Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 451: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Jin Shu fumbled for the small bulging bag in her hand, frowning slightly, and then a memory came to her.

The original owner, who was in love with Li Yong, came up with a radical solution after careful consideration.

Taking a different approach, she planned to directly drug Li Yong and then fulfill her wish.

After thinking of this memory, Jin Shu had a headache.

As expected of the vicious female supporting character in this article who has no brains, this kind of method can be thought of by her and it really suits her character.

Of course, there is still Fengxia next to Wolong.

Jin Shouan, who can help his sister buy this kind of medicine, is not an easy person.

The county magistrate and his wife, one is honest and honest, the other is shrewd and intelligent.

The two loved each other for a lifetime and gave birth to three idiots.

Really, it is not a loss at all for the county magistrate's family to be reduced to the point of being beheaded.

Li Yong was indeed unlucky.

I originally wanted to hide in this small place for a while, and then return strongly after the situation in North Korea and China stabilized.

Unexpectedly, he had just left the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den. There was Jin Shu beside him. She stared at him covetously all day long, sarcastically racking her brains and trying to eat him up.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu threw the medicine directly on the table.

"Before, I was not clear-headed, but now I understand, forceful melons are not sweet."

"But you said it yourself, a strong melon can quench your thirst."

"I'm suddenly not thirsty now."

"Sister, are you really sick? Why are you different from before?"

The original owner's obsession with Li Yong can be said to be obsessive, and others can't help but sympathize with Li Yong.

Now he suddenly wakes up and speaks. Although he doesn't know how long this wakefulness will last, for Jin Shu, who was already terminally ill, it is like a comeback.

Therefore, Jin Shouan was worried about whether Jin Shu had been lowered.

"younger sister……"

"If you say one more word, I'll tell Mom about how you lost money in a cricket fight."

"Sister, you have a good rest. I'm going to do something for you right now."

Jin Shu was not worried that Jin Shou'an would embezzle the five hundred taels. She had lived in a wealthy family since she was a child and had little money. Although Jin Shou'an was usually a bit domineering, he would never engage in this kind of petty theft. .

Early the next morning, Jin Shouan came to Jin Shu's door early. After sitting down, he took a big gulp of water and then patted the table.

"What a weird thing! There are people trying to snatch things like rice, noodles, salt and oil from me!
If I hadn't still had some status in He'an County, I almost wouldn't have been able to buy five hundred taels of grain! "

"Well done, this is your reward."

Jin Shu threw a golden peanut over, and Jin Shou'an's eyes lit up with joy.

"Good sister, you are really my good sister! If you have any other instructions, just tell me!"

Jin Shu did have some things to ask him to do.

"Are there any farmers whose leases have expired recently?"

"Why are you asking this? My mother is managing these, and I don't know."

"Go and inquire for me, and if you have any, keep it for me."

"What do you want the land for?"

"Grow food."


Jin Shu thought that her temper would come out every once in a while. Jin Shou'an didn't ask any more questions and agreed readily.

"Okay, I'll help you talk to your mother, why don't you ask yourself?"

"I just had a fight with my mother a while ago, and it didn't work well if I went to tell her. You have a sweet mouth, and you are perfect for being a peacemaker."

"Hehe, as expected, this family will break up if I leave!"

The purchasing power of five hundred taels of gold can be said to be quite amazing at this time.

With enough grain in hand, Jin Shu didn't worry about starving to death during the three-year drought.

In addition, Jin will definitely also hoard food. According to her temperament, the food she hoards will only be more than what Jin Shu buys.

As for the land matter, with Jin Shou'an's persuasion, he succeeded in retaining more than ten acres of land in the suburbs.

Although I don’t know what Jin Shu is going to do, as long as my sister likes it, it doesn’t matter if it’s just for digging in the mud.

In just three days since she came to this world, Jin Shu has been busy all day without touching the ground. After all, some things cannot be delayed, and it is better to do it sooner rather than later.

Summer has passed in He'an County, but the weather that should have cooled down has not cooled down for a long time. Even the temperature at noon is even more unbearable than during the hot summer.

Jin Shu rode a small sedan to the outskirts. She had poor eyesight and needed help from others when she went out. The maid with a shrill voice before had been rushed to the kitchen as a stove maid by Jin Shu in just a few words, and now she was responsible for supporting her. Jin Shu's is a maid she just bought.

This little girl cost Jin Shou'an four taels of silver. She was very clever and good at observing people's emotions. It happened that Jin Shu was lacking someone to take care of her, so Jin Shou'an immediately sent someone to her.

This maid was really steady, and she didn't say a single word that she shouldn't have said along the way. Jin Shu only had to raise her hand slightly, and the maid immediately helped her up.

It was already evening, but the weather was still unbearably hot. When Jin Shu was helped to walk down to the ground, the ground under her feet had been dried and cracked by the sun.

It's already the time of autumn harvest, but in this weather, without the last rain for irrigation, it will be difficult to harvest food in the fields.

Everyone thinks this kind of weather is strange, but few people take it seriously and just treat it as a coincidence.

But Jin Shu knew that this severe drought had just begun.

She walked into the field. Because the land was far away from the lake and the soil was hard, the previous farmer had canceled the lease after the lease expired.

Anyway, it was empty, so Jin let Jin Shu do whatever he wanted this time.

"Miss, there are pits under your feet, please walk slowly."

Jin Shouan gave this maid an elegant name, Luzhu.

When passing by a pothole, Lu Zhu thoughtfully picked up rocks and blocked the pothole under Jin Shu's feet to prevent her from accidentally spraining her foot.

Jin Shu nodded. The embroidered soft-soled shoes under her feet stepped on the ground, and the soles of her feet were a little painful.

She slowly bent down, squatted on the ground and grabbed a handful of soil, crushed a piece into her fingers and rubbed it gently. Then she raised her hand and put it under her nose to smell it.

Seeing Jin Shu nodding towards the handful of soil in her hand, the taciturn Lu Zhu couldn't help but be curious.

"Miss, what does this soil smell like?"

"There are many things in the soil that cannot be seen with the naked eye."

Lu Zhu glanced at Jin Shu and secretly felt that the young lady in front of her was different from the one in the rumors.

Every word and deed is calm and steady, Orchid is demure.

Sure enough, the rumors were not believable. When the little sister who was bought heard that she was assigned to serve in Jin Shu's room, everyone secretly laughed at her for her bad luck.

"Grab a handful of soil and take it back to me."


Luzhu obediently followed the instructions and used his purse to hold the soil.

(End of this chapter)

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