Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 480: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 480: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (33)

Jin Shouan spent almost a quarter of an hour digesting the fact that his sister was planning to build an army in an attempt to rebel.

He frowned, his brain had completely shut down under today's stimulation. In order to protect his overheated brain reactor, he chose the simplest way to deal with it.

"You can do whatever you want, I'll listen to you."

Jin Shu nodded with satisfaction.

Yes, that's right.

Before leaving, Jin Shouan knelt on the ground and gave all Ye Mingzhu a deep and pious kiss.

“Seeing equals getting, that’s enough.”

Although Jin Shu couldn't see his expression, she could guess with her toes what he looked like now.


A yellow cloth bag was thrown directly over. Jin Shouan subconsciously caught it and hurriedly lowered his head to open it.

Everything inside is filled with dazzling golden melon seeds.

The bag is full, heavy and quite substantial.

"Take it, this is what the concubines in the harem usually use for fun, it's just this bag."

There are hundreds of seeds in one bag, and each one is a heavy solid melon seed. The production process is even more ingenious, and it looks just like real melon seeds.

The reason why Jin Shu gave it to him was because she figured out that the production process of these melon seeds was not simple. It would be a pity to drag it to a gold shop and melt it. It would be better to leave it to the Jin family as a treasure to pass on.

What really needs to be melted away are these large gold ingots weighing several kilograms in the cave.

These gold ingots are all engraved with the unique symbols of the Liang Dynasty. Such gold must not be taken out for use.

After walking out of the cave, the wolves were still outside, standing or lying in different postures. There were also wolf cubs running and playing around the mother wolf.

The black wolf that Jin Shu saved was currently lying on the highest slope. The moonlight was shining on him, and its strong and slender figure seemed to be enveloped in the darkness. Under the moonlight, it slowly twisted around. On his face, his green wolf eyes looked down at the wolves below him deeply and calmly.

Then Jin Shouan suddenly met its eyes. It was obviously just a wolf, but when looking at it, Jin Shouan had an inexplicable urge to kneel down and kowtow to him.

Damn it, these wild wolves have become spirits.

No wonder that when my father sent heavy troops to encircle and suppress this wolf pack, they returned with no success and suffered heavy casualties.

After seeing this wolf king now, Jin Shouan had a vague feeling that it might be smarter than most of the people in the crusade team.

After seeing Jin Shu, Hei Lang immediately put down his wolf king attitude, stood up slowly and walked leisurely to Jin Shu, then stretched around her feet quite relaxedly.

Jin Shu stretched out her hand, and the wolf king seemed to know that her eyesight was bad, so he took the initiative to put his huge wolf head under Jin Shu's hand.

Jin Shouan looked at all this dumbfounded and asked in disbelief.

"Are you sure you just brought a bear trap for it?
Why do I think it looks like it recognizes you as its own mother? "

Jin Shu rubbed the wolf's head under her hand and smiled slightly.

"Who knows, maybe this is the power of plot setting."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"It's nothing, you don't understand even if I tell you."

Why did the wolf kiss and lick Jin Shu?

Because that’s how it was described in the original plot.

The heroine Jin Chuyao accidentally rescued the seriously injured Wolf King. Since then, the Wolf King has been loyal to her, devoted to her, calling on all forest wolves to be used by her. Jin Shu just did the exact same thing, and then gained the trust of the wolf king according to the plot settings.

Sure enough, the heroine always does things surprisingly smoothly. She seems to be in danger when she accidentally wanders into the mountains, but she captures the sincerity of the hero and subdues the sincerity of the wolves at the same time.

Jin Shu is not interested in Zhenxin, but she likes these fluffy little things, so she can keep them.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the brother and sister led a team to transport more than a dozen boxes of gold by water to the Jinjia Gold Shop.

The Jin family's gold shop has almost a monopoly on gold and silver jewelry in He'an County.

Relying on this strength, Jin Shu ordered, and Jin Shouan personally supervised, to start smelting gold.

Nowadays, gold is generally circulated in the form of gold ingots, gold nuggets, etc.

Jin Shu specially ordered someone to make a pair of gold bar molds, engraved a special seal on the back, and then started melting in large quantities.

According to the original plot, the autumn banquet is about to begin, and the location of the autumn banquet is built close to the mountain. In the center of the huge stage, the singer dances to the sound of the piano. All the guests sit around the stage, and there are fruits and delicacies in front of them. It is extremely rich. .

This autumn banquet was hosted by Mrs. Jin.

There are only a few aristocratic families in He'an County. In addition to the Jin family, there are several other famous aristocrats in the capital. In order to avoid the ups and downs in the capital, they voluntarily retreated to a small town.

Mrs. Jin took Jin Shu to sit at the main table. As the host, Mrs. Jin needed to deal with guests coming from all directions.

Jin Shu was bored, and her eyesight was bad. No matter who was standing in front of her, it was basically a mosaic of actions. It was not clear whether men and women were different, so no matter who it was, Mrs. Jin would call people when she was told to, and sit down when asked to sit down. , trying her best to play the role of a good girl with stable emotions.

Every autumn feast ends with an autumn hunt.

The ritual of autumn hunting is quite formal. First, pigs, cattle and sheep are sacrificed to the mountain god, and then the wizard is asked to perform the dance. After the dance, pigs, sheep, and chickens are killed, and blood is sacrificed to the mountain.

"The mountain god has agreed. You can go hunting in the mountains with peace of mind."

For Jin Shu, who had lived for tens of thousands of years, she had only one thought after watching this god-sacrifice ceremony that was full of loopholes and had no basis.

Theological education in this era has a long way to go.

Mountain God, although I don’t know if there is one in this mountain.

But in this case, there is a high probability that there is no such thing.

Otherwise, with this careless and perfunctory form of sacrifice, these people would have been educated by the mountain god as early as a few years ago when they entered the mountain.

With her thoughts back, Jin Shu was about to leave, but Mrs. Jin held her back.

"The young master of the Li family in Zhongcheng is very talented. He will take the scientific examination this year and is expected to go to high school.

Your father thinks highly of him, and your mother thinks he is a good person..."

"Mom, we are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away. If I are destined to meet Mr. Li, you don't need to tell us that we will also have a chance."

"Then it seems that you are indeed destined, Li Er, come here."

Mrs. Jin waved to someone not far away.

A man in white came over. Although Jin Shu couldn't see his face, she could keenly sense his underlying impatience and indifference.

Even so, the man is still polite, gentle and elegant.

"Li Yuzhi has met Miss Jin."

Li Yuzhi?
A very familiar name.

Jin Shu has a good memory and can remember it after just a moment's thought. No wonder she feels familiar. This Li Yuzhi is one of the heroine's many suitors. He is the youngest son of the Lieutenant of the Li family and the future number one scholar with a bright future.

(End of this chapter)

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