Chapter 441: Horror game kills NPC (35)

Now Sister Zhao couldn't hold herself any longer.

She started to cry loudly, and her hands actually pulled up her belly, and along the well-hidden line, she started to tear it from left to right!

The belly was overflowing with blood crazily, making the people outside the door tremble with fear and numbness.

And the little monster crawled towards the belly little by little, staring at nothing else but Sister Zhao's belly and the human blood on her belly.

It is so hungry that as long as it returns to the belly, it can continue to parasitize in the mother's body. Even if it cannot come out, it can absorb the blood from the mother's body at any time.

This is why from the moment it saw Sister Zhao and felt her pain and despair, it chose to become a parasitic monster in her belly without hesitation.

Because it knows that women will protect themselves at all costs, and women will continuously provide themselves with the freshest blood.

It's going back...

It will stay in that belly forever.

Sister Zhao's hands were covered with blood, but there was a smile on her face, as if she didn't feel any pain at all, and her eyes were full of children crawling towards her.

"Come, come to mother, good boy, mother and you will never be separated..."

However, before he finished speaking, the little monster's body was already stepped on by Jin Shu.

Mother's love is great and truly touching to watch.

But if you release your ignorant and blind maternal love towards a bloodthirsty monster, knowing that it loves human blood the most and has killed so many innocent lives in the car, but you still stupidly want to protect it and favor it...

Seeing such maternal love is really disgusting.

Jin Shu was so hard-hearted that she completely ignored Sister Zhao's screams and pleas. She lifted the little monster's legs with one hand, pulled off a thin wire from the bracelet coil and tied up its hands and feet directly.

Xiaopai walked up to Jin Shu and whispered.

"Go out and deal with it, she is also a poor person."

Jin Shu raised her eyes and glanced at him, without saying anything, she carried the little monster and walked out.

At this time, the woman was still tearing at her belly frantically, but Chen Tan and others held her down.

When Jin Shu came back, Sister Zhao had been beaten unconscious.

Xiaopai said helplessly.

"There is no other way. She can only calm down if she faints, so I have no choice but to take action."

Jin Shu nodded.

"well done."

"Hehe... didn't I learn this from you? What about the little monster? How to deal with it?"


How long can a baby's body last after being separated from the mother's body for too long without eating?

It would burp on its own without Jin Shu having to do anything.

" could this happen? These monsters are so bad! Sister Zhao was so mentally unstable. Now that she is better, she feels the pain of having her child robbed again."

“I have no time to care about other people’s suffering, everything I do is to survive for myself.

It is better to take care of yourself than to pity others. Everyone has their own destiny. No one can save her except herself now. "

Jin Shu's indifference frightened Xiao Pai.

It seemed that the tragic human event that happened in front of her was like a child playing house in her eyes, and it did not cause any emotional ups and downs in her.

Xiao Pai hesitated to speak, and finally smiled.

"Yes, when will my mental state be as far ahead as yours?"

Take care of yourself and respect the fate of others.

"Just live a few more years."

"Forget it, let's not talk about her. There is still one monster left. I'm wondering if we have to find all the monsters and kill them before we can successfully pass the level and leave?"

Instead of worrying about Sister Zhao, it is better to worry about your own fate. They didn't know what monsters and monsters were waiting for them in the car.

Jin Shu turned around, picked a room, walked in, and yawned.

"That's right. No matter how many things there are, let's go to bed first."

Here, cherish every minute and second you can get to sleep.

Here Jin Shu took care of herself and went to bed after washing up. It would definitely be a peaceful night tonight, so she had no intention of waking up in the middle of the night. She simply put on her blindfold, closed the door, and started the most enjoyable session in the past few days. Fall asleep.

At this time, in an abandoned utility room at the end of the train, the smell of burning mixed with the smell of blood filled the cramped utility room.

A dim yellow light swayed overhead.

The ghost-faced boy sat in the corner, looking down at his right hand, which had been corroded by copper coins and was about to completely rot. The ghostly aura on his body became more and more intense.

Lexin, who was on the side, endured the unpleasant smell, found something for bandaging, and squatted in front of the ghost-faced boy.

"Let me help you take care of your wounds."

Ghost Face allowed her to wipe the iodine on the wound, looking at her serious expression and the worry in her eyes when she raised her eyes from time to time.

"Are you worried about me?"


"Why, I'm just a monster."

Lexin raised her eyes and looked at him seriously.

"I don't think you're a monster, and I don't think you did anything wrong.

This world is not just a human world, this world also belongs to you.

In our world, we are the masters, killing other creatures at will.

But on this train, in this game, you are the masters. You are just doing what you should do. This is the law of the world, and there is nothing right or wrong. "


The ghost-faced boy smiled, his face seemed a little more gentle.

Lexin was slightly excited because she seized the opportunity to get along with the big boss. She believed that after tonight, she would gain the trust and dependence of the big boss in front of her...

"You and that Jin Shu are classmates?"


"What do you know about her?"

When Jin Shu was mentioned again, Lexin was a little reluctant, but she knew that only if the big boss knew more about Jin Shu, he would be able to get rid of her with ease.

"I don't know much about her. Before, she was a transparent figure in the class and had no sense of existence.

After getting in the car this time, she seemed to have changed. She looked a little smarter than before, mainly because her force value had become much higher.

In the first few carriages, she didn't seem to be afraid of these monsters in the car...your kind.

So I'm guessing whether she has any game skills or talents. If you can find out her skills and talents, you might be able to kill her easily. "

Ghost Face listened carefully as Lexin told him everything he knew, fearing that if he missed something, Jin Shu could live for two more days.

"Well, what you said is really useful to me."

"I will help you. I will always be on your side and help you."

Ghost Face smiled and looked at her.

"You're willing to help me with anything, right?"

Lexin nodded with a firm tone.

"Yes, I do."

"That's great, just right. I need you to do me one last favor now..."

Lexin was wondering about the meaning of this word, when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his heart!

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