Chapter 440: Horror game kills NPC (34)

Jin Shu stood there, thinking about the ghost-faced boy who disappeared out of thin air, and smiled slightly.

"No wonder he is called the big boss of this article. He does have more amazing skills than other monsters..."

Flash and teleport, this skill is basically invincible on this train.

After a while, Jin Shu opened the door and went out, finding everyone waiting outside.

Xiao Pai looked behind Jin Shu, then looked her up and down.

"Are you OK?"


"What about him...him?"

Jin Shu shook her head.


"Gone? We are all guarding outside. It's just this door. Where can he go?"

Jin Shu said casually: "Anywhere in the train, who knows."

"What about Lexin? Is she dead?"

"Not yet, but it will be soon."

Xiaopai frowned, feeling a little confused, but he was used to half understanding and half understanding what Jin Shu said, so he didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, Chen Tan came over holding the little girl's hand.

"Sister Zhao is going crazy again. She doesn't know what's going on. She keeps screaming. Jin Shu, do you want to go take a look?"

At this time, the woman in the country couple beside them suddenly said something.

"Isn't this just a crazy disease after giving birth to a baby? There is no cure. There are also many people in our village who go crazy after giving birth and have constant convulsions after giving birth. There is nothing that can be done about it, and there is no use caring about her."

"That's not called madness."

Jin Shu looked at the woman and spoke word by word.

“Some are postpartum depression, which cannot be treated and gradually develop other symptoms, such as bipolar disorder, etc.

Yes, it is postpartum epilepsy, because giving birth will bring various postpartum side effects to the mother.

Both of these are not serious diseases, and they just need to be hospitalized for treatment as soon as possible.

Don't make them crazy, they are just sick.

If you are sick, you only need to see a doctor. "

The woman was stunned for a moment, then murmured softly.

"We all came here this way, and everyone said so, madness cannot be cured..."

"There are not so many diseases that cannot be cured in the world. It just depends on whether you want to cure them or not."

After saying that, Jin Shu walked straight to the door and opened it.

Sister Zhao's feet were tied to the bedside, and she was tearing them apart at the moment.

But the knot was tied by Jin Shu, how could a woman untie it?

"Let me go!! Let me go!!"

Sister Zhao screamed heart-breakingly. The sound made everyone moved, but everyone knew what would happen to her if she was let go.

Chen Tan covered the ears of the little girl in his arms and squatted beside her, not daring to look any further.

Jin Shu directly took a bench and sat next to it. The woman cried and wailed for a long time, scolding and begging for a while, saying all the good and bad things, but in the end Jin Shu still showed no response.

After a long time, she finally stopped exhausted.

It was late at night again, and the other people squatting beside him were so sleepy that they couldn't even open their eyes.

After another hour or so, people were already lying around beside the door. Jin Shu sat on a chair and leaned against the wall with her eyes closed.

A faint smell seemed to come from the window. It was so light that it was difficult to notice.

Jin Shu, who seemed to be sleeping with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Chen Tan, who was lying on the ground sleeping opposite, and the big-headed little monster lying on him at the moment with his fangs open and ready to open his mouth.

At this time, the lights in the corridor were completely extinguished. Jin Shu looked at the time, then directly picked up the stool under her and slammed it!

The little monster was about to run away like a rat, but when he turned around, he found Jin Shu blocking the exit. In front of him was the end of the corridor, with open doors on both sides. The little monster turned around without hesitation and rushed towards Enter the room where Sister Zhao is.

Sister Zhao, who was exhausted at this time, opened her eyes as if she had sensed something. When she saw a group of little monsters covered in blood, with big heads, small bodies, and mouths full of fangs, rushing toward her, she didn't even notice at all. He was so scared that he even opened his hands and looked at it with a tearful smile.

"Come, come to mom."

The little monster ran on its hands and feet, rushing towards the woman's belly.

At this time, everyone had been awakened by the movement just now. As soon as they woke up, they saw the bloody little monster running towards Sister Zhao's belly.

"Jin Shu! Stop it quickly!"

The people behind urged.

If it crawls into Sister Zhao's belly, it will be difficult to handle next.

Unless it comes out voluntarily, if you want to get rid of this little monster, you have to disembowel Sister Zhao.

No one wants to do this, so it’s better to take advantage of this opportunity and kill the little monster quickly.

However, Jin Shu stood there steadily, watching the little monster rush to Sister Zhao, who took the initiative to lift her clothes...

However, just when the little monster was about to get in, the moment it was close to the woman's belly, it seemed to have touched an invisible wall, and its entire body was directly ejected!

The little monster screamed and rushed towards the belly again with all its strength. However, the result was the same, it was bounced out again.

Sister Zhao looked at this scene with panicked eyes, opened her belly, and said tremblingly.

"What's wrong, kid? What's wrong with you? Come into mommy's belly. Come on, mommy will protect you."

The little monster was thrown and rolled several times. The body, which was already extremely weak due to being separated from the mother's body for too long, is now even more shriveled. The blood all over the body has dried up. The body is more like a dried raisin, and the whole body is wrinkled.

It growled at Sister Zhao, pointed at her belly, and grinned like a dog barking at its owner.

Sister Zhao lowered her head in panic and looked at her belly.

Only then did she notice that there seemed to be a small seam on her belly. This seam was sewn from the inside of her belly. From the outside, she couldn't see any traces of wiring. She couldn't even tell if she didn't look carefully. Sewn.

She looked sharply at Jin Shu, her eyes full of hatred and resentment.

"You want to break up our mother and son!! You also want to take my child away!!"

Jin Shu's technique of moving needles under the flesh had been mastered in the previous worlds, so Sister Zhao didn't even notice that there was a long line in her belly.

And that thread was the coil worn on Jin Shu's wrist.

Having followed Jin Shu in battles all year round, he has long been immune to evil spirits. Even evil spirits who have practiced for thousands of years can be subdued, let alone this little monster with a big booger.

Just take one of the thousands of threads in the thread to keep the little monster away from the mother's belly.

"Ah——!! Mom——!!"

The little monster was extremely weak. He looked at the belly but couldn't get in, so he burst into tears. The word "Mom" could be clearly heard in the sad and gentle cry.

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