Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 467: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

"Miss, there is a single-plank bridge ahead. I'm afraid it won't be convenient for you to cross."

With such a wooden stake that is not even a bridge, even those with intact eyes may not be able to walk across it steadily, let alone a semi-blind person like Jin Shu.

“Is this log straight?”

"Straight, miss."

"As long as it's straight, just help me up."

Just help him up?

Is it really possible? If you fall this time, it's not like falling on the flat ground before and just getting up.

Although the stream below does not look deep, it is full of rugged gravel. If you knock it up, your skin and flesh will definitely be torn.

Jin Chuyao said something later.

"Sister, I'll carry you there, and you don't have to worry about whether men and women are intimate or not."

"Since people call you Second Miss, don't always treat yourself as a slave.

Jin Chuyao tried to carry her, but she knew that Jin Shu would not let her carry her.

In just a few words, Jin Chuyao's face froze and she was filled with embarrassment.

On such a hot day, Jin Chuyao didn't want to waste time here anymore, so she might as well go back to the small courtyard to enjoy the cool air, with the maids fanning herself on both sides.

This person had a strong sense of self-esteem and was even more competitive. When she said this, Jin Shu would definitely go there on her own no matter what.

Jin Chuyao felt much better when she thought that Li Yong would hate Jin Shu even more because of this incident.

Jin Chuyao bit her lip and glanced at Li Yong subconsciously.

Just in time, I can go back early.

When others heard this, they thought the whole family was bullying her.

It turned out to be a mother and daughter, working together! Just know how to bully her, an outsider!

Jin Chuyao's face was stiff and she forced out a smile.

There are so many maids here. Even if I have to carry them, do you still need them?
You can just say this to yourself, and it won’t be a joke if you say it to others. "

After Jin Shu said this, Jin Chuyao looked at Mrs. Jin with an aggrieved look.

Mrs. Jin, who always helped her speak up at all times before, had a cold face today. She didn't even raise her eyelids, let alone help her reprimand Jin Shu.

Is it necessary for her to have a cousin carry it on her back?

However, the next second Jin Shu said lightly.

Yes, with so many maids here, it would be easy for the slaves to carry Jin Shu from below on a small sedan chair.

Jin Shu really didn't save any face for her and exposed Jin Chuyao's little thoughts in front of everyone.

"I just...just want to help my sister."

Then fall again.

"There are many ways to help me. Don't you know how to farm? Just help me farm more when the time comes."

Yes, since Jin Shu is domineering, let her be as arrogant as she likes. She wants to see how long this idiot can stay around.

Jin Chuyao stopped talking and watched silently as Luzhu helped Jin Shu to the single-plank bridge.

Only one person can walk on this bridge at a time. Jin Shu insisted on walking across it by herself. Lu Zhu could only help her step onto the bridge and let go of her hand in fear.

Jin Shouan saw this scene from a distance, jumped off his horse nervously and shouted.

"Jin Shu, what are you talking about!"

This sound was so frightening that Lu Zhu, who was following closely behind, almost lost his balance. When he looked at Jin Shu in front of him, he landed firmly on the wood. Not to mention falling, he didn't even sway, and his footsteps were steady. Moving forward quickly and steadily, with light and neat steps, like a bird landing on a branch, he reached the other end of the single-plank bridge with almost no pause.

At this time, everyone behind him was so shocked by Jin Shu's move that he couldn't recover for a long time.

Especially Jin Chuyao, who was waiting for Jin Shu to fall into the water, could hardly hide the disbelief in her eyes.

Isn’t Jin Shu blind?

How did she cross the single-plank bridge so quickly? Jin Shu stood on the other side and shouted towards them.

"Hurry up, don't waste time."

Several farming experts hurriedly followed.

Although they didn't understand why this wealthy young lady was interested in farming, as long as they had money to earn and food to eat, they would naturally use all their abilities.

Li Yong stood on the single-plank bridge, his figure swaying a little.

He almost escaped death after being seriously injured by an assassin. The external injuries were almost healed after such a long time, but the internal injuries were still serious and all his skills were almost gone.

Because he was too thin, his steps would be sloppy even when walking on flat ground, let alone walking on this single-plank bridge.

Jin Chuyao followed him, protecting him silently.

"Master, don't worry, I will protect you."

Li Yong lowered his eyes and said nothing, and walked forward slowly.

There was still a step in front of him, so he just had to step over it. He raised his foot, and suddenly a strong wind blew beside him, causing his body to sway violently. The foot he stepped out suddenly landed on the ground, and his body moved uncontrollably. Fell forward.

Looking at the hard soil cracked and cracked by the scorching sun in front of him, Li Yong closed his eyes as usual.

The pain lasted only a moment, and he could only make sure not to touch his head when he fell.

However, just when he was about to close his eyes, his body was suddenly pulled by a slender and strong arm.

Li Yong, who was supposed to fall, used this strength to turn around and finally rested firmly in a soft embrace.

He was stunned for a long time.

He slowly raised his head and saw Jin Shu's face.

The incident happened suddenly, and even Li Yong, who was deeply in the city, lost his mind because of what happened at this moment.

It was Jin Shu who spoke first.

"If you are in poor health, stay in the yard and don't go out. Next time, without my support, how many times do you want to fall?"

Li Yong stood up hurriedly, his body tensed and his face looked a little unnatural.

"Thank you."

Jin Shu didn't seem to hear her, so she let go of her hand and turned around to leave.

Leaving Li Yong standing there, a gust of wind blew over, clearing his somewhat confused mind.

He quickly returned to normal.

Because he was wearing a human skin mask, others could not see the change in his expression.

Jin Chuyao stepped over and looked at him nervously and eagerly.

"Are you okay? I was too far away from you just now and didn't catch you, so you almost fell."

"I am fine."

Of course Jin Chuyao knew that he was fine, after all, she could see the scene clearly!

What does Jin Shu mean?
Is she blind? !

You can't even protect yourself, but you still want to protect others!

Because of what happened just now, Jin Chuyao looked serious and uneasy.

Is it so difficult for Jin Shu to stop going blind?
Not only can he cross the single-plank bridge independently, but he can also hold Li Yong firmly.

Many signs seemed to tell others openly that her eyes had recovered.

how could be?

It was obvious that Jin Shu was blind from beginning to end in her previous life.

Even when the escape was so critical and tense, she was supported by two people and ran forward.

If she was just faking it, how could she not reveal any clues in that situation?
(End of this chapter)

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