Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 453: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

In fact, if the original owner was a tea drinker, she would have discovered the extraordinary status of the man in front of her.

The price of one tael of this tea is more valuable than the original owner's clothing and jewelry from head to toe.

The Jin family is the richest man in He'an County, but the man in front of him is the crown prince of the entire Li family dynasty. The little money the Jin family has in front of him is indeed not enough.

He had thousands of ways to leave the Jin family, but he still refused to leave.

There must be a reason for this.

Jin Shu kept him here temporarily to find out why he would rather be tortured than leave the Jin family.

If it is related to the court, it must be related to the county magistrate.

Jin Shu was not interested in the matters in the court. Compared with those things, she preferred the cup of tea in front of her.

The tea had a light aroma and was slightly bitter but sweet in the mouth. She had not tasted such good tea in a long time.

She has been cultivating immortals in the mountains for thousands of years. Jin Shu's biggest hobby is drinking tea. She drinks tea with the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and she never feels lonely.

Therefore, Jin Shu was quite engaged in enjoying herself while drinking tea, but this made Li Yong opposite him silently raise his head and glance at her.

The half-blind woman's face was always filled with stupid flattery and possessiveness.

Li Yong hated her and thought all the time that as soon as he regained his identity, the first thing he would do was to chop off her head.

But at this moment, the woman just sat quietly on the futon opposite, with one hand gently resting on the table, and the other hand holding the outer rim of the cup, sipping the tea carefully.

The tea that was originally served in an ordinary cup seemed even more precious when she drank it like this.

Li Yong only glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze.

What kind of tea will she taste? It's just pretentious and pretentious.

What new trick is this?

But it doesn't matter, anyway, in his eyes, everything is just a monkey show.

Jin Shu seems to be extra patient today.

He would come to her in the past, and she would not be able to help but ask him without him opening his mouth.

Even if you don't ask, you will take the initiative to find a topic to talk to him.

But this time, Jin Shu drank tea leisurely and leaned sideways on the desk with squinted eyes. If he hadn't known that she was a loser, he would have been deceived by her appearance.

After not seeing him for a day, his acting skills seemed to have improved a lot.

"I came to you this time because I have something to discuss with you."

In the end, it was Li Yong who spoke first.

After all, he is not as idle as Jin Shu. As a prince, although he is not in the court, he has to solve more things every day.

"Well, tell me."

Jin Shu just finished the last sip of tea and then placed the tea cup on the table.

"I'm going to leave the house for three days to do something."


"you do not need……"

Before the man finished speaking, Jin Shu's simple and neat "Okay" blocked everything he wanted to say next.

He looked at Jin Shu, knowing that she couldn't see his face clearly, so he didn't hide the slight shock on his face.

This woman may have really changed her routine.

I don’t know who gave the advice, but this person’s advice was quite good. If Jin Shu can maintain this state for a month, the next thing to do will be much simpler and more convenient.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"No, I came to you to discuss this matter with you."

"Well, it's okay. You don't need to discuss this kind of thing with me in the future. You can do whatever you want. Just come to me when you need my help."

Jin Shu has never been a dog licker, but she has watched a lot of related film and television works.

Doubt flashed across the man's eyes. He couldn't figure out what Jin Shu was doing now, but it didn't matter, as long as he could get out of the house smoothly.

Now he is seriously injured and has not recovered. The whole He'an County is full of rebels. If Jin Shu arranges for him the Jin family's carriage and bodyguards, he can leave the county safely.

"Oh, by the way, do you still have this tea?"

"What do you want tea for?"

"I like it when I drink it. It seems that this kind of tea has never been sold in He'an County. Where did you get it?"

Li Yong looked at her and said without changing his expression.

"I bought it from other places last time."

"Is it expensive? How much money?"

"It's not expensive, five taels of silver and one tael of tea."

"That's really not expensive. Here are five hundred taels of silver notes. You can buy me one hundred taels of tea."


After a long silence, the man said something.


In a simple sentence, Jin Shu actually heard some gnashing of teeth.

A dignified prince is really stingy, what happened to a hundred taels of tea?
With Jin Shu's understanding of tea, one or two thousand gold is not excessive at all.

No wonder Li Yong gritted his teeth. He probably never expected that useless Jin Shu could actually taste the quality of tea!

When going out, Jin Shu held on to the wall and walked forward slowly. Li Yong, who was sitting there, was about to continue reading, but he heard Jin Shu say something.

"Come here, give me a hand."


"I allowed you to leave the house, but you're not even willing to do this little favor?"

Li Yong stood up with a sullen face and walked to Jin Shu. Jin Shu pulled his sleeve and walked forward little by little.

Arriving outside the door, she suddenly turned sideways and walked aside.

"These flowers in your yard are very fragrant."

While talking, Jin Shu had already reached the other end of the road, while Li Yong was walking in the middle of the road.

Luzhu and Qinghe stood with their eyes lowered. At this time, Qinghe looked up and suddenly saw that the situation was different from what he expected. He wanted to warn them but it was already too late.

The weak Li Yong stumbled over an inconspicuous piece of stone in the cracks in the ground. His long stature and thinness caused by a serious illness made it more difficult for him to control his balance. He had great skills but did not dare to act rashly in front of Jin Shu. Show, so I could only watch myself falling forward.

However, he could endure Jin Shu's abuse in order to hide his identity, let alone a mere stone in front of him.

Li Yong was already prepared to suffer a bloody blow, but at this moment, a hand firmly grabbed his waist.

The sudden feeling of falling made him stunned for a few seconds. When he realized that his waist was being hugged by the person next to him, Li Yong subconsciously used his inner strength to push Jin Shu away. When he reacted, , Jin Shu had already let go of her hand, staggered a few steps and fell under a tree nearby.

Her eyesight was bad, so her balance was even worse. When she fell, her back hit the trunk of the tree, and the branches shook violently twice. This shows how violent the impact was.

When Li Yong saw this, he felt a little guilty in his heart.

Of course, this guilt just passed away in a flash.

Compared with what Jin Shu had done to him before, what did he push her this time?

Just when Li Yong was about to say something, Jin Shu was already helped up by the maid.

He was mentally prepared to be reprimanded and punished, but Jin Shu, who stood up, spoke directly.

"Someone is coming."

The boy outside the yard ran in. This was a young and strong laborer that Jin Shouan had just bought. He had nothing but strength.

(End of this chapter)

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