Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 466: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 466: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (19)

When I arrived at the door, I saw the county magistrate and Mrs. Jin sitting in the front hall.

It turned out that Zhang Shixu came to visit again.

When he saw Jin Shu's outfit, Zhang Shixu took a few more curious glances.

"Where are you going, Ah Shu?"

Jin Shu was dressed in coarse linen clothes, with a short shirt and a linen cape on the upper body, trousers worn by commoners on the lower body, and the trousers were tucked into boots. In addition, she also wore a wide-brimmed straw hat on her head.

She was dressed no differently than an ordinary peasant woman in the field, but because of her upright figure and superior temperament, she wore such an ordinary outfit with a neat and capable aesthetic.

Jin Shu bowed to Zhang Shixu.

"I've met Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Shixu frowned, his voice a little reproachful.

"Brother Zhang."

"I think this is good. Who said girls have to stay at home all day long to get married? It's interesting to experience all kinds of things in the world like Ah Shu!
It just so happens that I have nothing to do in the afternoon. Can I go with you? "

"You can tell just by looking at my figure. If I don't farm, I will be reduced to skin and bones from hunger."

"Hahaha, my daughter is either playing the piano or painting, and the most cheerful thing is riding horses and shooting arrows. It would be better for you to just go to the fields to farm!

Just go, more people can help.

"Uncle Zhang, Brother Zhang, it's up to you. Girl, where are you going in this outfit?"

Jin Shu followed him, her voice a little aggrieved.

"Yes, otherwise wouldn't this outfit be in vain?"


"Farming? Hahaha, you want to farm yourself, right?"

"This child always has a clear mind. She suddenly wanted to farm a while ago. I thought she was just joking on a whim, but I didn't expect that she actually made it happen."

When Zhang Shixu heard this, his face was surprised at first, and then his eyes were full of interest.

"Why are you calling me Mr. Zhang again? Have you forgotten what you said yesterday?"

Initially, she was worried that her daughter's mischief would affect Governor Zhang's impression of her, but now that the two people were chatting and laughing in a good atmosphere, Mrs. Jin felt relieved and took the opportunity to step forward.

Did your parents not give you enough to eat on weekdays, so you had to farm your own land for food? "

Jin Shu had no objection.

Zhang Shixu smiled.

"Go to the fields and farm."

As soon as I got in, I felt other people sitting in the car.

Zhang Shixu took a look and saw that the little girl in the past was now a graceful figure. The brim of her hat could not hide her daughter's beautiful posture, and her outfit became more and more pleasing to the eye.

The carriage was ready, and Jin Shu got into her own carriage.

The smell was so familiar that Jin Shu could recognize it immediately even if she couldn't see it.

"Master Wu?"

"You don't blame me for taking matters into your own hands, do you?"

Jin Shu sat down with a calm expression.

"Of course not. Mr. Wu also wants to go with me?"

"Idle time is also idle. I heard that you are going to farm, and I am also interested. Why don't we go and see it together."

Li Yong just heard his servants talk about it, and Jin Shu actually dragged a whole cart of rice seedlings to plant it.

Dang even felt that something was wrong. When did Jin Shu become interested in farming?

Moreover, she has not even come to the yard to look for her once in the past two days.

This was really strange compared to Jin Shu who usually wanted to come ten times a day.

This is the critical moment for major things to be done, and Li Yong will not let any unexpected situations happen.

To be on the safe side, he decided to follow him personally.

Zhang Shixu happened to be among them, and he wanted to see what the Jin family was up to.

Along the way, Jin Shu kept her eyes closed and took a nap. She leaned slightly back, with her legs crossed and her posture relaxed. She was dressed in coarse linen clothes. Her clothes were simple but gave off an indescribable feeling of wandering clouds and wild cranes.

For a while, Li Yong couldn't figure out Jin Shu's thoughts.

I thought this woman was the best to handle, rude, reckless, brainless, and fragile.

But I don’t know since when, she seemed to have changed.

At this moment, Jin Shu suddenly slowly opened her eyes. When he met her slightly confused but extremely bright eyes, Li Yong couldn't control his heartbeat.

Even though he knew she couldn't see him, he felt guilty for no reason and couldn't help but look away.

Jin Shu didn't pay attention to his little actions, and opened the curtain and asked.

"Is it almost there?"

"Miss, it's just ahead. You two need to come down and cross the narrow bridge by yourself."

It is said to be a narrow bridge, but it is actually a wooden bridge built with tree stumps. Under the stumps is a clear and translucent stream. The stream flows down from the snow-capped mountains in the distance. The sound of the water "gushing" is particularly pleasant to the ears.

The land Jin Shu chose was on the other side of the creek. The land there was fertile and had plenty of sunlight. However, because the location was remote and it was inconvenient to transport food back and forth, these pieces of land remained empty most of the time.

Luzhu helped Jin Shu get out of the carriage and whispered into her ear.

"The second young lady and madam are also here."

Jin Chuyao is also here.

Jin Shu was not surprised at all.

The current relationship between Jin Chuyao and Li Yong is at a stage of slight suspicion, but it has gone beyond the trust stage of ordinary people.

At this time, Jin Chuyao naturally had to work harder in order to gain Li Yong's full trust.

When she heard that Jin Shu wanted to farm, Jin Chuyao naturally wanted to see the joke.

She really felt that Jin Shu had lost her mind. In order to win Li Yong's favor, she could even come up with such outrageous methods as farming.

Why, did she discover that Li Yong usually liked pastoral and wild things, so she planned to follow his fancy and repackage her character?
At this time, there was another sound of horse hooves behind them. Everyone looked back and saw Jin Shouan coming over on horseback, followed by Zhang Shixu, who was also riding on horseback.

There is not much age difference between the two people, and Mr. Zhang Shixu is naturally handsome and fair. It looks like two young men on a trip happened to meet here, looking free and cheerful.

"He'an County is truly blessed with beautiful mountains and rivers. Even such a small place has a unique charm."

Zhang Shixu had already arrived, so the county magistrate naturally did not dare to neglect and came with him.

In this way, seven or eight people were originally scheduled to farm the land, but now a lot of people have been dragged in.

Jin Shu had no time to deal with these people, and she was too lazy to think about the overt and covert struggles in the officialdom.

She came here just to farm. After all, in a month, all of these people here will definitely be able to survive on their generous family income.

But at this time, the people who were working hard were not so lucky.

But this has always been the case throughout the ages, those who endure hardship always die first, and those who enjoy enjoy live a long life.

Jin Shu has understood these rules thoroughly. Now if she wants to break this rule, she can no longer look down on all living beings from a high position.

You have to step on the ground with two feet, step into the soil, in order to feel how difficult it is for all living beings.

The people behind her were still sighing at the beauty of the natural scenery, but Jin Shu had already picked up her pants and walked forward.

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