Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 596: The Destitute Female Beast World Becomes the King

"What have you done wrong?"

The female was silent for a moment and whispered.

“I didn’t commit any crime, my tribe was killed by the tiger tribe, and all the females were taken away by the tiger tribe.

Because I was infertile, I was dragged to the market by the tiger tribe and sold.”

Jin Shu nodded.

She probably guessed it.

After all, the tiger tribe on the other side of the Stone River is taking advantage of the winter, when all the major tribes are weak, to loot.

Generally speaking, the males of the tribe whose land is taken away will be killed, while the females will be better off and will move to another place to continue giving birth.

Of course, there is a high probability that the hybrid cubs will be weak or stillborn, but there is also a high probability that the surviving cubs will be extremely talented hybrids.

Therefore, having children with females of other races is the most popular way at present.

But the female in front of him is infertile, and her fate can be imagined.

At the market, there are often a dozen males who pool their money together to buy these infertile females. After being bought, the females almost never survive past the second year.

Therefore, after being bought by Jin Shu, the female couldn't help but choke up as she thanked him.

Jin Shu patted her arm.

"Just know how to raise a child."

"My name is Ah Qi, I am from the Spirit Deer Tribe, just leave the child to me, I am the best at raising children."

Jin Shu looked at her and smiled.

"I know you're good with kids."

Ah Qi looked at Jin Shu with red eyes in confusion.

"You...how did you know that?"

"The witches of the Spirit Deer Tribe are born infertile, but they have inherited the talent of raising cubs from generation to generation, and they also have strong medical skills."

"You know I'm a witch?"

Ah Qi didn't dare tell anyone his identity, because the tiger tribe had a custom passed down from generation to generation, that is, drinking the blood of the witch can strengthen the body.

Therefore, in order to survive, Ah Qi must never reveal her identity as a witch.

But she didn't expect that she had hidden it so well, but was actually seen through by the female cat in front of her.

She was nervous and scared because not only the tiger tribe, but other tribes also believed this rumor.

Then, the value of her blood is much higher than the value of carrying a child.

"Drinking my blood will not have any effect, that's not true. I can take care of your child, I can cure the child's illness, no matter how weak the child is, as long as you give it to me, I will definitely be able to raise it.

Please, don’t tell anyone.”

Those tyrannical males would not listen to her explanation, they only believed what they wanted to believe.

Seeing that she was trembling with fear, Jin Shu reached out and gently patted her shoulder.

“Since I can see your identity, I naturally know that your blood is not that valuable.

Don't worry, you just need to help me take care of the children, and you don't have to worry about food, clothing and other expenses."

"I...I can try to hunt. I won't run away, as long as you can take me in."

She was too weak, and even if she ran, she would most likely be caught by other males.

Her fate at that time will be unknown.

Jin Shu knew she didn't dare run.

So she took out the eagle egg that she had been hiding in her fur coat and handed it to her.

"Here, help me hatch it."

"Is this a cub of the Eagle Clan?"

"Well, it's a weak egg. The chance of survival after hatching is very low. I leave it to you."

Jin Shu still has a lot to do, so she needs a helper.

Just then, Ah Qi appeared.

"Don't worry, I will definitely make sure he lives in good health!" She didn't dare to ask any other questions. No matter what, she just had to do as Jin Shu said.

Soon, Jin Shu brought her back to the cat clan.

Just as she was counting the supplies she had exchanged, a large group of people came in from outside the cave entrance which had been deserted for a long time.

Leading the group was the patriarch, and next to him stood the high priest, both of them had solemn expressions.

When she saw the captain of the logistics team and Lin Yuan, whose face was covered with spots, standing behind them, Jin Shu guessed that they had come to call for punishment.

The clan leader glanced coldly into the cave.

"Where are the foreign females? Hand them over!"

Jin Shu didn't even raise her head.

"Where did these foreign females come from?"

The patriarch was furious, feeling that his authority was being challenged.

He scolded solemnly.

"So many people saw you bring a female back! And you still dare to lie? I tell you to hand her over right now! Otherwise, it will be useless even if you just gave birth to a cub! You will still be punished!"

Jin Shu raised her head, looked at the group of people in front of her calmly, and then moved away.

"Chief, you have to provide evidence when you speak. You believed them when they said I brought people back? Why don't you believe me when I said I didn't?

Since you don't believe it, then go in and search. If you find it, I'll be punished. If you don't, the two of you who are fanning the flames will come over and apologize to me in person."

The captain behind him shouted directly.

"Everyone saw it! Chief, she must have hidden someone!"

The high priest, with white hair and an unfathomable face, tapped the cane in his hand.

"Don't argue! Since you said there's nothing, then check! We'll know if there is or not once we check!"

Jin Shu’s cave is only that big.

A group of people walked in aggressively, especially Lin Yuan, who looked as if he was determined to make Jin Shu pay for it.

So when he discovered that Jin Shu had dug a hole inside the cave, he couldn't help but shout.

"Here! There's a hole! Someone must be hiding here!"

The cave within the cave is covered by a thick curtain. The color of the curtain is similar to that of the cave wall, and it cannot be seen at all without careful observation.

Lin Yuan glared at Jin Shu with a hint of triumph in his eyes.

"Jin Shu, you are so brave! How dare you bring outsiders in so casually!"

Jin Shu stood at the entrance of the cave, looking at Lin Yuan.

"What if the person isn't here?"

"Where else can it be if not here?! Why are you so guilty! Get out of the way!"

After saying that, he was about to step forward and pull Jin Shu.

Then Jin Shu raised her hand, and the next second, she transformed into a cat's claw, and the sharp claws stretched out "chua".

The moment he saw the claw, Lin Yuan subconsciously thought of the tragic scene of himself being bitten and the wounds on his body that had not yet healed, so he subconsciously took a step back.

Although he was angry in his heart, his body was still afraid of Jin Shu's sharp claws.

"This is my cave. Are you going to try to go in without my permission?"

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes and threatened.

"Are you disobeying the orders of the clan leader?"

Jin Shu lowered her eyes, looked at her claws, and said lightly.

"Not really, but you slandered me, so I want to tell you in advance, what will you do if there is no one here?"

"It's impossible that there's no one! If there's no one here, where else can you hide them?! If there's someone, take your two beastly husbands and get out of our cat tribe!"

Jin Shu looked at him with a slightly cold gaze.

"If there's no one here, get out." (End of this chapter)

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