Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 485: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

After speaking, Li Yong blew the whistle in his arms, and then he and Jin Chuyao An Anxin waited for rescue in the tree.

The black wolf under the tree walked around the tree, sniffed it, then turned around and walked towards Jin Shu.

Jin Chuyao felt very happy when she saw this.

I had worked hard in the Jin family for so many years, but in the end I only ended up with a tragic death.

In this life, she was full of hatred and strategizing, but she finally waited until the time when her great revenge was avenged.

The black wolf slowly approached the two of them, and Jin Chuyao just wanted to clap her hands on top.

Just when she thought the two of them were about to be splashed with blood, who would have thought that the ferocious black wolf actually stopped when it walked in front of Jin Shu!
what's the situation?
When wild wolves hunt, shouldn't they rush out and bite their prey? Why does this black wolf seem to have no hostility towards Jin Shu?

Not only was there no hostility, he even took the initiative to put his head under Jin Shu's hand and let her caress him? !

Seeing this scene, Jin Chuyao couldn't believe her eyes.

What exactly is going on? Is this wolf blind?

At this time, Jin Chuyao looked at the scene of a man and a wolf living in harmony, and felt uncomfortable in her heart.

But she soon stopped caring so much. She didn't know what Jin Shu said in the ear of the black wolf. The black wolf slowly retreated until its body retreated to a high slope not far away, and then it lay down on its forelimbs. The hind limbs are arched, as if ready to go.

The next second, the huge black wolf bounced, and the moment it soared with its hind legs, it relied on the soil slope under it, and its body flew towards the two people on the tree like an arrow from a string, and accurately shot out.

This scene directly caused the two people who were originally relaxed to panic instantly.

The tree branch she was stepping on was originally small, and Jin Chuyao was frightened by the oncoming bloody mouth, so her already shaky body fell uncontrollably towards the bottom of the tree!

It wasn't enough for him to fall down, so Jin Chuyao subconsciously grabbed the only thing around her that could be grabbed, which was Li Yong's clothes.

Just like that, the two people hit the ground hard one after the other.

Jin Chuyao was even worse, because not only did she have to bear the pain of landing on her back, but she was also forced to catch Li Yong, who was much heavier than herself.

The two people were thrown so hard that their eyes were filled with stars, but Black Wolf didn't give them any time to react. After landing firmly, he took aim at the target and rushed over again.

As soon as Jin Chuyao got up, she noticed a dark shadow rushing towards her. She screamed, her body was faster than her brain, and she grabbed Li Yong uncontrollably with her hands again, and then hid behind him without hesitation.

Before Li Yong could react, there was a sharp pain in his arm. Without caring about anything else, he hurriedly turned to look at his arm.

The next second, unprecedented fear and madness burst out from his usually cold and indifferent eyes.

There was only an empty rag left where the arm should have been, and not far away from him, a bloody severed arm fell on the grass, which was shocking.

He sat stunned on the ground for a long time, as if his soul had been pulled away at this moment, and the black wolf beside him could no longer cause any panic in him.

The man who had lost an arm looked more desperate than dead at this time.

Jin Chuyao on the side was also shocked when she saw this scene.

The first thought that flashed through my mind was.

Can you still be an emperor with a broken arm?
But soon she didn't have time to think about it so much, because the black wolf was already running in her direction.

Li Yong was already in a state of madness. His scarlet eyes glared fiercely at Jin Chuyao behind him.

The moment she saw these eyes, Jin Chuyao's heart trembled, and she suddenly realized what she had done wrong, and hugged him belatedly.

"I...I didn't mean it, I just..." "Shut up!!"

Li Yong roared and pushed Jin Chuyao away. Looking at his broken arm, he roared and pulled out the sword from his waist, stood up and stabbed the black wolf.

The black wolf looked coldly at the weak human in front of him, and then when he approached, he waved his claws over and easily pushed him to the ground again.


Li Yong got up again and was knocked down again.

Followed by the third time, the fourth time...

By the fifth time, Li Yong couldn't get up.

The black wolf seemed to be a cat teasing a mouse. When it saw that Li Yong had no fighting spirit and was lying on the ground like a dead dog, it lost interest, and then turned its head to target Jin Chuyao who was preparing to escape.

Jin Chuyao screamed and ran away, but before she had gone far, a dozen majestic wild wolves slowly walked out of the jungle, forcing her back step by step.

She turned her head in panic and helplessness, and then noticed the two Jin brothers and sisters standing aside with expressionless faces.

At this moment, she seemed to have seen the last straw and pounced on it at all costs.

"Brother Jin! Brother Jin, help me!!"

Jin Shouan took a step back, frowning and looking cold.

"Didn't you say that I have bad intentions? How dare you ask for help from a person with bad intentions like me now?"

Jin Chuyao is a flexible person. In this situation, she directly denied everything she said before and cried.

"I'm wrong! Brother Jin, I'm wrong! I've been deceived by others before, but actually that's not what I think in my heart!
Brother Jin, I will remember all your kindness to me. You carried me on the street to buy candied haws on my back, and you took me to make new clothes.

I have always regarded you as my biological brother from the bottom of my heart. My parents died young and I am the only one left in the family. If you hadn't saved me, I would have died!

Brother Jin, when you were sick in the past, I stayed by your side with a medicine bowl all night long. When you were punished for copying, I was also willing to stay up late with you.

Have you forgotten all the feelings you have had over the years? "

What Jin Chuyao said was so sincere that she almost knelt down and kowtowed to Jin Shou'an.

At this time, the only person she can turn to is Jin Shou'an. She knows this man too well. He is hard-spoken and soft-hearted. As long as she acts coquettishly, Jin Shou'an will obey her.

Such a man had better be careful. In order to survive, Jin Chuyao tried her best to awaken the slightest dependence on the Jin family deep in her heart.

She performed so hard that Jin Shouan opposite her suddenly laughed out loud.

"Jin Chuyao, you are so good at acting, no wonder our whole family has been deceived by you for so long.

I learned a truth from you, that is, dogs on the roadside should not be picked up casually.

Otherwise, if I accidentally pick up an ungrateful mad dog, I will be the one bitten in the end. "

After saying that, Jin Shouan slowly turned his head and left without mercy.

The moment he turned around, the black wolf, which was already ready to attack, rushed directly towards Jin Chuyao.

(End of this chapter)

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