Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 470: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 470: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (23)

"We are used to playing around with our sister."


Mrs. King glanced at her.

"You mean everything Ah Shu is doing now is nonsense?"

Jin Chuyao didn't hear the hint of displeasure in Mrs. Jin's tone, and nodded even more helplessly.

"Uncle, I know you worry about your sister every day, but what Sister Shu did today is really a bit too much.

How can you let the governor follow you to work in the fields? "

"Why can't the governor go to work in the fields?"

Mrs. Jin's words immediately confused Jin Chuyao.

“Think before you speak!”

After working for a whole day, Jin Shouan, who was originally dressed in a brocade robe, looked as if he had just crawled out of the water. His hair was messy, and the outer robe had been thrown away. He was just casually wearing a pure white inner robe. Drooping on the body.

He wasn't this energetic even when he was betting at the casino.

"It's getting late, when will it end?"

Jin Shu threw the water bag she had prepared to him. Jin Shouan took it and opened it to drink. He took a dozen gulps before stopping.

Mrs. Jin didn't even look at her. She turned around and shouted into the ground.

"What my aunt taught me is that Chu Yao will remember it."

Everything was clearly going in a good direction, but this old guy was so upset that he scolded her for no reason.

Jin Chuyao was unhappy inside but did not dare to show it, so she could only endure it and said meekly.

To make up for her regret of giving birth to two good-for-nothing daughters, she could safely leave the Jin family's internal affairs in her own hands little by little.

When she was reborn, she fell in love with her and studied hard how to play the role of a "good niece" in front of Mrs. Jin.

Her tone was wrong, Jin Chuyao finally noticed something was wrong, so she quickly shook her head.

Jin Shouan straightened up and replied angrily.

"Uncle, I just..."

Mrs. Jin's tone was stern, which frightened Jin Chuyao so much that she dared not speak out.

He was holding a hoe in one hand and pulling at his clothes with the other, sweating profusely and shouting.


"Water! Give me some water!"

"I'm just worried that the governor will be unhappy in his heart, but he won't show up due to past feelings."

"Governor Zhang comes from a farmer's family and pays most attention to people's livelihood. Although Ah Shu took the initiative today, Governor Zhang really likes it. Why is he so unhappy in his heart?
As a junior, how can you dare to guess Master Zhang's thoughts? ! "

"There's half a board left. Let's leave when we're done!"

As a young man from a rich family who either sits or lies down all year round, it was the first time in his life that he felt such complete hard work, and he felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction and pride in his heart.

"Thankfully I have your help today, otherwise I would not be able to finish planting before dark."

Jin Shu was not stingy with her praise.

This move was very useful for Jin Shouan. Although he tried hard to suppress the corners of his mouth, the slightly twitching mouth still revealed his inner pride.

"Next time if you have any work, just ask your brother!"

"Those old masters who have been farming for more than ten or twenty years are not as good as you. Brother, you are not a farming genius, are you? Has the Jin Mansion been burying your talent all these years?"

Jin Shu's words were somewhat deliberately flattering, but when applied to Jin Shou'an, the effect was remarkable.

"I think so too! How about asking my mother to clear some land for me to plant some seeds in the future? I don't know why, but seeing the rows of food planted by myself makes me feel very happy."

After hearing this, Jin Shu was convinced that this guy was a master of farming.

Ji also told her back then that some people naturally like to plant things. Not only food, but also flowers, plants and other vegetation are their favorite things to plant.

After such people see what they have planted grow vigorously, they will feel a sense of excitement and joy in their hearts that is comparable to the three great pleasures in life.

And this kind of person is the Holy Hand.

Jin Shu could tell from the flowers and plants in Jin Shou'an's yard that this guy was probably a master.

After trying this today, it is indeed the case.

"Then, this land is irrigated and weeded every day. Can you help me do it?"


Anyway, he didn't want to study. Instead of being locked in the study every day and reading like he was in prison, he might as well come to the wilderness and do some work.

This is much better than the previous state where I was confused and angry every day.

After a day of planting, Jin Shu also felt a little tired. After Lu Zhu served dinner, he just returned from pouring the face wash and saw that Jin Shu had fallen asleep on the soft couch in the wing.

Luzhu covered her with a soft blanket, then lit some soothing incense and quietly left.

When I woke up again, the still time had already begun.

Jin Shu put on her coat and returned to the stable again. The oil lamp allowed her to clearly distinguish the green outline in front of her.

This is the fruit seedling she cultivated growing vigorously.

Ji knew that she liked to eat fruits, the sweeter the better.

So he gave her many extremely rare fruit seeds, some of which no one in the world has ever seen. Even if Jin Shu has lived for so many years and traveled through so many worlds, she has never heard of them or seen them.

Ji said that this was a fine seed he had cultivated himself, specifically for his best friend, Jin Shu.

Best friends are not fake.

Because Ji has a weird temper and is a mud-legged person, he likes to stay in the fields all day long and do research, and does not allow anyone to get close to his experimental field. Because of his weirdness, all his relatives and friends gradually move away.

That is to say, when Jin Shu first came down from the sky, she only thought about learning to farm and ignored the rest.

In addition, she has lived a long time and is relatively tolerant and generous in her heart. She never cares about him, so the two have been good friends for decades.

It's a pity that Ji was finally named the God of Food in the World, and she started her next round of travels without even having time to drink his wedding wine.

After returning to her thoughts, Jin Shu stroked her eyes and looked at a patch of seedlings, feeling that it was necessary to make plans for the safety of these seedlings.

The progress of the natural disaster is beyond her control. Sooner or later, the world will be in chaos, and He'an County will definitely be filled with refugees again.

For these refugees who are going crazy because of hunger, Jin Shu will not have any hatred or other negative emotions because they are robbing and destroying their homes.

This is human nature.

Hunger will destroy rituals, make laws go out of control, and degrade human beings, leaving only the most primitive instincts.

That is to fill your stomach and survive.

Jin Shu couldn't blame them. As a god, she might just blame God for the uncertainty.

But now that she has become a mortal and can't care about the affairs of gods, she can only try her best to make sure things are done before anything happens.

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