Chapter 424: Horror game kills NPC (18)

The three girls slept in two rooms, and the remaining room must belong to him and William.

Lexin saw the tension between the two people, so he took the initiative to ask William.

"Is it okay for you and Luke to sleep together tonight?"

William had a cold face and only said one word.

"Do not."

Luke had dared not speak out in anger before, but now it was not certain whether he could get out alive, and he couldn't help it anymore.

"Since you don't want to, there's nothing you can do. I'll sleep alone. There are three girls now. Who do you want to sleep with?"

Luke said this with a hint of sarcasm.

The two girls, Fay and Julian, were not as shy as expected, but there was some unspeakable anticipation in their eyes.

Luke showed his habitual sneer again.

"Anyway, I definitely want both of them!"

Julian is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on.

"Keep talking nonsense!"

"Am I talking nonsense? Then do you dare to say that you don't like William in front of him! And you, you are the same, two nymphomaniac dream girls!"

Luke's mouth was like a machine gun. He didn't give the two girls a chance to speak.

"What? Did I tell a lie? William happens to be here today. Why don't you two take this opportunity to express your feelings and compete for the right to sleep with me at night. Maybe it will make others happy. After you go out, you can officially announce your girlfriend... …”

Before he finished speaking, Luke was suddenly kicked to the ground.

He looked over angrily, and then met William's gray-brown eyes unique to mixed-race people.

There is a hint of evil spirit in the coldness that is fearless.

"If you want to die, I will kill you now."

Luke thought of this guy's temper and finally shut up. He didn't dare to say another word even if he was kicked.

Lexin stepped forward to break up the fight at this time.

"Why do you still care about this at this time? Stop arguing. In that case, just squeeze in with me tonight. I don't care. At this moment, nothing is more important than surviving."

Lexin looked at William helplessly.

At this time, William's best choice seems to be to spend one night with Lexin.

However, he didn't look at Lexin, frowned impatiently, then turned around and walked straight towards another box.

At this time, Xiaopai, who was still watching the excitement at the door, suddenly saw William walking towards him. Just as he was about to ask, William said directly.

"I'll sleep in your room tonight."

Xiaopai's eyes widened and he looked flattered.

"Really? Okay, I'll tidy up the bed right now!"

Seeing William bypassing him and walking into Jin Shu's house, Lexin's face changed slightly, and his eyes became a little colder.

At this moment, Shen Anan ran over.

"I'll sleep in the same room with you."

At first, she was worried that there was not enough sleep here, but William happened to pass by, so she could come directly to squeeze in with Lexin.

Lexin glanced at her.

"You can squeeze in with him tonight."

Shen Anan glanced at Luke and immediately shook his head dissatisfied.

"How can I sleep with him as a girl?"

Besides, it was a single bed. They slept almost next to each other at night. If they turned around, they might kiss each other on the face. How could she sleep in the same bed with a stranger in this situation?

Lexin said matter-of-factly.

"Who cares about this in this age? Life is the most important thing right now. When it comes to a real crisis, what does it mean to have men and women sleeping together?" "Then why can't I be with you..."

Lexin's eyes were a little impatient and he turned around.

"I have to observe what's going on down there at night, so it's not convenient for me to be crowded with others.

If it weren't for the fact that I had no other choice, I wouldn't propose to squeeze in with others.

There are still three minutes left, so hurry up and get ready, tonight will not be peaceful. "

In this way, Shen Anan reluctantly squeezed into the same bed with Luke.

She is beautiful, so Luke will naturally not be reluctant. He has always been a playboy who grew up surrounded by women, and now that he has a beautiful woman in his arms, he can only dream of her.

After going to bed, Shen Anan squeezed in with a sullen face.

"Don't touch me then, I will sleep as close to the wall as possible."

Luke smiled, said nothing, and lay on the bed with his hands behind his head.

Shen Anan felt the other party's frivolity and wantonness, but at this time the ten o'clock bell had already rang, and there was no use regretting it now. She could only press herself against the wall in frustration, feeling tormented and painful inside.

If she had known that Lexin would not agree to sharing a bed with her, she would have simply stayed in Jin Shu's room!
On the other side, Shen Anan left on her own initiative, and William naturally occupied her bed.

Before entering the house, Xiaopai locked the door as usual.

Although it was obvious from yesterday's incident that even locking the door was of no use, for the sake of comfort, the lock should still be locked.

Jin Shu looked at the time, then picked up the mop next to her, raised her leg to hold the stick and broke it into two pieces, and then inserted the two wooden sticks into the middle of the door handle, crossed to the left and right.

"It's useless to lock the door. Is it really useful to do this?"

Xiaopai didn't understand why Jin Shu bothered.

Anyway, just sleep in bed for a night.

Jin Shu just said lightly.

"This is to protect against other things."

"something else?"

That's scary. What else is on this train?
Just after ten o'clock, the overhead lights went out with a "pop", and the whole room was dark except for the flash of light as the train was moving outside the window.

The small platoon fell into tossing and turning again. The corpse of his bed plank on the first night had been carried out early the next morning. At this time, he was still a little uncomfortable facing the empty beds on both sides.

I regret it, I shouldn't have carried that buddy away.

At least he won't move.

If someone suddenly climbed up and moved, it would be a disaster.

"Jin Shu...are you asleep?"

The rules stipulate that you are not allowed to get up and walk around, but they do not say that you cannot talk.

After two days of playing around, Xiaopai became more courageous and took the initiative to chat with Jin Shu.

On the other side, Jin Shu, who had eaten and drank enough, fell down and just wanted to sleep. Xiaopai kept shouting, and it took a long time before he got a faint warning from Jin Shu.

"You'd better go to bed early."

"The night is still so long, why are you in a hurry?"

"Because you may not be able to sleep in the middle of the night."

After saying that, Jin Shu turned over, closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

Xiaopai was a little nervous at first, but soon he felt sleepy.

After all, he hadn't slept much for two days, and no amount of fear could withstand the overwhelming sleepiness under extreme fatigue.

I don't know how much time passed, but suddenly there was a violent banging sound outside the door.


Xiaopai opened his eyes suddenly and subconsciously sat up from the bed!

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