Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 585: The Down-and-Out Assistant Becomes the Strongest Agent

Chapter 585: The Down-and-Out Assistant Becomes the Strongest Agent (41)

As for Zhang Huan, Aray and lulu, although they chose to disband in the later period due to their popularity and different future career plans, the three of them are still signed under the name of Jin Shu Company.

During this period, countless larger and stronger brokerage companies came to poach him at high prices, but without exception they failed.

Today is Jin Shu's 30th birthday. She had just packed up her things and left work when she saw Zhang Huan, dressed in a leather jacket, driving a supercar and parking downstairs of the company building. The triangular sunglasses were exaggerated and weird in shape, but they looked extremely harmonious and fashionable on her face.

In the back seat of the sports car were Aray and Lulu.

The relationship between the three has always been very good. Even though Lulu has now set foot in filming, Aray has ventured into the European and American Kpop circles, and Zhang Huan has established herself as the queen of Asia, the three of them still have dinner together frequently despite their very different life plans.

After all, we are all under the same company, so there are plenty of opportunities to get together.

One fixed holiday for the three of them every year is Jin Shu’s birthday.

In the five years since she first joined the company, Jin Shu has celebrated every birthday with them.

Facts have proved that spending a long time with girls can really make you more lively and cheerful.

The three of them have different personalities, but they are sincere and kind. They give you enough emotional value while paying attention to your every need.

Jin Shu also likes to stay with them. Even if most of the time she just sits quietly by the side watching them laughing and playing, life will become much more interesting.

This year, Jin Shu still celebrated her birthday with the three of them.

Because the three of them are now top wealthy women, the gifts they give out are naturally not as expensive and gorgeous as before.

Zhang Huan gave her a full diamond necklace, a style that is not available on the market at all, so the price is naturally inestimable.

Aray saw this and said something deliberately sour.

"We are not as rich as Sister Huan, Boss, please don't look down on us."

Aray and lulu jointly bought a watch.

Zhang Huan took a look.

"I have a watch worth over three million and I'm still crying. You two team up to bully me every day."

The three of them started quarreling again.

At this time, Jin Shu's phone rang.

It was Jiang Huaizhi who called.

He was filming a movie abroad at the time. This movie was directed by a world-famous director and was secured for him by Jin Shu. It was also an opportunity for Jiang Huaizhi's career to reach a new peak, so he followed the crew to the filming location three months ago and started a six-month filming.

"Happy birthday. I have sent the gift to your home. I hope you like it."

"Got it, thank you."

"I'm sorry, I can't go back to celebrate your birthday in person this year."

Every year on her birthday, Jin Shu would finish her dinner with her three sisters and when she returned home she would always see Jiang Huaizhi standing at the door waiting for her.

Then the two of them would stay on the large terrace of Jin Shu's house, drinking beer and chatting while watching the night view.

Over time, the two went from being superiors and subordinates to becoming friends.

At least, that's what Jiang Huaizhi thought.

So every year he would abide by his duty as a good friend and would come to spend important holidays with Jin Shu whenever he had time.

The two have similar life experiences.

Like Jiang Huaizhi, Jin Shu has no family.

So for the past five years, the two of them have been getting along like a family, calling each other and reporting each other's safety.

"What's the big deal? Business is the most important thing. Besides, I have someone to celebrate my birthday with."

"Your birthday is a serious matter to me."

"Okay, okay, anything else?"

"Well, nothing more, I just wanted to say happy birthday to you."

Jin Shu sighed softly.

"Got it. I received your blessing. I also wish you a smooth shoot and hope you can get married soon."

"Well, I will definitely go back as soon as possible and make it up to you then."

Jin Shu sighed softly.

"Okay." After hanging up the phone, he looked up and saw the three people on the other side looking at him with different expressions.

Zhang Huan took a sip of wine and said with a smile.

"Did Brother Jiang call you?"

Aray on the side laughed.

"Who else but him? Every year, besides us, he is the one who celebrates the eldest brother's birthday."

Lulu looked at Jin Shu silently, then leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"Boss, you and Brother Jiang...you two have such a good relationship, have you ever thought about...taking it a step further?"

The three of them stared at Jin Shu intently, with gossip burning in their eyes.

Jin Shu smiled.

"I treat him the same way I treat you."

When Aray heard this, he frowned and his tone became more blaming and complaining.

"Brother Jiang doesn't think so. We have seen everything he has done over the years.

Since I entered this circle, I have met so many men, and 99.9% of them are hypocritical and sanctimonious, but they play dirty games behind the scenes.

But Brother Jiang is the only person I have ever met who is consistent in his words and deeds.

Moreover, his feelings towards you have never changed over the years, and we all know this!"

Lulu nodded.

"Yes, yes! The other day when the four of us were drinking together and talking about this matter, Brother Jiang even... cried."

Zhang Huan, who had never held any attitude towards the matter, said a few more words.

"Indeed, Boss, if you need to find someone to spend the rest of your life with, Brother Jiang is a good choice."

The three of them still remember the day when Jiang Huaizhi won the Best Actor trophy and everyone gathered together for a celebration banquet.

Halfway through, Jin Shu returned to the company for work reasons, leaving the four to continue drinking.

So Aray, who was always outspoken, asked Jiang Huaizhi directly.

"Do you like our boss?"

That night, there was a lot of traffic outside the window. Facing the prosperity and bustle in front of him, the man silently lowered his head and a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

This shocked the three of them.

It was just a simple question, no one expected Jiang Huaizhi to cry.

Zhang Huan asked with a frown.

"Why are you crying? It's inexplicable."

In her opinion, men shed tears for only one reason: to trick girls into booking a room with them.

So she hated it when men showed their true feelings in front of her.

At this time, Jiang Huaizhi slowly raised his head and looked at the three people.

"Yes, I always have."

"If you like her, why don't you tell her? And why are you crying?"

Zhang Huan looked disdainful.

"Because I like her so much, so much that my heart aches, so I dare not tell her.

I am afraid. "

This scene instantly made the contempt in Zhang Huan's eyes disappear completely.

Because it was the first time she saw that when you truly like someone, you can actually feel scared.

Because I like him so much, I am also more afraid of losing everything I have now after making our relationship clear.

After that night, the three of them never teased Jiang Huaizhi about this matter again.

Because if you joke about such sincere feelings, you will go to hell.

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