Chapter 434: Horror game kills NPC (28)

"He and I……"



"Bang——! Bang——!"

Fatty: Can you fucking let me say a word before I fight?

Jin Shu didn't care, she couldn't care so much. Her seemingly thin body seemed to have the strength of a thousand pounds, pressing hard on the fat man. At first, she had to put a hand against his neck to prevent him from resisting, but now that The fat man's eyes were so beaten that his face was full of rotten flesh. Jin Shu decisively freed up both hands to shoot the bow left and right. The rhythm was more exciting than smashing beef tendon balls.

The small group outside the door didn't know what was going on inside.

But he could vaguely feel the fat guy's despair from the sound of the punch hitting his flesh.

The fat man on the other side was hit hard by the heavy blow like a sudden storm, and soon he was taking in less air and outgoing more air.

"Stop...stop fighting..."

Jin Shu suddenly stopped and looked at the mess of meat in front of her indifferently.

"Let me ask you a question, will there be others of your kind next?"

The fat man looked at the vague voice in front of him with his eyes that could only open a slit.

Although he couldn't see clearly, the cold evil aura on the opponent's body was enough to make him tremble.

"Yes... yes."

"who is it?"

"I...can't say."

Jin Shu gave it another punch with no expression on her face. The fat man covered his face and started to cry in despair and grievance.

"Stop fighting... Why don't you give me a break... Why does your fist hurt so much..."

Logically speaking, human attacks cannot cause any harm to it. No matter how hard a fist falls on it, it will be no more than a drizzle.

But the weird thing is that the little girl in front of her is small but powerful. Every punch seems to be added with a demon-suppressing buff and a pain buff. It hurts so much that it wants to faint in the next second.

It's a pity that Jin Shu didn't give it this chance at all.

Are you fainting? It doesn't matter, I'll knock you awake again with the next punch.

Under this fierce attack, Fatty wanted to commit suicide directly on the spot.

"It's not that I didn't tell's that I told you that I will die, and I will die miserably."

Jin Shu lowered her eyes and looked at him, with a hint of cruelty in the calm calmness in her eyes.

"Then do you think you will die miserably next?"

"I'm just a little guy, what's the point of you all bullying me!
I just wanted to eat more food in the car. Is it easy for me to meet someone in the car?

Sister, just let me go, I promise never to do bad things again..."

"It is God's business to forgive you. I am only responsible for sending you to see God."

After saying that, Jin Shu punched her again with a cold face.

With this punch, she didn't give it any chance to struggle for mercy, and directly smashed its head.

Xiaopai opened the door and came in. When he saw the scene in front of him, he turned around and went out, then bent down and opened his mouth.


"Come in and take care of it."

"Sister, wait, vomit - wait a moment, I'll, vomit -, go in right away."

So disgusting, so scary, so exciting.

Children who grew up under the red flag have experienced so many Internet cleaning operations. When have they ever seen such bloody scenes?

Jin Shu narrowed her eyes and looked at this scene. She had been used to it for a long time, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with the scene in front of her. However, it was obvious that it was still difficult for ordinary people to accept it.

So did she force Xiaopai to open the window and clean up by herself?

These "non-human beings" had already selected their parasitic targets as early as the first batch of people got on the bus.

The fat man in front of me was indeed a living person before, but since the moment he was parasitized, he has been dead.

Jin Shu threw her body out of the car window.

Just wipe the dirt splashed on the wall with a sheet.

After ventilating the smell, Jin Shu smelled it and felt that it was not a big problem, so she asked Xiaopai to continue calling the next one. "Okay, vomit—I'll go right away, vomit—"

The next girl who came in was fine and showed the basic qualities of a top student in a dangerous situation.

Soon Xiaodeng led the little girl out.

The girl's face was a little pale, and she frequently looked back at Jin Shu behind her, and then asked in a low voice.

"Is it useful for her to do this?"

Xiaopai looked confident.

"Don't worry, it's very useful."

"Now, have you found out who is the monster?"

Xiao Pai smiled and pretended to be mysterious.

"You'll know later. Don't worry. You're lucky to have met us. You'll be able to sleep well from now on!"

The girl went back dubiously.

The small platoon followed her back to their seats, and then patted the last student on the shoulder.

"Hey, classmate, it's your turn next, come and have a chat with us."

The boy sat motionless at first, then Xiaopai let out a "tsk" and urged.

"Hurry up. If you're late, I can't guarantee what she will do to you."

"What to do to me?"

The boy spoke in a low voice but his words were extremely clear, allowing everyone present to clearly hear what he was saying.

Xiaopai frowned and looked at him.

"Why don't you listen to my advice? Hurry up, you are the only one left."

At this time, the country couple looked at each other in confusion, and then the woman asked timidly.

"What about us?"

Xiaopai glanced at them and waved his hands.

"You don't have to."

At this time, the girl who had just returned asked curiously.

"Why don't they use it?"

Xiaopai spread his hands and shrugged.

"If Jin Shu says you don't need it, then you don't need it."

At this time, Lexin, who had been sitting silently in the corner, suddenly said something.

"She said no, so she didn't use it? Is she some kind of authoritative master?"

Xiaopai stared at her with deep disgust and disdain in his eyes. Looking at her was no different from looking at a cockroach flying around.

"You talk so much nonsense, but it really doesn't make you full!"

Lexin's face looked ugly as he was choked.

After Xiaopai got to know her as a person, he spared no face for her and became passionate.

"You're awesome, then go and get it appraised. Don't do nothing but eat and talk empty talk. Is that interesting to you? Tsk, I'm annoyed when I see you."

So many people died!
Why doesn't she die? !
Lexin's face was very dark. Seeing her like this made Xiaopai happy.

"Hey, are you leaving?"

Lexin looked at Xiao Pai intently on the sidelines. The boy in front of him was not as thin and pale as he looked on the surface. After all, the scene where he killed him with one blow still makes Lexin tremble with fear when he thinks about it.

The next second, the boy slowly stood up and walked towards the box where Jin Shu was.

Lexin endured the excitement in his heart and found the right opportunity to stand up.

"If you don't want to go, you don't have to go. I believe you are not a monster."

She vaguely knew that the big boss hated being treated like a monster.

Since they couldn't beat it, Lexin simply chose to join.

No matter what, stand unswervingly behind him, trust him and protect him regardless of anything.

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