Are there any unsolvable knots in the world?

Forget it, just do whatever the boss tells you to do.

Looking at Liu Wei lying on the ground with a big mouth and an empty mouth, Xiaopai muttered while working.

"You tell me, why did you mess with her when you had nothing to do? Now you have to hurt me..."

The method of disposal is very simple, just open the window and throw it out.

Now this is only the second time, and a monster has already been discovered.

There are eight more people next.

"Sister, let's continue?"

"Well, continue."

This time Jin Shu changed to a private room and opened the window. At this time, the sound of wind poured in from outside and soon swept away all the smell in the area.

The pregnant woman walked in and asked with a confused look when she saw Jin Shu.

"Where is Xiaowei who I saw coming in just now? Where is she?"

Jin Shu shook her head.

"After asking her, I asked her to go out. She probably went to another place, right, Sister Zhao?"

Sister Zhao smiled.

"My name is Zhao Xiaomei. I live in the countryside of Chengtang. Hey... I didn't want to be hospitalized in advance, but my family insisted on coming, but now..."

The woman covered her face and cried again, stroking her belly with one hand while crying.

Jin Shu stared at her belly with a high school student's curiosity and confusion on her face.

"Sister, you are more than eight months pregnant, right? This is the first time I have seen such a big pregnant belly at such a close distance?"

Sister Zhao greeted Jin Shu directly and enthusiastically.

"You little girls must have never seen her. There are more only children recently, and those who don't have younger siblings at home have no chance to interact with them.

If you touch it, it will still move. "

Jin Shu stood up and walked to her, stretched out her hand and stroked her bulging belly.

Sister Zhao smiled gently.

"The elders in my family say it should be a boy, but I would rather have a girl, who is gentle and quiet.

Oh, by the way, do you have any questions for me? Just ask. "

Jin Shu took back her hand and smiled.

"Just chat casually. Sister Zhao, if you are not feeling well, go back and rest first. We can talk later."

Sister Zhao was a little confused, but she still got up and walked out.

At this time, Xiaopai, who had been standing nearby and ready to close the door at any time, saw this and watched Sister Zhao walk out. After seeing her walk away, he quickly came over to ask.

"What's wrong? Why didn't you ask anything?"

Aren't you allowed to ask a few questions to determine whether it's true or false?

Jin Shu shook her head.

"She has no problem, no need to ask."

"I would like to ask, sister, how do you know she is fine?"

Jin Shu glanced at him.

"I feel that as a mother, she is very qualified. Monsters cannot perform this kind of motherly love."

"Oh, then she's safe."

"Not really."

The platoon was fooled again.

"What do you mean? Yes or no? Sister, please stop beating around the bush with me. My brain is not working well."

Jin Shu sat down, looked down at her hands, and thought about the belly she had just touched.

"There's nothing wrong with her, but there's something wrong with the baby in her belly."

"? There's nothing wrong with the mother, so why would there be something wrong with the child?"

Jin Shu smiled.

"Prove it's smart."

Everyone on the car must have been a normal person before getting on the car, but after stepping on the car door, the monster had already selected the best person, replaced him and blended in. "Okay, let's talk about this later, let the next one come in."

"The following are three students. They are from the same school as Chen Tan. Should they come in together or one by one?"

Jin Shu thought for a while.

"Come in one by one."

There were four students surviving in the car at this time. Chen Tan had nothing to ask, and Jin Shu did not doubt that there was anything wrong with his identity.

There are three students left, two boys and one girl.

The girl was too frightened and couldn't ask anything. Jin Shu didn't waste any more time and opened the door to send her out.

"Don't you need to ask a few more questions?"

It felt like Jin Shu was a class teacher who specifically sought out students to talk to after class. After a few words, she asked her to go back and reflect.

"No problem, anything else to ask?"

The next boy was in the same class as Chen Tan. He was tall, fat and didn't look like anything special.

As soon as he sat down, he showed some impatience.

"I don't understand why everyone wants to play house with you. Come on, ask, and I'll see what you can ask."

"You and Chen Tan are classmates, which means you are also in the science experimental class in your third year of high school."

The boy crossed his legs.

"Well, what's wrong? I also know that you are in the city's first Chinese language class,"

"Then the question I asked will be very simple for you."

Jin Shu paused and continued.

"In a completely inelastic collision, what is the formula that can be obtained according to the law of conservation of kinetic energy when the object speed after the collision is the same?"

The fat man opposite kept shaking his legs:...

The small row huddled in the corner, ready to close the door at any moment:...

"You are a top science student in the experimental class of your senior year in high school. This basic kinetic energy formula in physics shouldn't be a problem for you, right?"

The fat man said nothing.

Xiaopai locked the door silently. This time he learned the lesson and chose to stand outside the door and wait.

After all, the fat man seemed to be much more powerful in combat than that girl, so he couldn't drag Jin Shu down.

The moment the door closed, Fatty slowly stood up and stared at Jin Shu.

"You ask me, and I have to tell you? What if I don't tell you? What? What can you do to me?"

His face came arrogantly close to her, and when he saw Jin Shu sitting there motionless, she even got closer and closer, with an unbridled smile on her face.

Jin Shu said nothing, moved her wrist, then moved her body slightly back, then made a fist with one hand and aimed at the fat man's greasy face, "quickly, accurately and hard" and punched directly!
The force of this punch was not simple. He looked like a human being at first, but half of his face was dented by this punch, and his whole face looked like plasticine smashed on the ground.

The fat man took several steps back, covering his face and looking at Jin Shu in shock.

He was not a human being, so why could Jin Shu, a human being, inflict so much damage on him with a simple punch? !

Before he had time to think about the result, Jin Shu grabbed his collar and pushed him forward, causing the fat man's whole body to rush forward uncontrollably.

"You won't tell? Then I'll beat you until you tell me."

"You want to die, don't you?!"

Jin Shu paused, looked at him, and then smiled.

"Now it seems that you want to die."

After saying that, he punched hard again, this time harder and harder than the previous punch, and he directly knocked the fat man who weighed more than 200 kilograms away and flew to the bed opposite!
The fragile bed made a loud bang.

The fat man was dizzy, and his anger burned instantly!

"My mother and you..."

Before he finished speaking, Jin Shufei rushed over and fell on top of him. She pinched his neck with one hand and continued to hit him with the other.


"What the hell..."


(End of this chapter)

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