Xiaopai immediately became the host.

“We’ve all heard about what’s going on here, and there are some things hidden among us.

As for who it is, we don’t know now.

Since that's not the case, let's talk about ourselves and see if we can find out any clues and relieve some of our sleepiness. "

The man who just distributed the food took the initiative to speak.

"Let me go first. My name is Ling Zhi. I am a backpacker. I usually travel around in a car when I don't have a job.

I was taking this train to go to City B. Everything was normal before I got on the train, but after I got on the train... it became like this. "

"Next...turn clockwise, beauty, please introduce yourself."

The girl wearing a black skirt and a white coat looked a little reserved.

"My name is Liu Wei, I am a college student. I am taking this train to go back to my hometown."

"What about majors?"

Jin Shu suddenly asked.

Liu Wei was stunned for a moment, then answered.


Jin Shu nodded and continued.

"Please introduce yourself next."

The next one is the pregnant woman with a big belly. Her belly is very swollen. Even when she sits down, you can see that she is breathing heavily. The hand covering her belly is caressing her belly gently. When she speaks, her face is pale and her voice is weak.

"Everyone here calls me Sister Zhao. I am currently more than eight months pregnant. I went to the city this time to be hospitalized and wait for delivery, but I encountered this kind of thing...

My husband was killed by those things that night, and I...I almost couldn't bear it anymore..."

The woman covered her mouth and cried in pain. Liu Wei on the side stepped forward and patted her shoulder gently, silently comforting her with red eyes.

It was the next one's turn, a student wearing the same school uniform as Chen Tan. They were all from the same school and in the same class, so there was nothing to introduce.

The next three in a row were all students.

Apart from Chen Tan and the child in his arms, the remaining two people were a migrant worker couple. The two were a little dull. After briefly introducing where they were from, they lowered their heads and continued to remain silent.

"Now, shouldn't you also introduce yourselves?"

The backpacker opposite was obviously very wary of Jin Shu and others.

Xiaopai didn't care, and patiently repeated everything that his group had experienced.

"Okay, now everyone has introduced themselves, what next?"

It's still early in the night, so we can't all sit here and stare at each other all the time, right?

Xiaopai hesitated for a while, then chose to look at Jin Shu.

"Sister, what's next?"

"I still think it would be better to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Jin Shu. I am a student of No. 1 Middle School in the city. I have excellent grades and quick thinking. What I am best at is reasoning and character profiling.

I have remembered all the self-introductions you just made. It seems that there is nothing wrong with what you said. However, if this continues, we will really not be able to find the real monster.

So I suggest that all of you sit down and chat with me one by one. I think with my reasoning ability, I will be able to deduce who the real non-human is. "

After Jin Shu finished speaking, the whole place fell into silence.

Small row:……

Sister, do the four words "excellent grades" really have anything to do with you?

If he remembered correctly, Jin Shu's score in this weekly class test seemed to be lower than his, right?
Lexin almost laughed out loud.

She stole the show in the first two cars. Now she seems to have completely forgotten how ordinary and ordinary she once was, and really regards herself as an omnipotent superwoman.

She was sarcastic on the inside, but calm on the outside.

Lexin wanted to see if Jin Shu could find the monster.

But based on my understanding of this section of carriage, the monsters hiding inside are not the trash in the previous two carriages.

She died in this section of the carriage.

Who is the real monster? The characters in front of me seemed to have changed somewhat from before, but one of the monsters seemed to have remained the same.

She didn't find all the monsters at first, and she didn't see one of them until she was killed.

And that monster is here right now.

After dying once, Lexin decided to change his mind to overcome the challenge.

In her impression, the big boss in this section of the carriage seems to be an existence that cannot be defeated. Since it cannot be defeated, it is better to overcome the strong with softness.

Now that I know who the most powerful boss is, I naturally have to seize this advantage.

The pale boy next to him kept wearing headphones with his head lowered. When introducing himself, he just took off his headphones and spoke in an indifferent tone.

"My name is Yan Lu, a student at Experimental Middle School."

Because the people sitting around him were all students, everyone did not have too much doubts about him.

Xiaopai on the side was still talking to Jin Shu, and Lexin could just hear it.

"My main suspects are the backpacker and the pregnant woman. Who is a good person who takes this kind of train to take a pregnant woman to the hospital without fear of premature birth due to bumpy roads? Sister Jin, what do you think?"

"I think you're right."

Xiaopai immediately regained his energy and continued his analysis.

"So when the time comes, I'll go in with you, and we'll interrogate and question them one by one, okay?"

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows.

"you sure?"

"Of course, I am a man and I can protect you even if I am by your side."

Jin Shu looked indifferent.

"what ever."

The first one to enter was the backpacker Lexus.

Jin Shu chose an independent box with two beds facing each other, and Ling Zhi sat opposite Jin Shu.

"What do you want to ask, please ask?"

Just as Xiaopai was about to speak, Jin Shu slapped him aside.

"Brother Ling, let me ask you two simple questions."

"You ask."

"I'm also interested in backpacker tourism. I would like to ask you which of the popular hiking bases around our province is your favorite?"

Lexus thought for a while.

"The Starry Sky Base is a place where many backpackers go. There are wilderness plains there, which is very suitable for hiking."

Jin Shu nodded and asked with a smile.

"Where exactly is the starry sky base? I'm also interested in backpacking. If I have the chance to go out, I'd also like to go there."

"It's a starry sky town just below S City in our province. If you're interested, I can take you there when the time comes."

Jin Shu nodded.

"Thank you, Brother Ling. I have finished asking the questions I want to ask. Please let the next one in."

Ling Zhi stood up, instead of going out in a hurry, he turned around and asked.

"What's the point of asking this? Do you know the tourist bases that backpackers like very well? Or do you understand what I'm talking about?

What if I lie to you with my nonsense?

Little girl, you better pay attention to yourself. "

Jin Shu smiled at him.

"I understand human nature."

(End of this chapter)

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