Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 468: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 468: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (21)

Jin Chuyao was in a state of confusion, but at this moment she was surrounded by big shots, and she did not dare to reveal too much. She could only forcefully put a smile on her lips, and then kept her distance from Li Yong before Mrs. Jin and others caught up.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, she and Li Yongke had never had any intersection.

After a bumpy journey, we finally arrived at the place Jin Shu carefully selected.

The few slaves he bought were all good at farming in their hometown before they fled.

When God does not reward them with food, they can only give up the already barren land and come to the more fertile He'an County in order to find a chance of survival.

Jin Shu gave them a generous sum of money for selling herself, which was enough to support their family for many years.

With this kind of kindness, let alone letting them farm the land, even if they were asked to die, these men would not hesitate at all.

"Miss, the rice fields need fertilizer and water for irrigation. The soil is too dry now and the rice seedlings cannot survive."

When they arrived at the place, these people discovered that Jin Shu seemed to know nothing about farming!
Such dry soil, although somewhat moist and soft inside, is simply dry land for rice seedlings that already love water.

Yes, it works.

It is precisely because the seedlings are precious that Jin Shu found so many experts in farming.

At her own speed, even if there was still time, it would be too energy-consuming.

"It's okay, just dig a hole and plant it directly."

"It's not impossible to plant them this way, even if they can survive, but Miss, we have to remind you, it's impossible to produce ears this way."

If it is a natural disaster, I am afraid that this disaster will kill and injure many people. He'an County has not been affected for the time being, so it needs to be prepared to fight the disaster. "

"Dig a hole and plant directly..."

Jin Shu knelt down, picked up a piece of soil, crushed it gently between her fingers, then put it under her nose and smelled it, then nodded.

But they can also understand, after all, she is a rich lady, so she should not understand this.

Moreover, if such a large rice field appears inexplicably, people will inevitably be suspicious.

It would be better to plant the seeds openly and openly through the help of others.

Zhang Shixu on the side had a serious expression.

Soon, the county magistrate, Zhang Shixu and others also came.

The few men didn't talk nonsense. Each man rolled up his sleeves and bent down to get started.

"It's very strange. It's already October, why is it still so hot today?"

Although the county magistrate didn't believe Jin Shu's dream, he did find it strange.

"It's okay, just do as I say, the rest has nothing to do with you."

This is not like planting a tree. Just dig a hole, bury some soil and water it and it will grow.

These are rice seedlings that produce food. Although they are resistant to cold, floods and drought, rice cannot grow just by throwing a seed on the ground.

"Many northern towns north of He'an County have not had rain for more than a month. Your Majesty sent me out this time to investigate this matter.

At this time, Li Yong stood on the ridge of the field and looked at Jin Shu below. He could only squint his eyes because of the scorching sun, and frowned slightly as he looked at Jin Shu who was bending over and doing something in the field.

The two people were talking about people's livelihood plans, and Jin Shou'an, who was dragged along, was ready to leave.

What's the point of farming? It's still so hot. Why doesn't he go to some interesting place during this time?

"Jin Shou'an."

Jin Shu's voice reached her ears clearly.

Jin Shouan paused and looked back, only to see Jin Shu standing in the field waving to him.

"Come and help."

Jin Shouan looked reluctant.

"I don't know how. If I go, it will only cause trouble."

"I can't study."

"Why should I learn this? Isn't this a waste of talent?"

Jin Shou'an has been preparing for the scientific examination, but based on Jin Shu's understanding of him, he may not be able to pass the examination before he is fifty.

Jin's parents, one is good at politics and the other is good at business. Three children were born, among whom Jin Shouan was the most useless.

With this kind of mentality, she should give up the scientific examination and official career as soon as possible. As one of the common people in He'an County, Jin Shu felt that it was necessary to teach Jin Shou'an a survival craft.

For example, farming.

Jin Shouan walked down reluctantly, his tone dissatisfied.

"You delayed my homework, be careful of your parents scolding you."

"It doesn't matter if you delay your homework for another ten or eight years. Now take off your clothes and follow me."

Jin Shouan didn't want to.

Then Jin Shu stood up, faced him, and said something.

"You lost one hundred and thirty-four taels of silver last month fighting crickets. You asked me to borrow the money and said you would pay me back next month.

Give it back to me now, immediately. "

"Sister, what should I do next? I am very eager to learn now."

Under the scorching sun, the two brothers and sisters stood in tandem, one daring to teach and the other daring to learn.

In Jin Shu's view, this was an ordinary teaching session.

But in the eyes of the people around them, this is simply a concrete expression of the love between brother and sister.

Even Zhang Shixu praised him repeatedly.

"I didn't expect that the relationship between Shou'an and Ah Shu would be so good. They have grown up. The naughty boy before now knows how to coax his sister to play."

The county magistrate was also very pleased.

"Shou'an is not a bad-hearted kid, but he is a bit playful. He needs more guidance from Mr. Zhang in the future."

"Even if you don't join the officialdom, as long as you have a calm mind, you can still achieve success in other endeavors."

At this time, Jin, Jin Shouan was panting and sweating profusely.

"Sister...good sister, I'm too hot."

"If you plant all the way, you can go back."

"Why do you have to let me learn this? There are so many people farming, why do you have to do it yourself?"

Jin Shu "looked" at him and wrote lightly.

"You plant it, and the food that grows is yours."

"There is plenty of food at home, so there is no shortage of this."

"Oh, is it so?"

At this time, the county magistrate sighed.

"There are more and more refugees. My wife and I have made plans to open warehouses to distribute food and save the victims."

Mrs. Jin stood aside and had no objection.

After all, the food in the fields will be harvested soon, and the granary will be filled quickly.

The most urgent thing at the moment is to save the homeless people nearby.

Naturally I agree with Chapter Timing.

"When the time comes, I will send my men to help you put out food."

Jin Chuyao on the side couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly when she heard this.

Just like in the previous life.

The Jin family is about to do stupid things again.

Open a granary to store grain. Once this granary is opened, it can never be closed again.

They obviously don't know the seriousness of the natural disaster, and they can't survive it just by putting food.

The food in the granary will completely bottom out in a month.

However, the grain that was supposed to be harvested was not harvested due to exposure to the sun, lack of water, and rising temperatures, forming a huge steamer between heaven and earth.

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