Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 490: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 490: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (43)

After County Magistrate Jin saw Jin Shu's soldiers and horses hidden in the mountains, he completely gave up the idea of ​​surrendering.

The idea of ​​​​rebellion seemed to have arisen in just a moment.

If the Li family doesn't treat them as human beings, then don't blame them for choosing another way to survive.

On that day, Zhang Shixu sent someone to contact all the colleagues of the Third Prince's faction and asked them to set off for He'an County immediately.

Since you have already disobeyed the imperial edict, let's simply carry out the rebellion to the end.

Zhang Shixu had a good idea. Now that He'an County is so large, tens of thousands of elite soldiers and people have been met, and all the conditions for establishing a country have been met, there is still one thing missing.

"Ah Shu, do you still remember the games you insisted on pestering me to play with you when you were a kid?"

Jin Shu was dressing her eyes. When she heard Zhang Shixu's voice, she thought about it carefully.

Forget it, I can’t remember.


"You like to play house, you are the sister and I am the brother.

Now that you have grown up, why not play house with Brother Zhang again? "

Hearing this, Jin Shu probably guessed what Zhang Shixu was going to say next.

Sure enough, he whispered the next second.

"Does Ashu want to be the king of a country?"

When it comes to craziness, Zhang Shixu is really the best.

In just one day, the status of a subject can be transformed into a judge, and now the plan is to establish a new king.

Jin Shu was calm and replied directly.

"Okay, I haven't been the king of a country yet."

The two hit it off immediately, and now they have the three things necessary to form a country.

The monarch, the army, and the people.

That night, everyone sat around the table, and Zhang Shixu spread out a piece of paper, on which were drawn all the counties around He'an County.

"He'an County has a high terrain, with strange mountains behind it, and faces the Huai River. The river is hundreds of meters wide. This location is really favorable for the right time, place and people. If more people are sent to guard the east and west directions, then He'an County will be impregnable and there will be no one." Can attack."

Magistrate Jin was dazed when he heard it, and finally accepted the fact that Zhang Shixu planned to rebel against Jianguo.

"Do you really want to do this? If your Majesty finds out, then the entire people of He'an County will suffer."

Magistrate Jin is a competent parent official, and the first thing he thinks of at any time is the people.

Rebellion is a serious crime of beheading. If you die yourself, it would be a serious crime if it harms the people.

Zhang Shixu was calm and calm.

"Based on the current situation, how long do you think the people in He'an County can survive without the government's disaster relief food?
The Li family ignored the people and allowed them to live and die. So what if such a royal family betrayed them?
From beginning to end, it was just to give myself a way out. "

After Zhang Shixu finished speaking, Magistrate Jin had nothing to say.

As a parent official, he cannot guarantee the life or death of the people, so he really has no qualifications to continue to maintain useless loyalty here. After one night, everyone has reached a consensus, that is, to unite with the outside world and overthrow the Li family.

Nowadays, all the people who come into the city are refugees who just want to eat and drink. If you want to win over these people, you only need to give them food.

The remaining people are the people of He'an County, which is easier to solve.

Magistrate Jin has been a parent official in He'an County for more than ten years. He is deeply loved by the people of He'an County because of his integrity and selflessness.

Magistrate Jin only needed to explain the current situation in detail, and the people would surrender one after another.

After all, they don't care who becomes the emperor, as long as they live peacefully and don't affect them.

Zhang Shixu is an action man. Since he is planning to rebel, he will carry out the rebellion to the end.

When Jin Shu woke up, she had already thought about the name of the country. When Jin Shu saw it, a black flag embroidered with "gold" was fluttering on the tower.

Jin Shouan transformed overnight from an idle playboy to an envoy of a country, responsible for foreign affairs.

At best, he was a diplomatic envoy; at worst, Zhang Shixu took a fancy to his eloquence and sent him to quarrel with Li.

"I think it's not a problem at all to be the prime minister of a country with my ability."

"What does Uncle Zhang do when you become prime minister?"

Jin Shouan thought carefully.

"One thing I have to admit is that Uncle Zhang's talent is indeed slightly better than mine. Since it is daily life, let me be a general who governs the country. Although I am not good at fighting, I am very good at marching and fighting. Ashu, you Don't be impatient, you are already the king of a country, but you can't forget me who has been with you through the hard times."

Jin Shou'an was really noisy, and Jin Shu didn't have much patience, so she looked at him.

"It's not impossible for you to want to be a high official, but you have to perform well. In this way, the refugees outside the city who have not been resettled will be left to you. You will resettle them and let them no longer be honest. If you make trouble, your ability will be revealed."

"Okay, I'll take care of this. But you keep your word. Give me a high official position. Remember, you must be a high official, and you can only do it if you are above the fourth rank."

Jin Shu nodded and agreed readily.

Jin Shou'an happily took orders and went to do things.

That afternoon, the family sat together to eat. Thanks to Jin Shu, after leaving enough rice seeds for the first batch of successfully planted rice, Jin Shu specially left two bags of fresh rice.

At noon, Mrs. Jin specially asked the kitchen to cook a pot of new rice. When the rice was steamed and the lid of the pot was lifted, the entire Jin Mansion was filled with the mellow aroma of rice. This smell was like a hook, so easy It can arouse the greed in people's stomach. Mrs. Jin has never been very fond of food, but this time she walked into the kitchen for the first time and asked the cook to bring a bowl of rice.

After one bite, the fragrance lingers on your lips and teeth, the rice is soft and elastic, crystal clear, and when you chew it carefully, a sweet aroma that you have never tasted fills your mouth.

"After using this pot for so many years, this is the first time it has cooked such fragrant rice!"

The cook was almost drooling because of the delicious smell of the rice. Watching Mrs. Jin put mouthfuls of it into her mouth without stopping, she could tell how delicious this bowl of rice must be.

Everyone ate a lot at today’s dinner table.

Even Mrs. Jin, who usually pays most attention to eating small meals and frequent meals, ate a whole bowl of rice.

As for Jin Shouan, he hasn't raised his head since he sat down at the table to meditate. He ate a full half of a bowl of rice soaked in broth.

"It's so delicious!! I have never eaten such delicious rice in my life!"

Even if you don’t need to eat vegetables, eating rice alone is a pleasure!
The Jin family can be considered a wealthy family, and they have never eaten anything good. But when they tasted the new rice today, they all looked like the hungry refugees, eating quickly and urgently.

Magistrate Jin, who later returned home, felt that his family was exaggerating, and they were just talking about how delicious a bowl of rice could be.

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