Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 486: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

After the screams passed, Hei Lang took a step back without interest, then looked at Jin Shu with his green eyes and growled lowly.

Jin Shu moved her nose, and when the wind blew, there was a smell in the air.

Animal feces smell different from human feces.

Jin Shudang knew why Hei Lang couldn't stop talking.

As the king of the forest, with wisdom comparable to that of a human being, how could he possibly attack a prey covered in feces and urine?

Jin Shouan could see everything clearly, and his reaction was even more violent.

Looking at Jin Chuyao, who was curled up in a ball under the tree, with unknown liquid leaking out from under the tree, he frowned, and a helpless anger surged in his heart.

"Ashu, what should we do now?"

Jin Shou'an couldn't say anything like asking Jin Shu to let Jin Chuyao go directly, so he didn't interfere and left it to Jin Shu to make the decision.

Jin Shu reached out and patted Hei Lang on the head.

"I won't embarrass you. Let the other wolves come. You don't have to kill them. Just keep them alive."

Arnold once told her that the male and female protagonists are both children of luck in the small world, and the whole world is built by them.

So before completing the mission, Jin Shu would not let them die like this.

Otherwise, if any trouble occurs later, she will have to solve it.

The screams echoed throughout the forest again.

There are always wolves in the wolf pack who don't mind if the prey has a bit of smell, the worst is to throw it into the river to wash it down.

Anyway, there are streams everywhere in this mountain.

"Let's go, it's getting late, let's take a look at the results of other people's autumn hunting."

Jin Shouan finally realized why he went into the mountain.

"I've even forgotten about the autumn hunting. It seems that our Jin family is at the bottom again this year. Let alone the deer and deer, I didn't even see a pheasant this year."

"It's normal that you didn't see it. After all, this is their territory."

As soon as Jin Shu finished speaking, Hei Lang turned and left, and soon he caught up with the two people who were planning to go out.

Jin Shouan couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw what was in its mouth.

"Look, what's that in its mouth?"

"It's a wild wolf!"

Black Wolf dropped the dying wild wolf in his mouth, glanced at Jin Shu, then slowly turned around and returned to the forest.

Jin Shouan jumped off his horse excitedly and looked at the wild wolf in front of him.

“No wonder it looks familiar to me, it turns out he’s with that gray wolf!

Is it sending its own kind to us as prey? "

Jin Shu rode on the horse and walked forward slowly.

“Like humans, wolves also eliminate internal enemies.

Just keep it if it's given to you, don't live up to its kindness. "

"How considerate! I'm afraid that others will see that he was bitten to death by his own kind. This wolf has no bite wounds at all. It looks like it was thrown like this!"

Jin Shouan excitedly took out his bow and arrow and gave the wild wolf a final fatal blow.

With the arrow hole, the wolf truly belongs to him.

So in this autumn hunt, Jin Shouan became the leader without any surprise, and won the one thousand tael bonus set by the Jin family themselves.

Because of this incident, Jin Shouan instantly became famous.

All the girls in He'an County knew that the eldest son of the Jin family had captured a forest wolf during this autumn hunting.

This wolf tribe is elusive, ferocious and powerful. Let alone hunting, anyone who has seen them basically has a narrow escape. And this aspect reflects Jin Shouan's ability.

After Mrs. Jin learned about this, she only said one thing.

"It seems that the matter of finding a wife for Shou'an this year has finally been settled."

As a well-known dandy in He'an County, which good family would be willing to marry a girl to such an unknown person?
Jin Shouan is not a bastard who bullies men and dominates women. Even if he meets someone he likes, if others don't like him, he will not rely on the power of the Jin family to force them.

So all his peers got married and had children, but he was the only one who still had no plans for the rest of his life.

Now it's good. The reputation of hunting wild wolves has spread, and it can be regarded as a little bit clear of the bad reputation of the past.

Jin Shouan, who had no objections to marrying and having children before, shook his head and refused without hesitation after receiving the woman's reply.

Mrs. Jin: "You bastard! Do you know that your mother and I sent invitations to so many girls' homes, and finally one of them was willing to reply? Good things are about to happen, and you told me that you want to make a name for yourself first and then start a family?"

And make a name for yourself?
Mrs. Jin couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

If others don't know, how can she not understand her son?

His riding and shooting skills are not as good as his own. He probably picked up a dead mouse and let him miss it. Unexpectedly, it actually made him proud.

It would be great to have a family and start a career, but he still wants to make a name for himself!

"Mom, you don't understand. Ah Shu and I are doing something big recently. Please leave us alone."

"You even brought your sister along with you to fool around with you! Look, if I don't beat you to death today, I'll be sorry to all the ancestors of the Jin family!"

Jin Shouan was beaten up and down, but he moved flexibly and seemed to be quite familiar with his mother's tricks.

The beatings looked severe to outsiders, but almost none of the sticks actually fell on him.

"What does the ancestors of the Jin family have to do with you? You'd better think more about yourself. Look at how tired you are of working for those shops all day long! Your hair has turned white.

Let me tell you, sell those shops quickly and go home to retire in peace! "

"The more you talk about it, the less formal it becomes! The shop is sold, and in a hundred years from now, your father and I, the three of you will go out on the streets together to beg for food!"

The shop is already the best guarantee that Mrs. Jin can leave to her children.

The official position cannot be inherited, but fortunately the shop can and the domestic slave can.

These will be what the three siblings will rely on in the future.

But Jin Shouan grabbed the stick in Mrs. Jin's hand and told her.

“Mom, haven’t you noticed that our county is about to be filled with refugees?

In other counties, even wealthy households have to sell their sons and daughters to survive. Do you think our county will be an exception?
The shop is now sold, so go buy rice and noodles elsewhere and build more granaries.

Otherwise, when we and An County become like other surrounding counties, these shops in your hands will only become shabby houses! "

Mrs. Jin was stunned on the spot. The stick in her hand fell to the ground at some point, but she remained unmoved.

"Who told you this?"

"Uncle Zhang."

Anyway, Jin Shu said it, no matter what he said, it would have to come from Zhang Shixu's mouth.

The Jin family and his wife have trusted Zhang Shixu more than ten years ago, not to mention that they have now become Lord Zhang, a high official in the imperial court.

"Mom, Uncle Zhang is the governor. He has traveled far and wide and seen more than any of us. Do you still believe what he says?"

"Then why didn't your Uncle Zhang tell me personally?"

Jin Shouan's mind was spinning fast and he opened his mouth.

"Uncle Zhang is strict and never favors his relatives. If he told you directly, wouldn't it affect his principles of being an official?"

(End of this chapter)

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