Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 452: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

As soon as I returned home, the maid in the courtyard came to report.

"Miss, Mr. Wu wants to tell you something, so he has sent a servant to invite you over."

This maid was arranged by the original owner to take care of Li Yong. At that time, the original owner was crazy and worried that the beautiful maid would also delay the relationship between himself and Li Yong, so he deliberately chose an ordinary-looking maid with an average figure, but her hands and feet were quite agile.

It was well known in the whole house that Jin Shu could not see clearly, so when Lu Zhu found out that the maid in the courtyard would secretly laugh in front of Jin Shu, and even rolled her eyes to express dissatisfaction.

She just frowned, but as soon as Jin Shu walked into the room, the maid pulled her directly to the side.

"Are you new here? I've never seen you before."

"Well, he's new to the house this month."

"No wonder, you were unhappy just now when you saw me rolling my eyes and making faces at your master?"

Luzhu stopped talking, just stood quietly with his head lowered, doing his duty as a slave.

"You don't have to pretend to be honest with me here, we all know what she is like.

You have a domineering personality, shouting at your servants at every turn, and punishing you if you don't go your way. Am I right in saying this? "

Luzhu frowned and looked at her.

"We are all people of the present, and we will never be able to turn over or cross the dragon gate in this life. Since we have been assigned such a difficult master, we must work together and deal with the outside world as one.

She is blind and has a bad temper, so all the maids in Haitang Garden dislike her.

She can't see her anyway, so as long as you don't make a sound, you can do whatever you want and do whatever you want.

If she punishes you severely, throwing two stones at her feet, or throwing some mortar when she falls, you will feel better when you see her suffer! "

Luzhu was shocked when he heard this, and even couldn't believe it.

Now that there is a drought in the north, there are constant refugees, and everyone is in danger. Being selected to buy into the county magistrate's house is already a virtue accumulated by the ancestors. It is a blessing that has been cultivated for hundreds of years. Like other brothers and sisters in the family, they do not have to marry and have children and suffer the hardships of their husband's family. Either he will be sold as a coolie to others and be trampled on for the rest of his life.

Now she is not only well fed and clothed, but also serving the lady personally. She even lives in the lady's side room. The quilt on it is softer and more comfortable than the clothes she wears. The lunch she eats is also made of polished rice and noodles. She even got a silver peanut because the young lady was so generous!

What's wrong with getting beaten and scolded for being such a good master? At least she only had to suffer the sins of one person, and the rest of the time she could still be a human being.

But if she leaves the county magistrate's office, no one outside will regard her as a human being!

Lu Zhu was weighing things in her mind crazily, and in the end she couldn't figure out why these servants always wanted to bully their master.

Although she thought so in her heart, she didn't say a word.

When she first arrived, she didn't want to cause trouble for herself.

Not to mention that this maid is good at showing off, and the young lady seems to trust her very much.

In this case, Luzhu couldn't say anything more.

"Hey, why don't you speak? What's wrong? Do you think I did something wrong? Do you want to complain to the lady?"

Luzhu shook his head repeatedly.

"Everyone is a servant, I won't do this!"

"You're smart, but it's useless even if you complain. Everyone in Haitang Garden, including the maids, servants, cooks, and grooms, all have the same mind.

If you are short-sighted or want to take credit from your master, then think carefully about whether she will believe your words or the entire Haitang Garden!
After being kicked out by then, it would be impossible to get into such a good place again. "

Luzhu raised his eyes and glanced at her.

She also knew that Haitangyuan, the county magistrate's residence, was a good place, so why did they join forces to bully their master?

But she could only keep these words in her heart and nodded on her face. "I see."

"Just call me Sister Qinghe from now on. You will take care of her personally. There will be many opportunities for us to get along in the future!"

Qinghe obviously didn't want to embarrass Luzhu.

Luzhu is smart and knows that he is not that capable, so he can make these people be somewhat polite to him.

Obviously it's because she is the lady's personal maid and the person who has the most contact with the lady. These people will definitely be able to use her in the future.

"Well, since you are also smart, it will save you much effort next time.

You are lucky. If she hadn't kicked her into the kitchen before, where would you have had the chance to become her personal maid?

So I said, she is moody and angry, and is the most hateful person in Haitang Garden! You will know this later! "

It sounds like they are the owners of Haitang Garden.

Luzhu lowered his eyes and nodded silently.

After the explanation was clear, Qinghe turned around with satisfaction, went directly to the rockery next to him, lowered his head and picked out two flat stones.

Lu Zhu saw her doing this and immediately realized her plan.

This piece of stone looks extremely sharp, and now she is stuck in the crack of the stone. Even people with normal eyesight will trip over it, let alone a semi-blind person like the young lady.

Qing He had obviously done this kind of thing more than once or twice. She even simulated Jin Shu's walking habits and posture herself, and finally made sure that she would trip over the first time and fall on the rocks the second time. Then he nodded with satisfaction.

"If you do this, the lady will get hurt."

And it's not even a minor injury.

Qing He glanced at her with disdain.

"You care about her. You'll understand when she turns around and slaps you!"

It was not about giving Lu Zhu a slap in the face. Jin Shu wanted to vent her anger after she fell. The first person to be hit was the maid next to her.

Qing He just assumed that Lu Zhu didn't know this, so he looked at her with not only disdain but also a bit of schadenfreude.

Luzhu pursed his lips silently, looked at the stones on the ground, and then looked at the two closed doors in front of him.


Inside the door, green smoke was lingering, and a slender white figure sat in front of the desk. Two strands of black hair fell from his shoulders, just brushing against the man's fair and jade-like face.

He lowered his head and looked at the book in his hand. Jin Shu had been sitting in front of him for a while, with no intention of raising his head to look at her.

Jin Shu couldn't see clearly what he looked like, but she could roughly describe a stunning figure from the outline, which was enough to show how beautiful Li Yong was.

The cold and noble aura that cannot be wiped off is hard to ignore.

No wonder the original owner loved him to death.

This man does have some capital.

But Jin Shu has never been lewd. After living for so long, why hasn’t she seen a good-looking man? Not to mention that she still can't see clearly at all.

The tea in the men's room is brewed by oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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