Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 479: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 479: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (32)

"Can you take me to see it?"

"Are you sure you want to go see it?"

"Of course! Did you lie to me? Otherwise, take me to see it."

"Well, I'll take you to see wherever you want."

He left immediately. This time it was Jin Shouan who urged Jin Shu to leave quickly.

"Okay, prepare your horse."

"Hide your own horse? Why can't you ride in a carriage?"

"You'll know when you arrive."

Half an hour later, the brother and sister came to an ordinary-looking cave entrance in the darkness. Looking at the group of wild wolves lying on the ground after eating outside the cave entrance, Jin Shouan's legs became weak at that time.

If it weren't for Jin Shu's support, he might have fallen to the ground.

"Is this the kind of place you want to bring me to? A wolf's den?!"

"Didn't you come here on your own? Did you see the entrance to the cave? That is the entrance to the treasury."

Jin Shouan stared at her with wide eyes and asked in disbelief.

"How did you get in through this hole? And how did you get out of it?"

"It's very simple, just walk in."

"are you kidding me?"

Jin Shu shook her head, suddenly stood up from the grass, and walked directly towards the entrance of the cave.

This unexpected move frightened Jin Shou'an to the point where he almost found a hole in the ground and burrowed in. However, no matter how scared he was, he couldn't ignore his own sister, so he could only pull Jin Shu's sleeve in vain and roared in a low voice.

"what are you doing!"

"Come back! Come back quickly!"

Jin Shu remained unmoved and continued walking forward without looking back.

When Jin Shouan saw this, he stamped his feet and gritted his teeth, picked up a nearby wooden stick and followed.

We can't really watch Jin Shu die.

"Jin Shu! Don't go there! Get behind me!"

Jin Shu glanced at him, ignored him, and continued walking forward.

So, seeing a huge black wolf slowly walking towards the direction of Jin Shu, Jin Shouan breathed rapidly and his heart was in his throat. Suddenly he roared and rushed towards the black wolf with a stick in hand. .

Then the next second, the black wolf moved his claws and pinned Jin Shouan down easily and effortlessly.

The bloody mouth was so close, Jin Shouan was trembling all over and his eyes were desperate, thinking that there was no hope of survival, so he roared.

"Jin Shu, under the third brick in the southwest corner of my backyard are my life savings. If you can get out alive, you must take out the money and help me honor my parents!"

After speaking, he tilted his head and closed his eyes, lying down waiting to die.

The expected severe pain did not subside for a long time. Jin Shouan couldn't help but slowly opened his eyes. The next second, the wolf's mouth came close to him. Before he could continue to tremble, a warm and moist tongue fell unexpectedly, and it continued from there. He licked her from forehead to chin.


What do you mean?
Taste before eating?

"Get up, it won't eat you."

Jin Shu's voice came from the side. Jin Shouan carefully opened his eyes, turned the wolf's head in front of him, and released the wolf's claws on his heart.

Damn it?

Jin Shu helped him up.

"It won't hurt you, don't be afraid."


Jin Shouan was dubious. It wasn't until he saw the huge black wolf obediently prostrate beside Jin Shu that he had to believe that everything Jin Shu said was true.

What does this black wolf have to do with her?
"Two days ago when I went into the mountains, I happened to meet Xiaobai who was caught in a trap, so I helped him.

Now it knows me and considers me a friend. Since they are friends, they will naturally give you face and spare your life. "

The impact Jin Shouan received today was really too great. After his brain shut down for several seconds, his soul asked questions.

"Do you know what color it is?"

"You can probably tell that the dark area is probably a black wolf."

"Then why did you call it Xiaobai?"

"It doesn't understand, so just shout whatever you want."

Okay, as long as you are happy.

The wolves seemed to know Jin Shu very well, especially the black wolf. Seeing Jin Shu, he almost wanted to transform into a dog and chase after her butt and wag his tail.

In this weird and unreal trance, which was almost like a dream, Jin Shouan followed Jin Shu into the cave.

Inside the cave, it is deep and quiet, winding like a small intestine, and it is easy to lose your way.

Jin Shu touched the cave wall with one hand and walked into the depths of the cave with ease.

Jin Shou'an followed carefully. As a normal person with both eyes intact, his walking was more awkward than Jin Shu, a semi-blind person.

When Jin Shouan was about to trip to death for the seventh time, he looked up at Jin Shu, and for the seventh time he began to wonder if she was blind.

This inconspicuous cave entrance turned out to be hundreds of meters long after walking in. Jin Shouan followed him for a long time, and Jin Shu in front of him finally stopped.

She turned around and suddenly threw something in the direction of Jin Shouan.

Jin Shouan subconsciously caught it, looked down and saw that the thing in his hand was covered with a layer of dust. After wiping it clean, an unusually bright light overflowed from the dust.

"Ye Mingzhu?!"

Such a big luminous pearl? !
A night pearl bigger than his fist? ! !
By the light of the night pearl, Jin Shouan saw the vast wealth shrouded in darkness before him.


Jin Shouan's mouth took more than ten seconds to close.

Money, a lot of money, a lot of money...

He didn't dare to have such an outrageous dream in his dreams.

The mountains of gold, silver and jewels are piled up into a pile, which is more magnificent than this continuous hill.

The floor is filled with jewelry, jade, and ceramic treasures, which dazzles the eyes.

At this moment, Jin Shou'an was like a mouse that fell into a rice barn, putting gold into his pockets one by one.

Jin Shu raised her foot and kicked him directly on the butt.

"If you have some potential, you can't control this wealth. Take your time and use the money where it should be used."

“So much money, my God, I can’t stop losing every day when I bet!
Good sister, you are really my good sister! Could it be that you are a lucky star falling from the sky? !

We will never be able to spend all this money in this lifetime! "

Jin Shu watched him dancing excitedly and waited for him to calm down with an expressionless face.

"Calm down?"

"Say, let's just change to a bigger house! There's no need to open these shops in the Jin family. My mother works so hard every day, and her lifetime earnings may not be worth the tip of the iceberg here..."

"This money cannot be touched casually."

Jin Shouan was stunned for a moment, frowning in confusion.


"I'm going to raise an army."


"At least 30,000 people will start."


"So I can't touch any of this money. I need to use it to support my troops."

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