Then she added another sentence.

"I also happen to know some of the local tourist bases."

Ling Zhi glanced at her, turned around and left.

As soon as he left, Xiaowei couldn't wait to ask.

"These are too niche, aren't we? There is a place like Starry Sky Town in our city? Did he lie to us just because he thought we were students?"

Jin Shu didn't say anything, just took out a book from her bag and threw it away.

"Read more books if you have nothing to do."

Xiao Pai hurriedly took the book and read the title.

""A Brief Talk on Culture and Tourism in Province X"?"

Take a look and you will see that they are all tourist attractions in the province. One of the thick catalogs introduces some niche tourist attractions.

Xiaopai looked at the book, which had more than 600 pages, and then looked at Jin Shu's heavy schoolbag, and asked in disbelief.

"Why do you bring this kind of book with you when you have nothing to do?"

"The nursing home expresses condolences to the elderly. These books are given to the elderly."

"This cover has just been opened, right? Have you finished reading it?"

Jin Shu nodded with a calm expression.

Xiaopai's eyes widened, unable to convince himself that Jin Shu could read such a thick book in two days.

"So thick? Have you finished reading it? Can you still remember it? Sister Jin, are you the kind of peerless genius in the novel?"

Jin Shu nodded and said seriously.

"It's obvious."


Forget it, let it be whatever Sister Jin says.

The next person who came in was Liu Wei. The girl was obviously not as restrained as before. After sitting down, she even took out a mirror and fiddled with her bangs.

"Little girl, are you wearing lipstick?"

Jin Shu shook her head.

"Are you a major in archeology?"

Liu Wei looked in the mirror and said casually.

"Sophomore, what's wrong? Are you also interested in archeology?"

"Well, I am indeed interested, so I have a question to ask you."

Liu Wei put down the mirror and looked at Jin Shu.

"Well, tell me."

“What is the archaeological cultural zoning type theory proposed by Su Bingqi?”

Liu Wei was stunned, unintentionally brushed her bangs with her hand, and then laughed.

"Why do you ask these questions?"


"This is all too profound. I'm only a sophomore and haven't learned it yet."

Jin Shu nodded, then slowly raised her hand, fiddling with the copper coin bracelet on her wrist, and giving instructions to Xiao Pai.

"Go and lock the door."

Xiao Pai was confused the whole time, but he still got up obediently and locked the door.

After noticing Jin Shu's expression, he inexplicably felt that something was wrong with the situation. Then he looked at Liu Wei, who was sitting opposite, with a strange smile on his face. In an instant, Xiao Pai knew something was wrong, so he quickly held his head. Squatting in the corner, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible. Liu Wei smiled.

"Little girl, you are very powerful. In order to fool you humans, I deliberately chose a niche major, but I didn't expect that someone would still find out.

You said, why do you have to rush to seek death? Otherwise, you might be able to live one more night? "

Liu Wei's smile got bigger and bigger, the corners of her red mouth continued to curve upwards, and her cheeks slowly cracked, all the way to the base of her ears as the corners of her mouth curved.

Then she suddenly opened her gaping mouth, and a scarlet tongue spit out from it, aiming at Jin Shu's face like a red poisonous tongue.

Jin Shu sat on the bed, motionless. The second before the tongue was about to come close to her, she suddenly raised her hand, grabbed the tongue in front of her, and pulled it back hard with both hands!
She had pulled such a long tongue before, so she was very familiar with pulling it now. Without giving Liu Wei a chance to react, Jin Shu quickly wrapped the pulled tongue around the bed frame, and finally hit a god. The knot that binds the gods cannot be untied.

Liu Wei pushed back hard, but no matter what she did, her tongue wouldn't move at all.

Her eyes widened, and her true identity was revealed in an instant. Just a moment ago, she was a young and beautiful female college student, and the next second she turned into a rotten female corpse with disheveled hair and a blue-black complexion!
She rushed towards Jin Shu, her nails growing rapidly.

Jin Shu got up and ducked flexibly. There was not much room to hide in the narrow box. Liu Wei opened her mouth wide and smiled ferociously, speaking slurred words.

"Let's see where else you can hide!"

After speaking, the sharp nails actually cut off the table leg in the middle of the twin beds, leaving Jin Shu with no last place to hide.

Just when the claws were almost in front of her eyes, Jin Shu instantly bent down and crossed her arms, and then passed between her arms. After a complicated set of movements, Liu Wei His hands were crossed and clasped, and then they were pressed down hard. Finally, his hands were firmly stepped on by Jin Shu.

As for her tongue, it was still tied to the railing. Jin Shu didn't make her feel too comfortable. She grabbed her tongue and continued to pull it out. Liu Wei couldn't even scream.

She never expected that the harmless high school student in front of her would have such great abilities. In addition to being extremely powerful, there was also a force specifically designed to subdue her, making it impossible for her to resist.

Just like that, in less than three minutes, Jin Shu stared at her condescendingly.

"How many more monsters are there?"

"I...I don't know..."

Jin Shu pulled her tongue out another inch.

Liu Wei's face was in pain and the flesh was rotten, and she begged again and again.

"I can't say...I can't say..."

"Can't tell? Forget it."

After saying that, Jin Shu used both hands to pull out the entire base of her tongue.

The next second, Liu Wei's eyes widened, her body collapsed and she was no longer alive.

The whole journey takes less than five minutes.

Quick and clean, it is simply more decisive than killing a fish in RT-Mart.

Xiao Pai, who was trembling in the corner, looked up at Jin Shu, his legs went weak unconsciously, and finally he knelt directly in front of Jin Shu.

"Sister, that's not right... God, which God has appeared to you? Are you the number one martial artist of our time?"

Xiaopai never expected that an ordinary female student who usually had zero presence in the school would turn out to be a female evil star who blocks people and kills people, and ghosts who block and kill ghosts!
The tongue-pulling move just now was silky and smooth, and it looked like his whole body had a smooth bowel movement.

Xiaopai even wondered if this sister was a judge from the underworld who specialized in pulling out the tongues of ghosts in her previous life. Otherwise, how could she be so skilled?
Jin Shu was lowering her head to clean the blood on her hands.

"Come here and take care of these."

"Okay, okay."

Xiaopai rolled and crawled, looking at the tongue that was more than three meters long in front of him, he couldn't help but tremble when he stretched out his hand.

"This knot... I can't untie this knot."

Xiaopai had never seen such a knot before. It looked complicated and exquisite. No matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn't find the right place to start.

Jin Shu glanced at it, then threw the knife over.

"This knot cannot be untied, so just cut it."

(End of this chapter)

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