Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 594: The Destitute Female Beast World Becomes the King

Chapter 594: The Destitute Female Beast World Becomes the King (8)

In just one month, Jin Shu pushed open the cover outside the cave, went in and tidied it up carefully.

"Two hundred and forty-four..."

A total of 244 rabbit skins.

Ever since Jin Shu learned how to tan animal skins, she started to do it herself.

The process is a bit tedious and complicated, but not difficult.

A dozen animal skins can be thrown into the pool of water outside the cave and soaked for four or five hours. After being fished out, use a sharp stone knife to comb out the impurities on the fur bit by bit.

Finally, add the tanning solution specially prepared by Jin Shu, turn it over every hour, and gradually increase the concentration of the solution. This ensures that the animal hide does not shrink or deform, while continuously enhancing the toughness and strength of the hide.

After completing the above processes, the dried animal skin can ensure that the fur is fluffy, as if it is still growing on the rabbit, and it is exceptionally clean and soft. It will not be infested with insects or deformed, nor will it rot or deteriorate after years of use.

It is extremely warm and comfortable when worn on the body. For the reptiles on the other side of the Stone River, it is simply a treasure sent by heaven.

In just one month, Jin Shu collected and tanned more than 200 animal skins.

Most of these she altered into hats, coats, trousers, and boots.

Cold-blooded animals are certainly not as resistant to cold as warm-blooded animals, so the main audience for Jin Shu's animal skins are the reptiles on the other side of the Stone River.

Of course, Jin Shu would definitely not take so many animal skins out for trading at one time, as that would only make her a human target and be targeted by countless beasts.

So when the Shihe market opened once a month, Jin Shu took Liang Xu and A Hai to the market alone to exchange.

Good animal skins were hot commodities, and not long after the three men arrived at the market, many orcs from other tribes came to watch and inspect them.

There were eight animal skins in total, one of which had been made into a coat, which looked quite majestic when hung on the cart.

Soon many people came forward to inquire about the terms of exchange for the skins.

Jin Shu replied.

"One animal hide can be exchanged for fifteen kilograms of salt or fifteen kilograms of sugar."

"Fifteen pounds? That's a lot. The hides of other people only weigh eight or nine pounds."

Jin Shu was wrapped in a fluffy fur coat, which she made for herself. It was fluffy, soft, and dry, and looked extremely warm and comfortable.

Jin Shu didn't explain much.

"You can try it, and then you'll know why mine is so expensive."

When the other party heard it, he naturally took it and tried it.

The next second, the vertical pupils that were unique to cold-blooded animals instantly dilated a lot, and the whole person couldn't help but rub against the fur, letting out a comfortable sigh from his throat.

"Is it warm?"

The other party's actions have already answered this question.

Because he just picked up the sugar jar from his cart.

"Here you go. I want two."

Jin Shu handed over the two animal skins quickly and neatly, followed by Liang Xu and A Hai who cooperated smoothly and took over the full jar of sugar and salt.

I weighed it and it’s about the same weight, so that’s enough.

"Will you come next month?"

"Come on, it's still the same place."

"Okay, I want four next month, so prepare them for me in advance."

Jin Shu looked at him, squinted her eyes and smiled.

"Sure, but you have to exchange something else with me next month."

"what do you want?"

"Your venom."

The other party glanced at Jin Shu and nodded.

"You are good at business. The venom of our cobra tribe is much more precious than salt and sugar."

“My hides are also very valuable, and I guarantee that you can’t buy such good hides anywhere else except from me.

Your female has just given birth, right? With this hide, your cubs will survive this extreme cold."

When the male cobra heard this, he squinted his eyes and stared at Jin Shu. "How do you know my female just gave birth?"

“Because you male cobras won’t spend so much to exchange for animal skins.

The cub is extremely valuable, and no matter what you exchange for my hide, it will be a good deal."

What Jin Shu said was perfect, and the other party thought it made sense, so he nodded.

"Okay, I'll bring the snake venom next month."

As soon as the first buyer left, a second wave arrived.

This time, a team came from an entire ethnic group to trade.

Looking at the feathers on the other person's head, Jin Shu knew his identity.

Giant Eagle Tribe.

The newly hatched eagle cannot leave the warm nest, but it has snowed for more than ten days in a row recently. One can imagine how damp and cold the giant eagle's cave will become.

The captain simply grabbed the hide, rubbed it in his hands, and said bluntly.

"One hundred kilograms of meat in exchange for this, okay?"

"I don't want meat. If you want hides, you can give me an egg."

As soon as the other party heard this condition, the atmosphere immediately became tense and dangerous.

"Eggs? You are so brave. You are just a cat. How dare you ask us for eggs?"

Jin Shu was still smiling.

"This snow will continue to fall for a long time. I can exchange five animal skins for one of your eggs. As long as it is a living giant eagle egg, it will be fine."

The captain immediately and categorically refused.


A female giant eagle can only lay two eggs a year at most. How could they give away such precious cubs!

"Five animal skins. You can think about it again. If you want them, I will keep them for you."

The captain was about to say something, but was pulled back by the man behind him.

Afterwards, the entire team walked aside to have a heated discussion.

At this time, Ah Hai whispered.

"It's unlikely. The eggs of the Giant Eagle Tribe are too precious. They won't exchange them for five animal skins."

Jin Shu sat on the wooden board, squinting her eyes leisurely, and said leisurely.

"They will change."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man turned around and walked back.

"One egg, and all the animal skins you have here belong to me."

"make a deal."

The other party turned around and said something to the people behind him, and then the male of the giant eagle tribe transformed into an eagle, spread its wings, flew high, and circled away at a high speed.

He came back in less than half an hour, and when he turned into a human form, there was an egg bigger than his head in his arms.

Jin Shu took the egg and carefully put it in her arms.

After the Giant Eagle tribe took away all the animal skins, they turned around and left.

"It's time to close the stall. Come back next month."

Ah Hai asked in shock.

"How do you know they will change it? This is a precious giant eagle cub."

"This is a dying giant eagle egg. Even if you don't give it to me, this giant eagle won't live long after it hatches."

When Ah Hai heard this, although he didn't know why Jin Shu was so sure, he was more curious.

"If you knew that, why did you exchange the animal skins with them?"

“Just because they can’t raise an eagle cub doesn’t mean I can’t.”

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