Chapter 439: Horror game kills NPC (33)

Jin Shu's tone was calm.

"Immersing yourself in a world you have built is naturally blissful."

Lexin: "Then why do you have to put the bloody reality in front of her again? Why do you have to open her wounds that are about to heal?"

Before Jin Shu could say anything, Xiaopai rushed up and raised his fist and hit the wall next to Lexin.

"Are you a fucking idiot? Besides carrying me around all day long, what else do you know?
how? Your Holy Mother, you are great. When the child in her belly comes out and gnaws at your head, you'd better keep the kindness you are now! "

No one spoke for Lexin.

Her expression was extremely embarrassing, but looking at the fierce look on Xiao Pai's face, Lexin had the good sense not to confront him head-on.

It doesn't matter, even if you find a freak.

The people in this car will die sooner or later.


"I'm curious about something. How did you know that her baby was thrown into the woods after the miscarriage?"

Several people locked Sister Zhao into the box. Jin Shu, Chen Tan and others stood outside the box discussing Sister Zhao's affairs.

Chen Tan, who had always had a good relationship with Sister Zhao, frowned and couldn't help but ask questions.

Jin Shu looked down at her hands. Her fingertips were white and tender, and her nail beds were healthy.

"Have you seen Sister Zhao's hand?"

Chen Tan thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"I didn't seem to notice it."

"I saw that nearly eight of her ten nails were broken.

It can be seen that it was broken when cutting hard objects.

At that time, I happened to read a novel about folk customs from various places, and it was mentioned in it that the village in Sister Zhao's hometown had the bad habit of abandoning babies.

Children who die in the belly do not belong to this world, so local villagers believe that such children cannot be reincarnated.

There is a pine forest in the local area, and children who die in infancy are buried in that forest.

Thinking about this custom and seeing Sister Zhao's nails, everything becomes clear. "

Chen Tan was silent for a long time.

It seems easy to guess what Jin Shu said, but no one has such detailed insight.

The Xiao Pai on the side sighed.

"Looking at it this way, Sister Zhao is also a pitiful person. This pregnancy has actually become her spiritual support.

Now what? Sister Jin, where did that little monster go? "

Jin Shu looked at the window in front of her.

"In a corner of the carriage."

"I think we should find it as soon as possible to avoid hurting anyone again."

Jin Shu: "No, it will come back on its own."

"Will be back?"

Everyone was a little worried. When they thought that the man-eating monster was somewhere around them, they couldn't help but feel a chill on their backs.

Jin Shu nodded.

"Of course, since it chose to become a baby that relied on the mother's body at the beginning, it was well hidden. But as a baby, how can it be separated from its mother? The mother's body is the place that can truly protect it."

It was still early now, so Jin Shu was not in a hurry, so she went to the restaurant to have some food first.

The two people who were missing yesterday, Liu Wei and the fat man, everyone vaguely knew what happened to these two people. Because of this, everyone looked at Jin Shu with a hint of awe in their eyes. When eating, Jin Shu can choose what she wants to eat. After she has finished choosing, others will start to get their own food.

During this period, backpacker Ling Zhi took the initiative to ask Jin Shu.

"I know you are a capable person, so I want to ask, besides those three, is there that thing among us now?"

Having said that, everyone can still be prepared.

Jin Shu nodded while eating the bread.

"Yes, I have."

At this time, the others obviously stopped eating.

Xiaopai widened his eyes, glanced around, and then silently leaned towards Jin Shu and William.

"Really? Is it true?"

Jin Shu nodded, then looked at Yan Lu in the corner who was still wearing headphones.

"Yan Lu, what do you think? Are there any monsters here?"

Yan Lu raised his head, looked at Jin Shu quietly, and then opened his lips and smiled.

"I don't know, you know what?"

Jin Shu stood up, opened the table, turned her wrist, and waved to Xiao Pai.

As soon as Xiaopai saw this gesture, he stuffed the last piece of bread into his mouth, then without hesitation pulled William and Chen Tan and retreated out the door.

At this time, anyone with a brain would realize that something was wrong, and Ling Zhi and the couple left the restaurant with great regret.

In the end, there were three people left, Jin Shu, Yan Lu, and Lexin, who was sitting motionless next to Yan Lu.

"You won't run?"

Yan Lu looked at her.

Lexin shook his head and still stood beside him stubbornly.

"I'm not running, why should I run?"

"Because I am the monster."

After saying that, Yan Lu's already pale face quickly turned into an even paler face, with deep-set eye sockets and thick black around the eye sockets. Only black remained in the entire eyeballs. The shape of his face also changed, and his chin became more pointed. Thin, the lips were bright red as if they were stained with blood.

Lexin's heart was beating wildly.

She will never forget this face!
The first time, she died under this ghost face, in pain and despair.

This time, she must not make the same mistake again. Since she can't defeat him, she will change her approach and stand firmly behind him to influence him!
"So what if you are a monster? You have been trapped on this train for life and death, and have been ravaged and killed by players countless times. Who will seek justice for you!"

Lexin said firmly, which directly moved Jin Shu across from him.

It's great that there are still people in this world who can sympathize with murderous NPCs.

Jin Shu, who had been an NPC before, was moved anyway, but the ghost-faced boy opposite was obviously hard-hearted.

He smiled at Lexin with an unknown meaning.

"You are so kind to me. Well, just stand here and take a good look at how I took out her heart and swallowed it."

After saying that, the figure of the ghost-faced boy disappeared like a ghost, and then appeared behind Jin Shu like a ghost.

He stretched out his sharp claws and dug straight into Jin Shu's back where her heart was.

Just when he was about to succeed, Jin Shu suddenly turned around and threw out the copper coins on his bracelet.

The copper coin hit the ghost-faced boy's hand hard, and black smoke flew out in an instant. The ghost-faced boy's hand was quickly burned and shrunk like cotton wrapped in magma!

Ghost Face instantly retracted his hand, but the copper coin seemed to be imprinted on his palm, and he couldn't shake it off!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jin Shu pulled out the long thread left from last night's stomach sew, pulled out the ghost-faced boy's hand and wrapped it around hard!
The pale ghost face roared at Jin Shu, and then stretched out its ghost claws to grab hard in the air!
The next second, the space distorted, and the grim-faced boy disappeared, along with a piece of Lexin.

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