Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 473: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 473: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (26)

"You just hit me so many times. I used to think that because you are my sister, I don't have to worry about you.

But since you don't treat me as your sister, then I don't need to treat you as my sister. "

After saying that, Jin Shu raised the wooden stick and hit Jin Qi's calf directly.


Jin Qi screamed loudly in pain, and her cries were mixed in. Seeing that Jin Shu actually dared to hit her, Jin Qi sat down on the ground and let go completely, crying loudly.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodss, I hate you! Jin Shu, I don't like you!
You hit me! ! I want to tell my mother, I want to tell my father! I want my parents to beat you! !
Woo hoo hoo, I hate you! "

Jin Shu weighed the wooden stick and looked down at Jin Qi.

Her ability to identify positions by listening to sounds was superb. Based on the rough outline, she could accurately know what kind of posture Jin Qi was in. So she raised the stick again and hit Jin Qi's hand accurately.

"You're not young anymore. It's time for you to know the consequences of hitting someone casually."

Jin Qi suddenly retracted her hand in pain, holding her palm and crying even harder. The voice sounded as if someone was going to kill her, the voice was sharp and hoarse, almost howling at the top of her lungs.

This cry will make all relatives fall in love after hearing it.

But it is a pity that Jin Shu has no sisterly affection for the naughty child in front of her. All she has to do is inherit the identity of the original owner, follow the original owner's heart and fulfill her last wish.

The original owner really loved this sister. The two grew up together. Before Jin Chuyao appeared, the sister had always followed him obediently and would call her sister sweetly.

But since Jin Chuyao appeared, the relationship between the sisters has completely changed.

The unilateral manifestation is that Jin Qi hates her deeply.

I don’t know what Jin Chuyao usually taught her. In short, Jin Qi now rejects everyone in the Jin family equally.

Jin Shu has her own way of dealing with this kind of white-eyed wolf.

The longer you live, the more you believe it.

Truth only emerges within the range of a cannon.

Whoever has a big fist speaks with reason.

Therefore, Jin Shu's way of speaking truth is usually with her hands.

Crying, right?

Jin Shu casually grabbed the rag on the table, stuffed the ball directly into Jin Qi's mouth, then picked up the stick and hit her legs a few more times.

"I heard that you wanted to push Aunt Zhao into the water in the yard yesterday, right?

When you were a child, you had a fever and your life was in danger. Aunt Zhao hugged you for half the night. Is this how you treated her?

You caught all the fish in the pond and killed them, right?
Little bastard, if no one treats you, you can really give yourself wings and go straight to heaven! "

Blind doting and Jin Chuyao's deliberate inducement turned a good-looking child into the devil he is now.

When he throws things, he also picks other people to hit on their heads.

Several boys in the yard were beaten to bloody heads by her, and they were beaten several times in a row. No one could last more than half a month here.

If this continues, the day when Jin Qi kills someone will not be too far away.

Because of all the above, Jin Shu was merciless. As long as she could save her life, no matter how hard she hit her, it would not be too much.

Jin Qi wanted to rush towards the door at first, but Jin Shu was able to twist her arms with one hand so that she could not move. In the end, she was tied up and thrown to the ground, facing the sky with her mouth gagged. A rag.

In this way, even if she cried, the tears could only pour into her ears.

Outside the door, Mrs. Jin paced back and forth, looking eagerly at the closed door, and sighed. "Ah Shu! Ah Shu! Your sister is still young, so don't argue with her!"

Jin Shu locked the door and blocked the window with something. Now everyone in the Jin Mansion could only stand guard outside.

Jin Qi's screams just now frightened Mrs. Jin, and countless possibilities flashed through her mind.

Although the palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh, Jin Qi only has the mind of a six-year-old child, and she is just a child who has not grown up. Mrs. Jin is afraid that Jin Shu will not strike lightly and will really break Jin Qi.

The guards have arrived.

"Quick, kick the door open for me!"

Jin Shouan and the county magistrate were also present. When he heard that Jin Qi and Jin Shu were fighting, Jin Shouan could not believe it.

"It's impossible. No matter how bad a bastard Jin Shu was before, she wouldn't have hit my little girl! Are you making a mistake?"

Jin Chuyao looked worried.

"Jin Shu just slammed the door angrily. Just now Aqi was crying so hard that her voice was hoarse and she kept shouting for help. Do you think Jin Shu did it lightly and really hurt Aqi?"

Jin Shou'an shook his head after hearing this.

"It's impossible. Ah Qi is stronger than an ox. Ah Shu is no match for her in a real fight."

Upon hearing that Jin Shou'an was not provoked, Jin Chuyao said again.

"But Aqi only has the mind of a six-year-old child. If an adult faces off against a child, what chance does the child have of winning? Isn't he being led by the nose?"

In the past, Jin Shou'an would have couldn't help scolding Jin Shu.

But today, it was as if his brain had grown back again, and his thinking and logic were exceptionally clear.

"Leading people by the nose? Ah Shu is Ah Qi's biological sister. No matter what, they are still biological sisters in the end. Why do you talk about leading people by the nose?"
Chu Yao, please don't say such words in the future. Others will inevitably think that you are sowing discord and deliberately discrediting Ah Shu. "


Jin Chuyao's face turned dark immediately.

what happened? After two days of planting, I don’t know if the grain has grown well. Did Jin Shouan plant his own brain?
Jin Chuyao wanted to say something else, but Jin Shouan waved his hands with an impatient expression.

"No matter what you do, Ah Shu has a sense of propriety, and the sisters are not enemies, so how can they not fight?

Who called parents here? Is it okay to mobilize so many troops and mobilize people? "

Jin Chuyao's face became darker and darker.

At this moment, the two guards had already kicked the door open. However, just a second before the door was about to be kicked open, the door bolt was suddenly opened from the inside. Jin Shu who opened the door straightened his clothes and then walked down slowly. ladder.

Mrs. Jin hurried over and looked Jin Shu up and down first.

The clothes are neat, the hair is smooth, the face is calm, and there is no trace of a fight.

Since there was no fight, what was Ah Qi shouting just now?
"Ah Shu, where is your sister?"

Jin Shu looked back.

"I'm thinking about it in front of the wall."

"Facing the wall and thinking about your faults? What do you mean?"

"Literally, if you make a mistake, you will be punished, so I punished her by facing the wall and thinking about it."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Jin quickly ran into the house.

As soon as she entered the room and saw the scene inside, Mrs. Jin's eyes widened unconsciously, with a look of shock and disbelief on her face.

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