Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 472: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna


The courtyard where Jin Qi, the third daughter of the Jin family, lives.

It is closest to Mrs. Jin and the county magistrate. If you want to go, you can go to Wenxinyuan in two steps.

Jin Shu stood outside the door, and a cup was thrown directly at her feet. It shattered in front of her very accurately. An inch more or less had no effect.

Jin Shouan turned around and shrugged helplessly at Jin Shu.

"See? There's nothing we can do. Let's go back first and wait until my cousin coaxes her back. Then everything will be fine."

"She climbed up a tree and was thrown down because of her naughty behavior. What right does she have to lose her temper?"

Jin Shouan said it with a matter-of-fact expression.

"Why do you and your little sister care about this? She is just a child."

"As long as he is not a fool, he must be disciplined well."

As far as Jin Shu knew, Jin Qi only had the mind of a six-year-old, but he was not a fool in ordinary people's cognitive sense.

What does a six-year-old know?
In ancient times, a six-year-old child should know everything.

At the very least, you have to know not to throw a cup at other people's feet.

After saying that, Jin Shu raised her feet and walked towards the courtyard. At this time, Jin Chuyao was walking out with a medicine bowl. When she saw Jin Shu, she quickly shook her head to block her.

"Aqi has just been coaxed by me. Don't disturb her now. Let her have a good rest."

"When do I need your permission to enter my sister's room?"

Jin Chuyao's expression changed, then she curled her lips and smiled helplessly.

"It's not like you don't know Aqi's temper. There's no need to show off your eldest sister's majesty now. She's just a child."

"Jin Chuyao, although your surname is Jin, remember clearly that you are just an outsider."


These words really pierced Jin Chuyao's heart directly.

Now who in the Jin family dares to say in front of her that she, Jin Chuyao, is just an outsider? !
What does Jin Shu mean by that? Deliberately ostracizing her? Bully her? Are you afraid that you will steal her position in the Jin family?


"Okay, if you want to go in, do whatever you want."

Once Jin Qi gets into trouble, she would like to see what a wonderful scene the two sisters will have when they fight!
Then she would like to see which of her daughters Mrs. Jin will favor!

Jin Shu bypassed Jin Chuyao and walked directly into the room.

The house was a mess, the huge room was littered with children's toys on the floor.

What kind of wooden horse, spinning top, Cuju, wooden dragonfly...

In short, all the things that children can have nowadays can be seen here, and only part of them can be seen.

The headless wooden horse, the top on the corner of the table, the Cuju with holes, and the wooden dragonfly with broken wings...

Although Jin Shu couldn't see these things clearly, she could accurately avoid all obstacles under her feet and quickly reached out to catch something when it hit her head on.

She pinched it, it was a hard walnut, then placed it on her fingertips and flicked it towards the opposite side.

Then, as Jin Qi screamed, the iron walnut hit the wall next to her.

Jin Qi's eyes widened and she turned around to see that the walnuts were embedded in the wall and could not be buckled.

One can imagine whether her head would be intact if this thing hit her on the head.

"Ah——!! Get out!! I don't want to see you!! I don't want your sister!! Get out!!" Jin Chuyao, who heard the scream outside the door, smiled slightly.

It was true that she had been training him for so long. Now Jin Qi could be said to be extremely disgusted with Jin Shu.

Even the crows flying in the sky are much more pleasing to Jin Qi than Jin Shu.

Being pointed at the nose and scolded like this, with Jin Shu's temper... there will be a good show next.

I originally wanted to get closer to the door and take a closer look, but I didn't expect that the door to the room was swung by Jin Shu with a sleeve and slammed shut with a "bang".

Jin Chuyao's nose was almost broken, and her head was buzzing from the shock.

She cursed in her heart, but quickly regained her good mood. After all, it was not worth being angry with someone like Jin Shu now.

She turned around and ordered her maid.

"I went to the front yard to ask for my wife, and she said that the eldest lady and the third lady were fighting."

The maid ran away in a flash, leaving Luzhu watching anxiously.

If the madam came, there would inevitably be another burst of chaos. She wanted to remind the lady, but at this time there was a burst of banging and smashing in the room, which made her tremble.

At this time, in the room, Jin Qi, who had a build of sixteen years old, was standing on the bed, throwing things at Jin Shu, and was still yelling.

"Go away! Go away! Go away! Don't come to my house! Get out, don't come to my house!"

Jin Qi, who loses his temper, is completely an unreasonable naughty child.

Although Jin Shu has poor eyesight, her ears and sixth sense are very keen as a semi-blind person. Coupled with Jin Shu's keen perception, she can easily dodge everything thrown by the naughty child.

Finally, in this violent storm, Jin Shu walked up to Jin Qi.

The other party is sixteen years old, only two years younger than Jin Shu. The two sisters look exactly the same age. Even Jin Qi has developed better and faster, and is not a bit stronger than Jin Shu.

So this means that when Jin Qi, who only has the IQ of a six-year-old, hits someone, she will use her sixteen-year-old body to vent her madness regardless of the severity.

Still screaming, she bent down to pick up the hard jade pillow on the bed and threw it at Jin Shu.

The reason why Jin Shu said she was not stupid was because Jin Qi knew exactly how far she could go.

For example, if you hit someone with an object, the softer object will be hit directly on the body, and the hard object will hit the opponent's feet or legs.

But this time, as soon as the pillow in her hand hit her, Jin Shu caught it with one hand.

Got caught!

Jin Qi was stunned because she had never encountered such a situation before, and she couldn't wrap her mind around it and didn't know what to do next.

Because Jin Shu's face was cold, as if covered with a layer of frost, her cold eyes were staring straight at her, and the solemnity and sternness exuding from her body directly shocked her.

Then, she watched helplessly as Jin Shu kicked towards the bed.

The solid wood pear bed was swaying wildly as she kicked her. Jin Qi, who was showing off her power on the bed just now, swayed and fell directly to the ground.

This fall was not serious, but the arm she injured when climbing a tree was injured. The pain was so painful that she immediately opened her mouth to cry.

"Shut up, don't cry!"

Jin Shu shouted sharply, Jin Qi opened her mouth and closed it suddenly, her body trembled subconsciously, her face covered with tears, she stared at Jin Shu with fear and anger, her eyes made her want to rush over and bite Jin Shu. .

"You big bad guy! I don't like you! Go away! Go away!"

"Don't like me? Okay, it just so happens that I don't like you either."

After speaking, Jin Shu bent down, fumbled to pick up a wooden stick on the ground, and weighed it in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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