Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 478: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 478: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (31)

In this deep mountain and old forest, Jin Shouan heard no less than a dozen howls of wolves while riding a carriage into the mountains.

When he was buying a house, someone reminded him that there were a lot of wolves in the mountains, and because of the continuous mountains and abundant resources, all the wild wolves in the mountains were fat and strong. If you picked one out, it would be comparable to wolves in other places. King size.

It is not uncommon for wolves to eat people in the mountains. Many people go into the mountains to cut firewood. If they encounter a pack of wolves, they will never return.

"I remember that my father sent heavy troops to suppress the wolves. In the end, more than a hundred soldiers went in one night, and only a dozen or so soldiers came out the next day.

The wolves in this mountain are said to be bigger than tigers. Although our house is far away from the mountains, if we encounter a pack of wolves, our lives will definitely be at stake! "

This is why Jin Shouan doesn't want to come over in the middle of the night.

But I was worried that something might happen to Jin Shu, so I had no choice but to bite the bullet and come.

Fortunately, we only heard wolves howling along the way but did not see any wolves.

Of course Jin Shu knew what Jin Shouan was talking about.

She has spent most of her life in the mountains. What kind of mountain beast has she not seen?

In the world she lived in at that time, what was a wolf? Wolf demons and tiger demons with thousands of years of cultivation would have to kneel on the ground and call their ancestors in front of her.

Therefore, after Jin Shouan said so much, he did not scare Jin Shu at all, but rather frightened himself.

"What's going on? Let's solve it as soon as possible and go back as soon as possible."

"Help me transport some things out. Use your carriage."

"What is it? You can send someone to transport it yourself. Why do you have to do it myself?"

"They're all in the house. You'll know when you go in and take a look."

Jin Shou'an was furious and opened the door helplessly.

"It's so mysterious, I want to see what kind of treasure is worthy of my young master risking being eaten by wolves to come here in the middle of the night...

Why so many boxes? What's in the box? "

As Jin Shouan spoke, he walked over and opened the box directly, glancing at it casually.

next second.


He slammed the box shut, stayed there with his eyes wide open, and reacted blankly for a while, then shook his head and rubbed his eyes, and carefully opened the box again.

The next second, he covered his mouth, his eyes widened, staring at the contents of the box, then he looked at Jin Shu, his voice was so low that even he could not hear clearly.

"what is this?"

"Are you blind too? Gold."



Jin Shouan didn't believe it, because he had never seen so much gold in his life, and each ingot was bigger than his hand.

He tried to pick up a tablet to see whether it was genuine or not, but he couldn't pick it up. He couldn't pick it up at all!
grass! !

It's really true! !

"Where did it come from? Where did you get so much money?"

"Digged from the mountains."


Jin Shouan tried his best to take his eyes away from the box of gold, and then looked at Jin Shu.

"You asked me to come, so don't joke with me. It's all gold. Where did you get all this gold?!"

Even the Jin family can't afford such a large box of gold at one time!

Jin Shu sat down, poured herself a cup of tea leisurely, and took a slow sip.

"It was really dug in the mountains. Why did I lie to you?"

"Where did you dig it from the mountain? How could you dig it up? This is gold! How could it be buried in the mountain!"

Jin Shu's tone was calm.

"Why is it impossible? I heard that before the demise of the Liang Dynasty, the previous emperor buried most of the treasures in the treasury in this mountain. I went out to try my luck at night, and I actually found it. "

Jin Shouan was silent for a long time.

"Sister, can you not say that digging into the former treasury is easier than digging wild vegetables in the mountains?

This is the former treasury! ! His Majesty couldn't find it at that time, and now you find it casually? I also dug out a box like this...

No, what's in these other boxes? "

Jin Shu drooped her eyelids while drinking tea.

"You'll know if you open it and take a look."

So Jin Shouan opened several boxes.

Gold, gold, gold, gold, fucking gold.

He almost became immune to gold. He never thought that one day he would actually be able to see the Golden Mountain in his life.

The wish that had never come true in his dream was fulfilled in reality by his sister.

"I faint……"

Jin Shu gave him enough time to digest the scene before him.

"Have you calmed down? If you calm down, help me transport the gold out while it's dark."

"Sister, who are you?"

Jin Shouan has begun to doubt the identity of the girl in front of him who looks exactly like his sister.

To deal with this situation, Jin Shu had already thought of a way to deal with it.

So she listed all the bad things Jin Shouan had done since childhood.

"Do you need me to repeat it again?"

"No need, good sister."


"Did you really dig this in the mountains?"

"Well, otherwise where do you think they come from?"

Yes, otherwise where else could it come from?
There must be a source for all this money, and Jin Shouan really couldn't think of a more reliable reason than the former treasury.

Even if he doesn't believe it, he has to believe it.

But Jin Shu really didn't lie to him. She really brought these from the previous treasury.

With the memory of the original plot, she knew an important plot, that is, not long after, Li Yong and Jin Chuyao would accidentally break into this dangerous forest.

After a narrow escape from death, not only did the two people come out alive, but Li Yong developed rapidly after that. He successfully ascended the throne in just six months and firmly established himself as emperor.

According to Jin Shu's understanding of the plots of these novels, this dangerous forest is just a game link between the male and female protagonists to enhance their relationship and advance the plot.

If you successfully pass the level, of course there will be rewards dropped.

So Jin Shu was sure that there was a treasure in this mountain.

At this time, the experience left over from the previous worlds came into play.

Coupled with the fact that Jin Shu is good at dividing gold and fixing acupuncture points, science and metaphysics, Jin Shu spent two nights of stillness to find the secret of this mountain.

Sure enough, monarchs of all dynasties had to abide by a set of strict Feng Shui rules in selecting sites.

Not only his own mausoleum, but also the national treasury related to the fate of the country.

After finding the location, Jin Shu used what she learned to easily crack the mechanism at the entrance to the treasury and walked in smoothly.

It was worth it that she spent so long, and the final harvest was quite rich.

Countless gold, silver and jewels were all piled underground, only to see the light of day again after many years.

Jin Shu has the ability to find the treasury, but she really needs help to transport so many things.

After thinking twice, Jin Shouan is the best helper.

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