Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 593: The Destitute Female Beast World Becomes the King

Chapter 593: The Destitute Female Beast World Becomes the King (7)

Lin Yuan was completely defeated.

As the most powerful warrior of the cat clan, there was not a single piece of good flesh on his body at this moment. If you look closely, you can see that the tip of his ear was bitten and a gap was formed, with blood dripping continuously.

In the end, Lin Yuan was carried away by his teammates. Before leaving, several males looked at Jin Shu cautiously and fearfully, and one of them even asked a question in a low voice.

"I, I took him away."

Seeing that Jin Shu didn't say anything, he dared to take the person away.

Having almost vented her anger, Jin Shu yawned, transformed into a human and walked into the cave.

Ah Hai and Liang Xu followed.

Liang Xu, who was always silent, didn't say anything, but Ah Hai asked with concern.

"If we beat Lin Yuan like that, will the clan leader come to cause trouble for us?"

Jin Shu corrected him.

"There are so many eyes watching. It was me who beat Lin Yuan. It has nothing to do with you.

If he has the nerve to tell the tribe leader that he was beaten like that by a female, then he can just do whatever he wants next."

It was obvious that Lin Yuan was a man who cared about his reputation. After returning, not only would he not complain to the clan leader, he would also repeatedly instruct his teammates around him not to talk nonsense outside.

So he could only suffer the beating today in silence.

Jin Shu was not worried at all. She asked Liang Xu to bury the belongings of the third and fourth brothers, and then started to prepare for the next batch of daily necessities.

She has been in the animal world for such a long time and has never taken a bath.

It is very difficult for cats to take a bath in the winter, but Jin Shu doesn't want to let herself suffer.

So she boiled a large bucket of hot water early in the morning, and then washed herself thoroughly from inside to outside.

After washing the remaining water, Liang Xu and A Hai also washed once each.

That night, Ah Hai waited for a long time but had no intention of going back.

So when Jin Shu saw Liang Xu taking the two kittens away, she had a rough idea in her heart.

Ah Hai is a male with a not very muscular body. On the contrary, he is fair and thin. Even his arms, which are often exposed, are so cold and white that the green veins can be clearly seen.

Such males are obviously unwelcome.

The original owner didn't like him very much either, but there was nothing she could do. Ah Hai and Jin Shu were cousins, and when a male was rejected by all the females, relatives had to help each other and cope with the situation together.

Because he is not liked, Ah Hai has never had a very close relationship with Jin Shu.

Today he mustered up the courage and took the initiative to stay, looking at Jin Shu cautiously and expectantly. That look made Jin Shu feel like an emperor who was about to turn over a card.

In modern times, with Ah Hai's looks, at worst he would be a traffic idol.

But he was born at the wrong time, in the world of animals. With his body shape and appearance, it was obvious that he was not a good hunter, and he would only be disliked by females.

Jin Shu didn't hate him, but not hating him didn't mean she wanted to do that with him.

After all, Jin Shu didn't like that.

"Ah Hai, sit down, I want to tell you something."

Ah Hai cooperated very well and sat opposite Jin Shu, with a trace of nervousness and uneasiness on his fair face.

"You said."

"I'm giving you a chance to choose to be a female because I don't plan to have any more children.

So, if you want to separate, I can go talk to the clan leader tomorrow.

Don't worry, I took the initiative to suggest it, they will arrange a female for you."

When Ah Hai heard this, his slightly open mouth opened and closed many times, and deep sadness and self-abandonment gradually rose in his eyes.

He lowered his head and clutched the corner of his clothes tightly.

"I don't want to leave. I know you don't like me, but I don't want to leave." "Then can you accept having no children for the rest of your life?"

In the animal world, almost all males regard leaving behind more offspring as their main goal in life.

From this we can see how important offspring are to males.

So Jin Shu would not make things difficult for him, and certainly did not want to delay him.

It's better to make things clear as soon as possible.

Ah Hai was silent for a long time, and Jin Shu interrupted him.

"Think about it and make a decision tomorrow."

"I don't want to leave."

"I didn't drive you away. This is not just for you, it's the same for everyone else. I won't have any more children with anyone else, including Liang Xu.

If you can accept it, you can stay.

If you can’t accept it, leave.”

Jin Shu thought she had made herself clear, but looking at Ah Hai's expression, she knew that he must be in a state of self-doubt.

But Jin Shu no longer had time to waste with him.

Because she is busy unifying the beast world, if the progress bar is one hundred, her current progress bar is still motionless.

Ah Hai turned and left.

Not long after, the still time began and Jin Shu became busy again.

She had to hurry up and stock up on meat while the weather was cold so that she could preserve it and have enough strips of meat before summer came.

In addition, Jin Shu also spent a lot of time constructing the terrain structure within ten kilometers outside the cat tribe.

By consulting the ancient books of the cat tribe, Jin Shu roughly understood the map of this world.

The area of ​​the Beast World continent is about the same as that of the Earth.

But there are extreme weather all year round.

The animal world is divided into two hemispheres, the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere. The Eastern Hemisphere is extremely cold, while the Western Hemisphere is extremely hot.

The Stone River Forest where the cat tribe lives is in the Eastern Hemisphere. Two-thirds of the day is dark, and the daytime is fleeting.

The Eastern Hemisphere is rich in sugar and salt, while the Western Hemisphere is rich in animal hides and grain for making wine.

In this world of barter, if you want to live well in the Eastern Hemisphere, it is obvious that animal skins and wine are the best way.

However, brewing requires a lot of grain.

Jin Shu couldn't accomplish this for the time being, so she could only turn her attention to animal skins.

A giant rabbit skin can be exchanged for at least 100 kilograms of meat, or 10 kilograms of salt or sugar in the Shihe market.

Of course, bear and tiger skins are more valuable.

Jin Shu didn't have the confidence to control the bear and the tiger for the time being, so she began to look for rabbit nests based on the terrain conditions.

There are many cunning rabbit holes, but after Jin Shu gained experience, she could easily find at least one rabbit hole within the still time.

Rabbits are social animals, and there may be as few as four and as many as a dozen rabbits in one rabbit hole.

The rabbits buried under the snow, after storing enough hay, will begin to reproduce crazily in their caves that are interconnected in all directions.

Of course, Jin Shu has principles.

If she happened to find a rabbit hole with baby rabbits, Jin Shu would keep one baby and one male and female rabbit, and knock out the rest and take them away.

In just a few days, Jin Shu's skill in killing rabbits has been perfected.

The whole process of skinning, deboning and separating the internal organs of a rabbit takes no more than twenty minutes.

There are plenty of rabbits in the forest, and Jin Shu alone cannot kill rabbits fast enough to keep up with their reproduction speed.

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