Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 476: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 476: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (29)

With the help of Lu Zhu, Jin Shu was able to check the account quickly.

As the largest family in He'an County, the Jin family's internal accounts are extremely complicated. This is mainly because the family is prosperous and many people depend on the Jin family for their livelihood. Every month, more than a dozen accounts are handed in from outside. List and organize clearly.

If there were only expenses for the four members of the Jin family, there would be no need for any ledgers at all.

Just like that, towards evening, Jin Shu had checked all the seventeen internal affairs books this month.

All that remains is the most complicated calculation.

Luzhu thought Jin Shu would need a long time to think, but she didn't expect that as soon as she finished sorting it out, Jin Shu asked her to pick up a brush and dip it in red ink.

"Encircle all the details I mentioned and give them to Madam."

Lu Zhu obediently followed Jin Shu's instructions, and then delivered the account book to Mrs. Jin before nightfall.

"Have you finished reading it all?"

Mrs. Jin looked at the thick stack of ledgers in front of her with some disbelief.

Green Bamboo nodded.

"After reading it all, the lady said that from now on, we can leave all this kind of work to her, so Madam doesn't need to worry about it."

Mrs. Jin smiled helplessly, waved her hand and let Lu Zhu go down. Then she took care of the trivial matters in the shop for a while and had dinner. Before going to bed, she saw the account book at hand and thought about it. If you have nothing to do, you might as well open it and take a look. As a result, Mrs. Jin, who was still leaning on the bed, sat up and her expression gradually became serious.

She turned the pages faster and faster, and when the magistrate walked in, he thought she was losing her temper again.

"Then the account book is going to be smoked by you, why are you still going through it?"

"This is your daughter's account, take a look."

Mrs. Jin threw a book over, and the magistrate murmured as she opened it.

"My daughter? Which of my daughters has the ability to do accounts? Wasn't Chu Yao doing all these accounts before?

Oh, the account book is beautifully done this time, so clean and tidy, it really doesn’t look like something Chu Yao could do.

Who did it? "

"Ah Shu."

"A Shu? What are you talking about? How did she manage to make a ledger?"

Mrs. Jin frowned and shook her head, with a complicated expression and mixed feelings in her heart.

"It's no longer important whether Ah Shu did it or not. What's important now is that our house's previous accounts were very problematic."

The county magistrate never cared about this, so he never looked at the previous account books.

"If the problem is big, then just solve it. It's not a big deal."

"There are three hundred taels of vacancies in the accounts a month. Is this a small matter?"

"Three hundred taels? How come there are so many vacancies? My salary this month is only seventy taels, and our family only has so much less money in a month?"

Mrs. Jin is a businessman, and she was keenly aware of the problem as soon as she saw the account book.

After flipping through the ledger, her expression was serious and her voice was cold.

"The previous accounts were all done by your good niece. I never doubted it. I always thought it was due to the increase in household expenses due to the store's losses.

Now it seems that these handed over account books are nothing! There are deficiencies and leaks. Last month’s account was full of problems inside and out! ! "

The county magistrate sat down and looked a little sad.

"You mean Chu Yao's problem?"

"Is it her problem that the list in the ledger is not clear enough?"

"You said this is Ah Shu's account book. What does Ah Shu know about accounting? Why do you insist on pushing Chu Yao out as an outsider? Weren't everything good in the past? You have to make simple things so complicated! "

Mrs. Jin looked at him with a sneer.

"We lived well before? If we continue like this, our Jin Mansion will be eaten away by moths from top to bottom, inside and out!

From today on, I will never let your good niece interfere with anything in the Jin Mansion! Also, I will definitely find out about this matter. What happened during the time when I was not involved in internal affairs! "


That night, the fruit trees planted by Jin Shu in the garden sprouted.

This growth rate can only be described as rapid.

The mushrooms springing up after rain are nothing more than that.

The seeds were not ordinary seeds, and it was normal for them to grow too fast, which was completely in line with Jin Shu's psychological expectations.

The next day, Jin Shu asked Jin Shouan to send someone to transplant all the fruit seedlings in the garden and deliver them to her yard on the outskirts of the county.

Jin Shu asked Jin Shou'an to buy this yard. She only mentioned two conditions at the time.

Mountains, remote.

In such a geographical location, you only need to spend twenty taels of silver to buy a large yard with a garden. Although he didn't know why Jin Shu bought this, Jin Shou'an rarely asked why, because as long as it was beneficial, it would be fine.

The fruit seedlings were sent out, and Jin Shu asked him again.

"Have you found the person I asked you to find?"

"I found them. They are all the guards who retired from the palace when they reached their age. According to what you said, they are all arranged outside."

"My mother has a gold shop, doesn't she? You can find someone to buy three thousand kilograms of pig iron and deliver it to the gold shop. I can help."

"Three thousand catties?! How can I buy this? Besides, we don't have that much money!"

Iron is not an ordinary object, it is expensive, not to mention that one piece of Jin Shu costs three thousand kilograms, which is extremely expensive!
"Don't worry about the money. I'll give it to you in two days. All you need to do is ask around. Remember, you should tell others that the Jin family is planning to open an iron shop."

"Mom, can you agree if you find out?"

"She won't know."

"You transported so much iron to the back of the gold shop, how could she not know?"

Jin Shu pursed her lips, a little impatient.

"She gave me the management of the gold shop, how did she know?"

Jin Shouan was stunned for a few seconds, and then dug his ears in disbelief.

"Are you telling the truth? The gold shop has been managed by you?!"

"If you have any questions, just ask your mother, and then do as I say as soon as possible. Once everything is done, this bag of gold leaves will be yours."

Jin Shu took out all the advantages of being at the bottom of the box.

Jin Shouan immediately changed his face.

"Don't worry, sister, I have everything. Don't tell me you want iron. Even if you want the moon in the sky, I will find a way to get it for you."

Who said the Jin family are all playboys?

It's hard to find anyone with Jin Shou'an's ability to do things like this in the world.

Aren’t the good friends I usually make come in handy now?

Jin Shu went to see the guards Jin Shouan had found for her.

There are more than seventy of them in total, and all of them have been on the battlefield.

Now that the country is stable, these soldiers have disarmed and returned to their fields.

Then there was a severe drought for many months, and the fields were gone. They had no choice but to find another way to make a living.

So Jin Shu invited all these people over at the price of two taels of silver a month.

They obviously didn't expect that the person who hired them at this juncture was just a teenage girl.

Just as they were looking around curiously, they heard the little girl speak, her voice clear and sweet.

"You go back, and each of you can recruit ten more people who have been on the battlefield for me."

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