Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 454: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 454: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (7)

Li Yong stood calmly, prepared to be held down by the boy.

However, Jin Shu said the next second.

"Arrest the maid responsible for cleaning this courtyard and drive her out of the Jin Mansion. She will never be used again."

Qing He, who had planned to watch the excitement from the side, didn't react before he became the excitement itself.

The boy ignored her and just held down her arms and dragged her out.

After Qing He was shocked, he yelled at Jin Shu in a panic.

"Miss, miss, you can't blame me! Miss, I don't know what's going on!

Don't kick me out! Please, miss, don’t kick me out! "

Jin Shu's face didn't change and she said coldly.

"I asked you to serve Mr. Wu, but you almost made him fall. What's the use of keeping such a useless slave? Get out!"

"Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, please speak to me. I didn't mean it! I have never made a mistake in front of you before. Please be kind and help me this time!"

Li Yong's face was expressionless and before he could speak, Jin Shu ignored him and spoke coldly.

"You have never made a mistake before, but you made a mistake today when I came here. What's wrong? Do you think I am blind and deliberately set up a trap to bully me?"

Qing He was shocked, knelt down with a "pop" and cried.

"I don't dare! I don't dare!"

"I think you are very brave. Come here, drag me out, hit you with ten boards and throw you out of the Jin Mansion!"

Just like that, Qing He was dragged out amid a burst of cries of ghosts and wolves.

Lu Zhu on the side was frightened when he saw that. He was glad that he had not fooled the young lady into thinking she was blind, otherwise the current Qing He would be his fate in the future.

Li Yong raised his eyes and glanced at Jin Shu several times. Unexpectedly, Jin Shu, who always had a bad eye, was so thoughtful today.

He had long seen that the group of slaves in Haitangyuan were working together behind the scenes to bully Jin Shu.

This woman is indeed stupid. She has not noticed anything strange after so many years.

If it were someone else, he might have to say a few words of warning.

But it was Jin Shu who was bullied. It was Jin Shu who thought about how to torture herself day and night.

Then not only would he not remind her, but he would occasionally watch her ugliness from the sidelines.

But just now, she was able to help him while she was half-blind.

Looking at Jin Shu's walking back, Li Yong raised his hand and touched the jade belt around his waist.

A blind man can grasp his jade belt so accurately. Is this Jin Shu really just a blind man?

Li Yong was suspicious, and once he suspected someone, he would do whatever it took to get to the bottom of it.

That night, the secret guard walked into the house. As the candlelight flickered, Li Yong stood facing the window. He knew who was coming without looking back.

"How is the matter you were asked to investigate?"

"Master, you asked me to find out Miss Jinfu's recent whereabouts.

There hasn't been anything unusual recently. The only thing that can be considered suspicious is that she went to the farmland in the northern suburbs two days ago.

But he didn't stay long before leaving. "

"Nothing strange... Why do I feel like she hasn't been normal lately?"

Li Yong was still worried, and it was inconvenient to conduct an extensive investigation now that there were so many people with so many eyes.

"Forget it, you don't need to interfere anymore in this matter."

Is there anyone nowadays who can get closer to Jin Shu more easily than him?
Since you have doubts, just observe more.

This is a time of great turmoil. You must not let a small person interfere with your plans. "Also, how's the food stocking plan going?"

"It is going on smoothly. He'an County is worthy of being the most populous county in the world. It has abundant grain reserves and the procurement plan is going very smoothly.

But today, an informant came to report that people in the Jin Mansion seemed to be purchasing food. My subordinates guessed that the news might have been leaked, and the Jin Mansion also noticed something strange. "

"It's okay. We are proceeding as planned. How much food can Jin Mansion buy?"

In Haitang Garden, people were coming and going.

Jin Shu has driven away many maids in the past two days, and now her reputation for uncertainty has been fully confirmed.

Jin Shou'an didn't ask any further questions and directly bought a batch of maids and sent them to Haitang Garden for Jin Shu to choose from.

"Keep whatever you like, I still have plenty over there."

Jin Shu couldn't see anyone, so she asked them to talk about their life experiences. In the end, two people were left, speaking less and neatly.

"It's really strange in the city recently. There seem to be more and more refugees. Dad plans to report it to the court in a while. If this continues, we and An County won't be able to accommodate so many people."

"He'an County has a large amount of grain storage, which is enough to support the surrounding refugees."

"Dad said the same thing, but now many grain dealers sell grains for takeout. When I went to buy grains two days ago, all the big grain warehouses in Dongcheng were sold out!
Fortunately, you warned me early at that time, and my mother also bought several granaries of food, which is enough for our entire county to eat for a year! "

"One year...maybe not enough."

Jin Shou'an didn't hear what Jin Shu said clearly. He was about to ask but was interrupted by Jin Shu's few words.

"Take this money and help me buy some rice seeds. The more varieties, the better. It doesn't matter how good or bad they grow, just buy them."

Jin Shouan knew that his sister was interested in farming recently, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"Watch it with me, don't worry."

After Jin Shou'an left, Jin Shu washed up and went to bed.

Arnold, who had been silent until now, finally took the initiative to speak.

"You've been busy these days, so busy that I didn't even have time to talk to you about the mission."

"Just say it."

"What you are doing now is related to our mission. Three years of drought have caused countless casualties in He'an County. In addition to protecting the Jin family, your mission is to protect the lives of the people in He'an County."

To be honest, if Arnold hadn't told her, Jin Shu would really not be interested in saving the world.

But since it was a mission, from now on the lives of the people in An County would be in her hands, Jin Shu.

"Why do I think you've guessed the mission?"

"The content of your mission is too easy to guess. I can come up with something new next time."

"Okay, I'll try my best."

Compared with before, Arnold talked a lot more. In the past, he would announce the task in a few words and then disappear. Now he would chat with Jin Shu for a few words.

"You still have still time in this world. You can use the extra twenty-four hours to think carefully about how to deal with the next three years of drought."

"Is there any reward?"

Upon hearing that Jin Shu took the initiative to ask for a reward, Arnold smiled.

"Of course, as before, I can help you get the same thing you once had."

"There is a secret compartment in my immortal cave. Open the secret compartment and there will be a black cloth bag inside. Just bring that bag to me."

"it is good."

In the blink of an eye, a black cloth bag with white jade pendants appeared in Jin Shu's hand.

After opening it, she poured out the contents of the bag.

It's a bunch of plant seeds.

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