Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 477: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 477: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (30)

"Whether it's a fellow countryman or a comrade-in-arms, the more people we find, the more money we'll get. For each additional person, I'll give you thirty more commissions."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a lot of discussion below.

Jin Shouan's eyes were about to pop out of his head.

"Little sister, you..."

"Shut up."

Jin Shu ignored him and continued "looking at" the people below.

"I know everyone is here for a bite of food, so just go ahead and say, when you come to me, food is not a problem, and money is not a problem either.

I give you seven days, but remember my request, I only want soldiers who have been on the battlefield or capable guards.

In short, it’s better if you can fight, use weapons, and kill!
If they are found to be shoddy, you will leave with them and never be hired. "

After finishing speaking, there was a lot of discussion, and the eyes looking at Jin Shu were filled with suspicion.

A little girl dared to utter such arrogant words, which made me feel unreliable no matter how I heard it.

Some people even thought it was nonsense and were ready to leave.

Then two guards walked out from behind Jin Shu, carrying a heavy wooden box in their hands.

As soon as the box was opened, the white silver inside almost blinded everyone's eyes.

"There are ten thousand taels of silver in this. As long as you have the ability to recruit the people I want, money is not a problem.

Come on, give them this month's salary. "

I really got the money, now everyone believed it. The lady from the Jin family in front of me really did what she said and was very wealthy.

The seven days were limited. In order to earn more, the people below dispersed and went home.

Jin Shou'an took a deep breath and was silent for a long time. Finally, he couldn't hold it back and stared at Jin Shu and said seriously.

"Are you serious?"


"There are currently seventy-eight people. If one person recruits ten more, that will be more than eight hundred people. What on earth are you going to do that requires so many guards who know how to fight?"

Jin Shu lowered her eyes and said calmly.

"Form an army."


Jin Shouan licked his ears and asked again seriously.

"Did I hear you correctly? Little sister, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Because there were so many flaws, Jin Shouan didn't know from which angle to start complaining.

Finally, he asked helplessly.

"Let's not mention that forming an army is a sin of beheading. Let's just say that there are so many people, and they are all strong men. How are you going to feed them?
No matter how rich our Jin family is, we can't afford to support so many people! "

"Don't worry about this, I have my own plan."

"No matter how much you plan, nearly a thousand people will have to eat thousands of kilograms of food a day. Not counting remuneration, you can't handle the money, right?

Ah Shu, stop making trouble. If mother finds out about sharing so much money, we will be doomed! "

Ten thousand taels!
Jin Shouan simply couldn't imagine how angry her mother would be if she found out.

The Jin family is indeed a big family, but they can't stand Jin Shu's troubles.

No matter what he said, Jin Shu just drooped her eyes and lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

"Ashu, listen to my brother and stop making trouble. It's almost over."

He can help with other things, but he really can't help with what Jin Shu wants to do.

She wants to spend all her wealth.

"When you are ugly tonight, you go to the other courtyard in the suburbs. I have something to tell you." "If I don't go, I can't continue to have trouble with you. After all, I will have to take care of the Jin family in the future. If I also talk to you If we mess around together, we may really have to drink the northwest wind in the future. "

Jin Shu's expression remained unchanged.

"I can't see you when you are ugly. Mom will know all the things you have done recently tomorrow morning."

"Jin Shu! Are you still my sister? Why do you always want to push me into the fire pit!"

"Have you jumped into the fire pit? There is no way back, Jin Shouan."


commit a sin.

My girl seems to be really crazy.

When the ugly time came, Jin Shou'an, who had originally made up his mind not to care about it anymore, was just about to go to the box to get the gold leaves to go out to be cool, and then when he opened the box, he saw a pile of gold leaves mixed with a dead leaf.

The moment he saw the dead leaves, Jin Shouan was stunned for a few seconds, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"That girl, why do you still keep this..."

When Jin Shu was five years old and he was seven, Jin Shou'an used a golden leaf to defraud Jin Shu of his new year's money.

After so many years, he had almost forgotten about it.

Unexpectedly, Jin Shu foolishly kept the leaf in the money box.


Forget it, just go and think of it as retribution for deceiving her when she was a child.

Suburban Villa is located in the mountains to the west of He'an County.

The reason why He'an County has become a famous county in the world is not only because of its abundant products, but also an important reason is that the strange mountains here are well-known to the world.

The yard that Jin Shou'an bought for Jin Shu was in a fairly hidden corner among the mountains. Ordinary people would most likely get lost if they came in.

Because life is quite inconvenient, yards here are very cheap.

The previous owner of the house was an idle prince from the previous dynasty. Because he liked to grow flowers, he reclaimed the mountainous land and opened up a large flower field, which was nearly thirty acres according to rough calculation.

Entering the yard, you first have to pass through the flower field.

When I first bought it, the peach trees here were already bearing fruit. When I came back this time, Jin Shouan found that there were many tiny saplings that he had never seen before among the peach trees. It was almost a year old, but he had never seen them before. Pass.

Some of them have even bloomed. Even though he usually likes to plant flowers, he couldn't tell what kind of flowers they were after staring at them for a long time. He just thought they were very pretty.

Flowers that grow in this season are quite rare. Jin Shouan was curious and was about to pick one and take it back to study when a voice suddenly came from beside him.

"One thousand taels of silver per flower, give me the money to pick."

Looking back, Jin Shu was standing in the peach forest holding a lantern, her eyes calmly facing her direction.

It’s evil.

At such a late hour, she could still accurately determine Jin Shouan's location.

"One thousand and two flowers? Why don't you go and grab them?"

"This is still a friendly price. If it were someone else's, it would be three thousand taels."

Jin Shouan smiled and followed Jin Shu back to the yard.

"What kind of flower was that just now? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Have you seen it? You just shipped it here two days ago, and it's only been a few days and you forgot about it?"

Jin Shouan frowned and thought about it in confusion.

"I sent it two days ago... weren't they some seedlings? The one I just mentioned must be at least more than a year old."

"Well, it matures earlier, so it grows a little faster than ordinary trees."


Jin Shouan just thought that she was talking nonsense to amuse him, and stopped worrying about it.

"Why did you ask me to come here in the middle of the night? It's so late. If you don't go back to rest early, aren't you afraid of staying in a place like this?"

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