Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 584: The Down-and-Out Assistant Becomes the Strongest Agent

Chapter 584: The Down-and-Out Assistant Becomes the Strongest Agent (40)

Jiang Huaizhi's calmness became a naked provocation in Gu Xing's eyes.

He withdrew his gaze and looked towards the audience, and only then realized that the person sitting in the direction Jiang Huaizhi was looking at was Jin Shu.

In a trance, he seemed to remember every event in the past three years. Whenever he looked at the audience, he could always see the figure sitting in the corner.

Even though he couldn't see the face clearly, Gu Xing knew it was Jin Shu.

But unlike before, this time Jin Shu was sitting here for someone else.

Just when he was distracted, the host's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Based on the vote count, I declare that the third group's qualifier is - Jiang Huaizhi!!
Let us congratulate Jiang Huaizhi!!”

When Jiang Huaizhi's name appeared on the big screen, Gu Xing's world was completely plunged into silence and desolation.

He could not hear any sound, he could only see Jiang Huaizhi's name, jumping in front of his eyes so dazzlingly.

The final qualifier was Jiang Huaizhi.

With one referee vote and 60% of the audience votes, he advanced without any suspense.

Everything that happened after that was like a film reel playing in Gu Xing's eyes. Everyone made different moves in front of him, but he couldn't hear or understand. He felt like he had lost half his life. He left the competition venue in a daze and finally returned to the car in a daze.

Zhao Yiran was saying something fiercely in front of him, gesticulating with his hands and feet, his expression angry and ferocious.

Gu Xing vaguely heard something, words like "black curtain" and "former rules", but these were no longer important to him.

At this moment, he himself was not sure whether the failure to advance was a bigger blow to him, or being completely abandoned by Jin Shu.

In short, he felt as if a large piece of his heart had been dug out, and cold wind rushed in, causing his entire body to tremble uncontrollably.

Gu Xing failed.

This was the last chance the company gave him.

The reality of this world is terrible. Even Sister Zhang, who once said that she would treat him as her own brother, chose not to renew his contract without hesitation after knowing that he failed to advance.

In other words, Gu Xing was abandoned.

Many people loved him before, but he just ignored them.

When all he had left in his life was the disgust and betrayal of others, Gu Xing finally realized how absurd and ridiculous his actions had been.

Zhao Yiran was also fired.

Because she kept saying bad things about Jin Shu in front of Sister Zhang.

After that, Sister Zhang only said one sentence to her.

“If a person cannot see any good qualities in Jin Shu, then that person is definitely useless.

Although I don't like her very much, I have to admit that Jin Shu is so outstanding that she is hateful.

As for you, you are arrogant and stupid, please don't pollute the environment of our company."

Zhao Yiran never expected that Gu Xing would fail. What was even more unexpected to her was that someone like Sister Zhang would take the initiative to speak for Jin Shu.

Those who are fired by Sister Zhang will almost never have anything to do with the identity of an agent again.

No one wants Zhao Yiran, she has nowhere else to go, but she is unwilling to quit the circle, so she can only continue to struggle.

There is another way to stay in Sister Zhang's company, that is to stay as an assistant.

But how could Zhao Yiran, who had already tasted the sweetness of being an agent, be willing to go back to being a small assistant, so she chose the shortcut most commonly taken by people in this circle. The next time Jin Shu saw news about Zhao Yiran, it was on the hot search list.

A famous director was involved in a scandal at the age of seventy.

When I clicked on it, I saw the chat history between an old man and a young girl. The content was so explicit that it could not be posted without being censored.

The person who leaked the content of the chat was the old man’s granddaughter.

The granddaughter couldn't accept that her grandfather was still entangled with a young girl at the age of 70, so she leaked all the chat records in anger and directly circled the heroine's software account.

And the heroine is Zhao Yiran.

After a long period of no news, the explosive content revealed caused crazy discussion among netizens.

[How can a 70-year-old man eat this?! I vomit——]

[Oh my god, my eyes are dirty! The old man plays so hard, isn't he afraid that his body can't handle it? ]

[This woman has done everything she could to get promoted. Damn, if she is not compensated with hundreds of millions, I cannot convince myself to do such a thing! ]

Of course, compensation of several hundred million is impossible.

Not to mention hundreds of millions, there are not even hundreds of thousands.

Because the old man is a shrewd person who only plays around and does not waste time, he relies on his perfect skills in making big promises to coax Zhao Yiran into doing whatever he says.

Jin Shu was not very interested in what happened to her in the end.

The company has developed very well in recent years, mainly due to the two trump cards she has.

One is the internationally popular girl group NEXT, which has directly brought this group to the world stage with the release of more than a dozen hit singles.

Currently, the number of fans around the world is far ahead of other girl groups.

In addition, Jin Shu has a second trump card in her hand, which is the young actor Jiang Huaizhi who was recently crowned the best actor.

He debuted as a singer, then switched to acting in movies and TV series. His first starring movie won a world-class award, making him an instant hit.

The film was followed by three sequels, each of which caused a sensation across the country. It was also thanks to this series of films that Jiang Huaizhi became the youngest male actor in the history of domestic films to have a box office of over 10 billion yuan.

Of course, his road to fame did not stagnate for long. On the contrary, his path to fame was extremely smooth.

He won the Best Actor award at the film festival.

He is the king of singers at the Golden Melody Gala.

In addition, the TV series starring him broke the historical record of ratings as soon as it was broadcast.

In just five years, Jiang Huaizhi became the highest-paid actor in China.

His talents in acting, singing and dancing make him a unique all-round artist in the domestic entertainment industry.

Relying on these two trump cards, Jin Shu became the most influential agent in the circle.

At this moment, her success cannot be replicated and is incomparable.

Many people wanted to replicate the success of Jianghuai Zhihe girl group, but failed in the end.

They have equally talented artists and abundant financial background, but they just can’t produce a second world-class girl group or national treasure-level actor.

When talking about these things in front of reporters, the name that Jiang Huaizhi and the three members of the girl group mentioned most often was Jin Shu.

Jiang Huaizhi: "Without her, I would never have achieved what I have today. It is no exaggeration to say that I am her work. I was created by her and was born because of her."

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