't want to risk it himself, so he said this.

"You can either live in the same room with us, squeeze in a little bit, and let him sleep in a separate room."

Luke had no objection. It was already here and there was nothing left to choose.

"I don't care, as long as you can get him to agree to sleep in the same bed with me."

There are only three beds in a berth, and there must be two beds for two people.

Rourou is not feeling well today, so I will update temporarily and will resume updating tomorrow.

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