Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 491: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Until he sat down and took a bite. After a moment of daze, he took another big mouthful of rice.

"How can this rice be so sweet? I have never tasted such delicious rice!"

Everyone looked at Jin Shu.

Jin Shu had already put down her chopsticks, and wiped her mouth slowly.

"Maybe it's a vision from heaven, God's instructions. Rice can be grown on such dry land within two months. What else is so surprising?"

What Jin Shu said makes sense.

A prolonged drought without rain is unprecedented in a century, and growing rice on dry land is unheard of in thousands of years.

With so many strange things happening in the world today, it would not be impossible to have more sweet and delicious rice.

All in all, these are unexplainable things, so let’s just attribute them all to God’s will.

Magistrate Jin originally had something to say, but because the rice in his hand was too sweet and the aroma penetrated his nose uncontrollably, he simply put everything aside and ate his fill first no matter what. Say it again.

There was a whole big pot of rice. Finally, Zhang Shixu came over and together with Magistrate Jin, the two of them ate all the rice.

After everyone had eaten and drank enough, Magistrate Jin finally had time to talk about something serious.

"The capital has received the news. Li Yong knows what happened in He'an County. He sent 50,000 troops and horses. Now those troops have arrived at Lu Pass. It is estimated that they will reach the Huaihe River in two days."

Zhang Shixuan nodded.

"This is something we expected. Li Yong's temperament will never tolerate it, so even if the situation is turbulent now, he will spare no effort to attack us.

Isn't this exactly what we want? "

Everything was expected, so even if the army was approaching, the atmosphere at the table was not too tense, and there was even a burst of laughter because of Jin Shouan's long and huge burp.

Magistrate Jin sighed.

"To be honest, since I decided not to be attached to the Li family, I have felt a lot more relaxed. I used to want to protect myself, but I didn't want to be coerced by the officialdom, but I was forced to take sides. After taking sides, I became even more frightened and couldn't sleep all night. I'm afraid that the situation will be decided that day, and all of us will suffer accordingly.

Now I'm fine, no matter whether I succeed or fail, I care about myself. Although I'm still panicked, I feel much more at ease. "

The timing of Magistrate Jin’s words was something he felt personally.

But he has more aspirations and ambitions than Magistrate King.

The members of the Li family were all jealous of the virtuous, and were afraid that their minister would be too outstanding, so they suppressed him intentionally or unintentionally.

Now he is like a dragon swimming in the sea, unrestrained and finally able to fully display his talents and ambitions.

After County Magistrate Jin finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something.

"Where's Aqi? Why don't you see her today?"

Upon hearing this, Jin Shouan quickly wiped his mouth and swallowed the last bite of food.

"This is what I want to say. Today I went out of the city gate to deal with the restless refugees, and Aqi slipped out at some point. Originally, I wanted to bring her back, but I had to mention it at this time. There is one person, Jin Chuyao, whom we all know.

She became a refugee for some unknown reason. She mixed in with a group of people and wanted to line up to enter the city. Later, I discovered her and blocked her from the door. As a result, Ah Qi saw Jin Chuyao and was clamoring to get her into the city, otherwise she would stay outside the city with Jin Chuyao and starve to death.

I really couldn't persuade her, so in the end I got so angry that I just threw her outside the city gate.

But don't worry, I've sent people to watch in secret and won't let anything happen to her. "

Jin Shouan had already told everyone about what Jin Chuyao had done, including her attempt to instruct a wild wolf to kill the two siblings.

This kind of person is really bad to the core, but if she is left here, she will definitely find ways to continue to do bad things in the future, so even Mrs. Jin, who usually loves her the most, directly said that if they meet again in the future, they will be irreconcilable enemies.

After working hard for more than ten years, she was raised according to the standards and treatment of the lady in the mansion. In the end, she was raised to be a spoiled, wolf-hearted person.

Mrs. Jin was so angry that she didn't eat for several meals because of this incident. Today she heard Jin Chuyao's name again, and her face darkened on the spot.

"Aqi is really ignorant. Since she wants to follow Jin Chuyao, let her go! Also, call back the guards sent to protect her and leave her alone!"

"Mom, my little sister is spoiled by you and my father! I think Ah Shu is right. My little sister knows everything. She knows that we will be reluctant to let her go, and that we can't just watch her suffer outside. , so he wants to use this method to force us to accept Jin Chuyao."

When Jin Shouan thought of Jin Qi who couldn't be pulled back outside the city gate in the morning, he felt so angry that his lungs hurt.

You little bastard, he doesn't know right from wrong, but he even said willfully that he will never return to the Jin family again, and he will not recognize him as his brother. Such crazy words!
Of course, Jin Shouan didn't say these words at the dinner table. He was worried that if he said it, his mother would be angry.

Now even Magistrate Jin, who loves Jin Qi the most, no longer protects her.

"Let her suffer a lot outside this time! No one should be soft-hearted. When will she realize her mistake? When will she come back!"

From beginning to end, Jin Shu listened silently and did not make any remarks from beginning to end.

By this time, everyone in the Jin family has woken up and there is no need for her to say any more nonsense.

What she has to consider more now is Li Yong's 50,000-strong army.

As long as a war is launched, it will inevitably lead to turmoil and affect the lives and safety of the people in He'an County.

Jin Shu kept in mind her mission, which was to protect the people of the county, so naturally she couldn't let this war start.

So that night, during her still time, Jin Shu crossed the moat on foot, and then walked more than ten miles and saw Li Yong's 50,000-strong army.

It was so vast and huge that it could be seen that Li Yong was really angry.

Jin Shu quickly found the tent camp where food and grass were placed. There were mountains of food inside.

With her own strength, she would definitely not be able to move all the food in just one night, but it would be a waste to burn it on fire. After all, there was a shortage of food at the moment, and Jin Shu couldn't do such an evil thing.

In this case, there is only one way.

Jin Shu spent all his stationary time and pushed more than a hundred carts of nearly ten tons of grain in the camp to the foot of the mountain not far away.

She has great strength and endurance, and she has plenty of time to move slowly.

As soon as the still time here ended, Jin Shu summoned the wolf king, and with a command, the wolves descended from the mountain, carrying food on their backs and quickly disappeared into the deep forest.

(End of this chapter)

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