Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 481: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 481: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (34)

In the original plot, Li Yuzhi fell in love with Jin Chuyao. After accidentally hearing that Jin Chuyao was being tortured in the Jin family, she wanted to help Jin Chuyao take revenge.

And the way he chose to retaliate was none other than deliberately approaching Jin Shu at the autumn banquet and taking the opportunity to make her embarrassed in public.

This plot once made Jin Shu feel unreasonable.

The dignified number one scholar should have been a man of great talent and a unique talent in the world.

But such a person chooses to bully another innocent person secretly in order to avenge his sweetheart.

Such a persona is too fragmented.

But fortunately, Jin Shu is used to the appearance of such separated characters in the small world.

Jin Shu has always been too lazy to talk to insignificant people.

After a perfunctory reply, Jin Shu turned around and left.

Li Yuzhi stepped forward and invited him.

"I will participate in this autumn hunting. Do you have any prey you want? I can help you get it."



"I said I like wolves. Since Young Master Li has taken the initiative to invite you, then I would rather obey his orders than respect him. Then I'll trouble you."


Jin Shu looked serious, and Li Yuzhi found it difficult to tell whether she was serious or joking.

"Miss Jin really loves to joke. Everyone knows the rumors about wild wolves in the mountains cannibalizing people. It has always been a big worry for Uncle Jin. I think highly of you, Miss Jin, and I will try my best to help Uncle Jin to kill this group of wild wolves that do all kinds of evil." "

"You said so much, so can you help me catch the wild wolf?"

"My abilities are limited. Other animals can still give it a try. Wild wolves are indeed a bit dangerous..."

"Okay, then I'll catch it myself."


Li Yuzhi looked at Jin Shu as if she were a fool.

He could finally see that Jin Shu was trying to make things difficult for him, and using the name of hunting wolves was just to make him retreat.

She actually still looks down upon herself?
Li Yuzhi sneered in her heart, knowing that Jin Shu could not see, so she did not hide the indifference in her eyes.

If it wasn't to give Chu Yao a break, she would never have said a word to Jin Shu in her life.

The Jin family actually regarded their daughter as a rare treasure.

Putting aside her identity as the daughter of County Magistrate Jin, Jin Shu is just a loser, and she is also half-blind!
Mrs. Jin even deceived herself and tried to make up for her, saying that she just had bad eyesight.

Li Yuzhi suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart, said "goodbye" and turned around to leave.

Mrs. Jin, who had been watching secretly from the side, saw this and quickly stepped forward and asked anxiously.

"What's the matter? How was the conversation? Mr. Li is kind to others and the most talented. He is really a rare good man in the whole He'an County.

You also know what my mother is thinking, and she can’t take care of you forever. Her biggest wish now is to find a good home for you.


"Mom, I know, but he doesn't like me. He just has to talk to me perfunctorily for dad's sake."

The most important thing for people is to have self-awareness.

This is what Mrs. Jin usually talks about most often. Upon hearing what Jin Shu said, Mrs. Jin frowned silently.

"How could it be? Mr. Li just took the initiative to ask about your preferences. I said you like rabbits the most, and he also said he was going to catch a hare and give it to you."

Jin Shu lowered her eyes and spoke calmly.

"Mom, put aside your preference for your daughter and think from his perspective. He is a promising official son. Although he is the third child, he is highly valued by his parents.

He also looks very talented and has an excellent reputation.

Such a good son is more than enough to marry the daughter of an official from the capital, so why would he fall in love with me?
Do you fancy my father's position as county magistrate, or do you fancy me as a semi-blind man who can't take care of himself? "

These words really stabbed Mrs. Jin in the heart.

Of course she knew what Jin Shu said, but for a moment she was blinded by Li Yuzhi's excellence and initiative.


Picture what?
"Mom, my father is in the court, working with the governor, following the second prince of the court.

The second prince is currently in power and is the prince most likely to ascend to the throne after the prince's disappearance.

The father of Mr. Li was once an aide to the missing prince Li Yong.

With this kind of relationship here, mother, you still need to be careful at all times. "

Jin Shu's words were like thunder, exploding over Mrs. Jin's head, shaking her whole body, and she felt chills running down her back after reacting.

She is good at business, but she knows very little about these cunning officials.

In addition, County Magistrate Jin never talked about affairs between the court and China at home, so Mrs. Jin never considered Li Yuzhi's initiative in the struggle for the throne.

"A Shu, who said these words to you?"

Mrs. Jin felt that it was impossible for her daughter to think so far ahead with her mind.

Jin Shu had already prepared it and said without changing her expression.

"Last time Uncle Zhang came to see my father, I overheard it outside.

The missing prince does not seem to be dead, and there are rumors that the prince Li Yong is now in our county. "

This makes sense. No wonder there are so many unfamiliar faces at this year's autumn banquet, and they are all from wealthy families in the capital.

Mrs. Jin really thought that these people were just visiting He'an County.

Now it seems that it is obvious that because the emperor is critically ill, many people in the court have begun to actively fight and find new backers.

"In this case, you'd better not get close to that Li Yuzhi. At this critical moment, our Jin family only wants to protect itself."

"Well, how much food have you prepared?"

"My mother listened to your words and stocked up three entire grain depots. Not only the food in He'an County, but also in other counties has been bought by my mother.

Fortunately, I listened to you, and now the price of grain in the city has soared. The refined grain that used to be thirty cents per pound has now been sold for one hundred cents!
Fortunately, I have earned a lot from my business over the years. Otherwise, with your father's small salary, I probably wouldn't even be able to buy food at this time!
Fortunately, the food has been hoarded by our Jin family. If it had been anyone else, the price of food would have been driven up to an unknown amount.

And since we have food in our hands, most of the refugees will probably starve to death. "

Mrs. Jin was rich and benevolent, and the magistrate of Jin County was honest and righteous. The couple never skimped on the food they had hoarded. From the time the first refugee moved to He'an County, they never went hungry again.

The current number of refugees is still within the control of the Jin family and his wife.

But Jin Shu knows that after this year’s autumn harvest season, when there is no grain left in the fields, not only the refugees outside the county, but also the people in the county will be short of food, sitting on empty food, and then become part of the refugees. .

By that time, there will really be more monks and less food, more people and less food. No matter how much food the Jin family stores, it is far from enough to supply the continuous stream of refugees entering the county.

(End of this chapter)

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