Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 471: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 471: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (24)

Jin Shu didn’t know what kind of fruits this batch of seedlings would produce.

In short, no matter what, if you take good care of it and take good care of it, it will definitely come in handy in the future.

The next day, Jin Shu packed up early in the morning, picked up her small basket and hoe, and went straight to the small garden behind Haitang Garden.

This garden is a good place for the Jin family to escape the heat in the summer. Because the vegetation here is lush and green and shaded by trees, Mrs. Jin sent people to build a pavilion with ventilation on all sides, which can block some mosquitoes without affecting the ventilation.

There used to be a lot of flowers and plants planted here, and it was Mrs. Jin’s favorite place to stay. However, due to the recent hot weather that has not cooled down for a long time, these seasonal flowers and plants are already fragile, and now they are withering and dying in large areas. Mrs. Jin I felt distressed for a long time, but in the end I had no choice but to send someone to clean up the dead flowers and grass.

Now this piece of land was vacant, and it happened to be idle. Jin Shu just happened to fill it in.

Early in the morning was the coolest time of the day. Jin Shu couldn't see clearly, so she immediately called for help.

"Brother, clean up all the gravel and dirt here."

"What are you going to plant?"


Are you sure you still want to plant? "

Forget it, just sow. Anyway, idle time is idle. As long as you can stop reading, no matter what you do, it will be interesting.

In other words, if you plant it now, even if you take care of it carefully, it will take you eight or nine years to eat the fruit.

"Do you still want to plant it now?"

But there is one thing I must tell you. It takes at least five years for a seedling to grow into a tree.

He doesn’t understand farming.

It takes another three years for a tree to bear fruit.

Jin Shu turned around and pointed at the seedlings on her cart.

"Fruit trees? What about your trees?"

Finally, the garden was divided into four areas, and according to Jin Shu's instructions, the seedlings were planted according to the areas.


After finishing all this work, the hem of Jin Shouan's clothes became dirty again.

Okay, okay, this person didn't listen at all to what he just said.

"Plant some fruit trees."

However, he enjoyed it. Although he knew that the results would be far away, he still followed Jin Shu's instructions seriously, planted the seedlings, spread a thin layer of soil over them, and then poured several large buckets of water. .

But since Jin Shouan usually takes care of these flowers and plants, he still has some understanding of them.

Jin Shouan worked hard to sort out the wasteland, and then watered the entire garden twice as Jin Shu said.

Jin Shouan took a look, and then sighed helplessly.

"Good sister, I don't blame you if you don't understand this.

So when he heard that Jin Shuzhen really wanted to plant these seedlings, he felt helpless and wanted to laugh.

It's strange that after pouring so much water, no water overflowed from the soil. These inconspicuous seedlings seemed to be drinking water. Jin Shouan watched as they wilted from the time they were first planted. The appearance has changed to the current leaves, which are bright green and full of energy.

"Where did you buy these fruit seedlings? You are so energetic!"

Jin Shu stepped into the soil with her bare feet and slowly cultivated the soil next to each fruit seedling without raising her head.

“Buy seeds and grow them yourself.”

"This will take a lot of time, but you still have the endurance."

In the past, Jin Shu could not persist in anything she did for a long time. This was similar to the three brothers and sisters of the Jin family.

Jin Shouan took a closer look at Jin Shu and felt strange in his heart.

"Sister, I've never seen you interested in these things before."

Jin Shu's expression was calm and her tone was natural. "Oh, I accidentally discovered that I am interested in this."

"Sister, I haven't seen you going out to play with your little sisters recently. What's wrong? Are you getting into trouble?"

Jin Shu nodded.

"Well, behind my back, they called me a fool, a dandy, and a generous fool. They just wanted to take advantage of me when they played with me.

So I don't want to play with them anymore. "

"When did this happen?! How dare they bully you like this! Who said that? I will find someone to teach her a lesson this afternoon!"

Jin Shu still looked neither salty nor bland.

"We have different paths and don't work against each other. There's no need to get angry with those people."

"I didn't know you were bullied like this by them. No wonder you have changed so much recently..."

There's really no point in lying to idiots.

Jin Shu ignored him and continued to tidy up her orchard.

"Oh, by the way, have you visited my little sister recently?"

The younger sister, the youngest daughter of the Jin family, Jin Qi.

She has been mentally retarded since she was a child. Shortly after she was born, when Mrs. Jin went to the temple to offer incense, the abbot told her that her little daughter's soul had lost a ray, and she might not be able to be like a normal person in this life.

Since then, Mrs. Jin has been worried every day. In the end, just as the abbot said, Jin Qi's mind has seemed to have stagnated since she was six years old. Now at sixteen, she is still as innocent as a six-year-old child.

The whole family loves this youngest the most.

Same goes for the original owner.

But in the original plot, the naive Jin Qi relied heavily on Jin Chuyao, because as soon as Jin Chuyao entered the house after her rebirth, she often took Jin Qi out to play.

Over time, Jin Qi treated Jin Chuyao even more affectionately than she did her mother and sister.

In the end, everyone in the Jin family was beheaded, and poor Jin Qi kept calling Sister Jin Chuyao.

Unexpectedly, Jin Chuyao didn't look at her.

And the reason why Jin Chuyao also hates Jin Qi is because in the first life, Mrs. Jin gave up on her and chose the stupid Jin Qi.

So after reviving her life, Jin Chuyao just wanted to let Mrs. Jin experience the pain of losing her child.

Thinking of this sister, Jin Shouan sighed.

"Ordinary girls should find a husband when they reach her age.

But Aqi fell from a tree yesterday because she was catching a bird, and her head was badly bruised. Now she doesn't even dare to go out. "

"Is there still this?"

"Yes, we were busy working in the fields last night and didn't pay attention. When we came back, it was too late, so my mother didn't tell you and me.

I also heard this from the boy next to me this morning.

I just went to take a look in A Qi's yard, but A Qi threw a cup and it fell out. "

Jin Shouan looked at him with a sad face.

He treated this sister with sincere love, but her sister was hot and cold towards him. She would call her brother and villain, which made his heart feel sour and embarrassing.

"Then we'll go take a look together later."

"Forget it, that little bastard only recognizes his cousin now, and the others won't be allowed to get close to him at all. If you go, you might get a glass thrown at you."

Jin Shu didn't care.

"Children are probably used to misbehaving."

"Then what can we do? My parents are reluctant to beat and scold me, so I can only hold such a poor little girl in the palm of my hand."

"What should I do? Just give him a beating."

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