Chapter 438: Horror game kills NPC (32)

The woman's expression was in a trance, looking at Jin Shu as if she had lost her soul, but her eyes became hollow and numb. She was recalling that she was indeed holding a little child in her arms, crying heartbreakingly.

She cried for a long time, until the child in her arms gradually became stiff, until the bedroom door was opened, and a group of people rushed in and snatched her child away...

"They took my baby... they took him away."

"Who stole it?"

"My man, my mother-in-law, my mother, my father...many people, many people came."

Jin Shu squatted down and her voice gradually became softer, like gurgling water, guiding the woman's thoughts bit by bit.

"Why would they take your child?"

"Because of them...because of them..."

Yes, why would they take away their children?
A large piece of chaotic memory was suddenly stuffed into my mind.

She suddenly remembered that the child she was holding in her arms had turned blue and stiff.

The people who took away her child were still shouting loudly.

"You wake up!! The child has been gone for three days!"

"I know you feel uncomfortable, but you also want your child to be buried as soon as possible!"

"If it doesn't work, just snatch the child away. If this continues, the child will be stifled by her!"

"Forget it, I can't explain the truth, just do it. Grab the child and throw it into the woods behind the mountain. This child has no name and no surname when he is born. He cannot be cremated. If he is cremated, it will also affect our family's fortune!"

"Grab it! Steal it directly!"

The woman covered her head and screamed loudly, as if she had once again experienced the pain of her child being robbed. She clutched her clothes tightly and screamed back, wailing and pleading.

"Don't throw my child into the woods! Don't throw my child into the woods!!"

It's all their fault! !

It's all their fault that they arrived too late, so their child died!
She clearly heard from friends in the city that people who gave birth in the city had to go to the hospital in advance to wait for delivery.

Why couldn't she be hospitalized earlier? If she could stay in the hospital, would her child not have died? !

"Ah——!! My child was killed by them, my child was killed by them!!"

The woman is completely crazy.

In other words, she has been crazy.

Jin Shu looked at her, her voice still calm and powerful.

"Your family members all thought you were crazy. Your husband didn't want a crazy woman, but he couldn't afford to marry a normal woman. So, shortly after your miscarriage, he took you on the train into the city and sent you there. You go to the doctor.

Do you remember these? "

The woman was grabbing her hair, her face was messy, and her hair was stained with tears, making her look crazy and desperate.

"He brought me here... Yes, he brought me to see a doctor... Wuwuwu, he didn't bring me to the hospital to give birth to a baby. My baby is gone. He brought me to see a doctor...

My child, he killed my child.

If he dies well, he deserves to die! ! "

The woman told everything herself and got the answer. Jin Shu slowly stood up and looked at everyone.

"Did you hear that?"

Everyone in the train was silent at this time.

Lexin retorted unwillingly.

"Can you have some logic before you make up a story? Her belly is so big, how could she not be pregnant!

Jin Shu, what on earth did you do to her? ! "

"She has a big belly, does that mean she is pregnant? Did any of you see whether she had a belly when she first got in the car?"

Who saw it? No one was seen.

A pregnant woman who was about to give birth claimed that her husband had brought her to the city to give birth to the baby.

No one would doubt it.

After all, her belly is so big.

Chen Tan: "But if she wasn't pregnant, her belly would be so big..."

"It's what you've always wanted to find."

Chen Tan's pupils trembled, obviously he couldn't believe it.

Everything Jin Shu said was too unbelievable, but what he saw in front of him forced him to believe it.

Crazy Sister Zhao.

And her stomach, which had suddenly emptied overnight.

Jin Shu looked at Sister Zhao and wrote lightly.

"Her obsession attracted monsters, and her belly became the perfect hiding place.

Because she is crazy, even if her belly gets bigger again, she will weave a perfect excuse for herself.

As for her husband, he should be the first meal of the monster in her belly. "

Lexin sneered from the side.

"Do you think your categorical words can cover up the painful experiences you have fabricated about other people's past without any basis or evidence?"

The small platoon's fists are already ready to move.

Jin Shu was calm.

"Last night, a diagnosis sheet from a rural hospital was found in her box, which described her condition as delusional, crazy, and violent.

The man who was reluctant to go to the hospital even to give birth had only one possibility to bring her to the city this time, and that was to treat her so-called madness.

There were also a lot of clothes for the little girl in her bag, packed in plastic bags. There were also a lot of home-grown peanuts and soybeans next to the bags, which showed that she planned to visit relatives when she went to the city.

This relative of hers should have just given birth to a baby not long ago. According to the month, her relative and her pregnancy should be about the same time.

Therefore, the due date she just mentioned, and things like going to the hospital to give birth to a baby, should be the process of giving birth to a baby for her relative.

So when she went to the city this time, she went crazy thinking that she was going to have a baby, so her husband took her to the hospital.

In fact, judging from the mess of prescriptions and borrowed change in her husband's bag, he was here to take her to see a doctor.

In the countryside, where there are more men than women, marrying a daughter-in-law is equivalent to taking away more than half of the family property.

So her man did a little weighing and it became clear that taking her to the doctor was the most cost-effective option. "

Jin Shu's voice was calm, her logic was clear, and the cause and effect were perfectly connected. Coupled with Sister Zhao's revelations in a few words and the evidence in her hand, a tragic story from the past was clearly presented before her eyes.

Everyone was silent.

Lexin's face tightened, and his mind was still racing, how to find Jin Shu's loophole.

It was a pity that she knew deep down that what Jin Shu said was probably true.

This pregnant Sister Zhao is actually a lunatic.

And the child in her belly is a man-eating monster.

At this time, Yan Lu, who had been looking down and wearing headphones, slowly raised his head, his dull eyes began to focus, and he took a serious look at Jin Shu.

There were many incomprehensible expressions in his eyes.

At this time, Chen Tan glanced at Sister Zhao and then sighed.

"I didn't expect...Sister Zhao has always been optimistic and cheerful. Her husband is also gentle and considerate. Everyone is looking forward to the birth of the child in her belly. Unexpectedly..."

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