Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 487: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 487: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (40)

Makes sense.

Usually when Zhang Shixu is at Jin's house, he only talks about past events and never touches on government affairs.

Even if he wanted to talk about some official matters, he and Magistrate Jin would stay in the study to discuss it.

Even Magistrate Jin rarely interferes in her business affairs, let alone Zhang Shixun.

It is estimated that he also saw the form correctly, but it was difficult to remind her directly, so he used the mouths of the brothers and sisters to help him convey it.

"Mom, the Wu family in our county is related by blood to the prince's mother. Haven't they always been eyeing our shop?

In this case, you take this opportunity to sell it to the Wu family at a high price, collect all the money and go south to quickly buy rice and noodles, set up granaries, and guard them with mercenaries.

Time can't wait, mother. "

Mrs. Jin's silence was the best answer.

Jin Shounan nodded with satisfaction, completed the task and immediately went to report to Jin Shu.

a few days later.

"Ah Shu, as you expected, my mother is already setting up a shop!

Fortunately, the location of our shop is easy to sell. As soon as the man named Wu heard the news, he rushed over and bought all the shops on the street east of our house!

Now my mother estimates she has tens of thousands of taels in her hands! "

Jin Shu nodded.

Only then did Jin Shouan notice that her eyes were covered with a piece of cloth covered with green ointment.

"What is this?"

"Medical fumigation is good for your eyes."

"It smells so good. Who did you ask to smoke it? I'll make some too. It doesn't smoke your eyes. It smells good even if you put it in the house."

"I made it myself. If you want it, I'll have it in my drawer. Go get it yourself."

Jin Shou'an looked at the drawer full of ointment in surprise, and then looked back at Jin Shu.

"What else can't you do? If you hadn't remembered all the things you did when you were a child, I really wouldn't believe that you were my original sister Jin Shu."

Jin Shu did not hide her personality, but it was completely different from the previous Jin Shu.

But so what?
They were suspicious and could not find any evidence, and everything was developing for the better. Everything they did was for the Jin family and the people of He'an County.

Then they have nothing to say.

That night, the little girl from the Jin family started to act up again.

The training given by Jin Shu in the past few days has been somewhat effective. At least I can sit in the study for an hour.

But because Jin Chuyao didn't show up again in the past few days, Jin Qi thought about her day and night, and finally started making trouble in the middle of the night.

If a six- or seven-year-old child becomes dependent on someone or something, it will take some effort to quit.

Jin Shu did not punish her by not eating as she did before. After all, this method treated the symptoms rather than the root cause.

So I directly asked Jin Shouan.

"Next time you give porridge, take Jin Qi with you and let her help with the work."

"What can she do as a child?"

"With a sixteen-year-old body and a strong body, if she is asked to carry rice bags, she will be beaten if she doesn't move." Although Jin Shou'an feels distressed, he now obeys Jin Shu's words. As long as she says, he will basically not ask any questions. , just do it.

Nowadays, the refugees in He'an County have been separated from a separate street by Jin County Magistrate to accommodate them.

The number of refugees in the county is now close to 5,000. If not for the recent proper control, the number would have only tripled to three or four times.

Because they have no land, no livelihood, and no housing, these people can only survive on the porridge provided by the county government twice a day.

At first, Magistrate Jin only gave him thick porridge made from pure white rice. The quality of his two meals a day was simply better than that of ordinary people.

Later, Zhang Shixu suggested that he replace the thick porridge with a slightly thinner porridge and add a little bit of sediment to his daily porridge.

Magistrate Jin couldn't bear it, and Zhang Shixu shut him up with just a few words.

"Food is limited and the number of refugees is increasing. The limited food must be used on people who really need porridge to survive."

Later, Magistrate Jin sent people to investigate and found that among the people who came to receive porridge every day, three out of ten were people with land and houses nearby!

They are not so poor that they need a bowl of porridge from the county government to survive, but they still come to get it every day, and even drag their families to seize the only source of food for the refugees.

So in the next few days, County Magistrate Jin gradually replaced the thick porridge with slightly thinner rice porridge, and gradually added sediment that would affect the taste.

There is no problem in eating this sediment in the stomach, but it makes it more difficult to eat this bowl of porridge. Anyone who is not really hungry will find it difficult to drink this bowl of porridge.

As a result, the daily consumption of rice and noodles was indeed much less, and the team that came to receive the porridge seemed to be a little less.

Although this trick works, in the face of the ever-increasing number of refugees, even if sand is mixed into the rice, the grain stored by the An County Government, and the Jin family's own granary are not enough to give all the refugees a life-saving bite. meal.

Because of this incident, Magistrate Jin County was so worried that he couldn't sleep at night. He had to get up with a light in the middle of the night to check the food inventory.

Fortunately, Zhang Shixu was assigned by the emperor to come to He'an County to provide disaster relief, but the food relief supplies were only enough to last half a month.

Today’s family dinner, Mrs. Jin arranged the food in the porridge tent.

As for the meal, there is only one bowl of white porridge per person, accompanied by side dishes pickled by the own chef.

Jin Shou'an, who had long been accustomed to eating delicacies from all over the world, wanted to leave for a long time, but when he saw Jin Shu sitting nearby eating without saying a word, he suddenly felt that the food was not completely unbearable.

Magistrate Jin put down his chopsticks. He only ate half the bowl of porridge and frowned.

“I sent people to do a count yesterday and found that there were 4,000 refugees in the county and nearly 9,000 people wandering outside the city.

If everyone is really allowed in, the people of He'an County will suffer. "

These refugees are so hungry that it doesn't matter if they steal or steal. What's even more frightening is that they may kill for food.

"The imperial court only has thirty carts of relief food, which won't last long at all."

"There are so many refugees, but only thirty carts of food are given?"

Zhang Shixu looked ugly.

"Your Majesty is critically ill. The prince's party and the third prince's party are fighting fiercely. The problem of refugees is nothing to them. The most important thing for them now is the candidate for the new emperor."

This is why Zhang Shixu doesn't want to stay in the court.

He had tried hard to remain neutral, but he couldn't help but be swayed by the torrent, so he had no choice but to choose the more benevolent third prince.

At least the third prince was responsible for arranging the relief food.

"It happens that the battle for the throne arose at this time, and the people will not be able to survive. The throne... ugh..."

There was only one sentence left that Magistrate Jin did not dare to say.

When all the people in the world are dead, does it still matter who becomes the emperor?
(End of this chapter)

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