Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 482: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 482: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (35)

Soon, the food Mrs. Jin hoarded will be divided among the hungry refugees.

But when the granary was actually empty, the turmoil began.

How could the refugees who were accustomed to receiving charity and filling their bellies be satisfied with the gradually thinning rice bowl? In addition, there were always ungrateful people who set the pace unscrupulously. Soon all the refugees thought that the Jin family had become stingy and peaceful. Other rich people are so cold and heartless.

Jin Shu did a rough calculation and found that Mrs. Jin had stored much more food in this life than in the original plot. In the original plot, the Jin family had been able to store food for more than a month, but this time it was estimated that it could last for three months.

By then, the news of the Jin family's food distribution will spread further and further. This time He'an County will definitely have to face many more refugees than in the original plot.

But fortunately, this time the Jin family had made preparations in advance.

After chatting with Jin Shu, Mrs. Jin felt a little uneasy in her heart, so she casually said that her heart ached and felt uncomfortable, and hurriedly left the scene and returned to her house.

Jin Shu was not in a hurry to leave, and sat down to watch the performance for a while. When the gong of Qiu Lie sounded, the young men and women who were already ready to go flew out one by one like arrows.

Jin Shu had bad eyesight, but Mrs. Jin thought she wanted to join in the fun, so she specially arranged for two porters to carry a small sedan for Jin Shu up one behind the other.

Jin Shouan caught up with him on horseback. In the past, he always stayed away from the autumn feast and never participated in the hunting part, but this year he participated for the first time and even followed up on his own initiative.

"All the gold ingots have been melted into gold bars. According to your request, temporary residences have been set up in the deserted city outside the city, and the recruitment plan has been arranged. You can go and take a look when you have time."

"Well, well done."

"Hehe, isn't this what it should be? And now that I think about it, things are going to change. When I come to my house next year, who said everyone in this world has to be surnamed Li.

Hehe... I think the surname Jin is not bad either! "

Jin Shouan's last words were whispered into Jin Shu's ear.

He still felt a little guilty when he said such rebellious words, but for some reason, as long as he saw Jin Shu's calm and cold face, Jin Shou'an felt that he could be bolder.

Jin Shu didn't say anything, she just sat back on the chair, enjoying the mountain breeze and yawning out of boredom.

In the original plot, the person brought to the Autumn Banquet by Mrs. Jin was Jin Chuyao, and Li Yong at that time directly transformed into the young master of a certain aristocratic family and sat at the guest table of the Autumn Banquet.

At the beginning of the autumn hunt, Jin Chuyao, who was ridiculed by many wealthy ladies as a country girl, really stole the show in front of many guests.

She rode a white horse and rode Juechen, and rushed into the mountains side by side with Li Yong.

The two people, who were already in love with each other at that time, chased each other and refused to give in to each other. The strong woman and the strong man were so strong that their hormones were soaring.

Then the end result is to stay away from the safe zone and stray into the dangerous zone, which is the territory of wild wolves.

But Li Yong, who had already made up his mind to fight to the death with the wild wolf, was surprised to see such a scene.

The majestic, bloodthirsty and terrifying wolf king, when he saw Jin Chuyao behind him for the first time, he docilely crawled down, and the wolves behind him followed suit one by one.

In this way, he effortlessly not only escaped the danger of his life, but also gained the trust and help of the wolves.

Thinking of the original plot, Jin Shu asked Jin Shouan to keep his eyes open and observe carefully.

"Look carefully. Is there anyone around you who looks particularly familiar to you?"

"Looks familiar? There are quite a few. Which one are you specifically referring to?"

"There's no way the one could be here."

Jin Shouan was a little confused, but he still obeyed the instructions, sat upright on the horse and looked around.


Why would someone who couldn't possibly appear here appear here? His eyes moved, and suddenly, a figure galloped away on horseback. His eyes lit up and he pointed at the figure and asked doubtfully.

"I actually saw one, Sister Chu Yao, why is she here?"

"Follow me."

"Follow up? Okay."

Although he didn't know why, Jin Shouan obeyed and followed on horseback.

Jin Shu moved too slowly in the sedan, so Jin Shouan simply let her ride on the horse, while he rode another horse, holding the reins in his hand, and trotted towards the direction where Jin Chuyao disappeared.

"The fence area is just ahead. It's very dangerous. Why would sister Chu Yao go into a place like this?"

Jin Shouan called "Sister Chu Yao" and called her affectionate.

Jin Shu rode on the horse and clamped the horse's belly without hesitation. The next second, the horse under her jumped directly out, without giving Jin Shouan any time to react.

Jin Shou'an quickly followed. This time it was Jin Shu who led the way. There was no need for Jin Shou'an to hold her in front. Jin Shu could still hold the reins and ride forward steadily on the horse.

"Slow down, be careful not to hit the tree."

"It's easier to ride a horse than to walk on my own. The horse will avoid obstacles for me, and all I have to do is grasp the direction."

It was much more convenient to walk alone with Jin Shou'an holding hands. I don't know how long I walked, but Jin Shou'an, who was still playing a tune leisurely beside me at the beginning, suddenly lowered his voice and said something.

"I saw sister Chu Yao!"

Before Jin Shu could speak, Jin Shouan shouted again in disbelief.

"Who is next to her? Huh? Damn it, isn't that the pretty boy you are raising!"

Jin Shou'an didn't even know his last name, so he called him a pretty boy from beginning to end.

Jin Shu jumped off the horse, and Jin Shouan followed him down. As soon as they tied the horse, there was a sudden rustling movement in the nearby grass.

Jin Shou'an took Jin Shu and hid. Although he didn't know what the relationship between the two people in front of him was, there must be something wrong with a man and a woman sitting side by side in the deep mountains and forests with no one around.

What kind of magical power does that man have? On one side he is hooking up with his own sister, and on the other side he is hooking up with sister Chu Yao!

Jin Shouan suppressed his anger. If he hadn't been pulled by Jin Shu, he would have rushed up and punched the man.

"What are these two doing here?"

"What else can you do?"

Jin Shu's calmness impressed Jin Shou'an.

"Why didn't you react at all? If it were me, I definitely wouldn't be able to bear it."

Who knows how much Jin Shu has sacrificed for that pretty boy.

Now everyone knows that the pretty boy has hooked up with someone else again, yet he can still be so calm.

Are you too angry?
Jin Shu just frowned slightly, as if waiting for something.

Jin Shou'an couldn't figure out Jin Shu's thoughts at all, so he could only suppress his dissatisfaction and wait silently.

He was a little sleepy at first, but suddenly a high-pitched wolf howl made all his sleepiness disappear, and his whole body trembled violently. If Jin Shu hadn't pulled him, he would have jumped up.

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