Chapter 33 Pregnancy

"A thief? Mom, what are you talking about? How could Juan'er be a thief?" Shen Xiangxi glanced at the people nearby who were craning their necks to watch the excitement, and asked Mrs. Ji and Shen Ruoqing to go into the ward to talk.

At this time, Du Juan was lying weakly on the hospital bed. When she saw Mrs. Ji coming, her eyes dodged, and she shrank and did not dare to speak.

"The family's money was stolen. Not all of it was stolen. Only 70 yuan was stolen. Who else could it be besides your wife? I was surprised. Where did she get the money to buy medicine? It turned out that she stole the family's money!"

"Du Juan, tell mom you didn't steal it." Shen Xiangxi never believed that his wife would steal the family's money.

"Xiangxi...I..." Du Juan hesitated and finally cried.

"You still have the nerve to cry?" Mrs. Ji went up to give Du Shi a big mouth, but luckily Shen Ruoqing's quick eyesight and quick hands stopped her.

"Mom, this is a hospital, and there are people nearby."

"Juan'er, did you really get this money?" Shen Xiangxi's eyes were full of disappointment.

"Xiangxi, I'm sorry...I didn't want to, I really didn't want to!"

"There's nothing to say, Shen Xiangxi, my old Shen family doesn't want such thieves! Divorce! Divorce her!" Mrs. Ji shouted loudly with her hands on her hips.

"Divorce? I don't want a divorce! Please, Mom, I know I was wrong. I won't dare to do it next time. There is a reason why I did this. I did it all to leave a wife for Xiang Xi. Mom, please forgive me. Okay? Xiangxi, I bought the medicine just to give you a son. The master has said that if you drink two more pills, just two pills, I can give you a son!" Du Juan pulled Shen Xiangxi and said to Ji The old lady begged, "Mom, I will definitely repay the money I owe you. Can you please let me go this time?"

"Why do you want to take mom's money? Just to have a son? I told you not to believe those rubbish, why don't you listen? You still have two drinks? You are already in the hospital, and you still want to drink ?" Shen Xiangxi covered his head with his hands, the impact on him today was too great.

Shen Ruoqing didn't expect that this honest third sister-in-law actually got the money.

"Repay? What do you want to repay? I tell you, you don't want to get another penny from my old Shen family. I want you to cleanse yourself and leave the house!"

"Mom, Juan'er is still weak. Let's talk about this later." Shen Xiangxi looked at Mrs. Ji with pleading eyes.

Shen Ruoqing couldn't bear it and tugged on Mrs. Ji's sleeve.

"Are the family members of the patient on bed 18 here? Do you know that the patient is pregnant? However, it has been detected that the pregnant woman ate a lot of peach kernels during pregnancy, which may lead to deformities. It is not recommended that you have this child. And if the pregnant woman eats rhubarb, the child will also be difficult to Come down." The doctor's words were like thunder, shocking everyone present.

"Doctor, are you saying I'm pregnant?" Du Juan asked in disbelief. The words "I'm pregnant" were all in her mind. As for the deformity, she selectively threw it aside.

"Xiangxi, let me just say it's useful. I'm pregnant now! This must be a boy!"

Shen Ruoqing didn't expect that Du Juan was actually pregnant.Of course, she definitely didn't believe that she drank it with medicine. It might just be a coincidence.But Du Juan was in bad health after drinking medicine, and the child didn't know whether he could be saved.

Mrs. Ji and Shen Ruoqing left the ward.

"Mom, please calm down first. The third sister-in-law is pregnant with the child now."

"What if I'm really pregnant? Didn't you hear what the doctor just told us? This child is undesirable and has a high chance of being deformed." Mrs. Ji said angrily, what do you think Du Shi did? Damn it, I had a good pregnancy, but I had to take these messy medicines, which ruined the baby!
"Let's see what Third Brother said first." Knowing that Mrs. Ji was angry, Shen Ruoqing secretly paid the medical bills, bought some meals from the hospital cafeteria, and returned to the ward.

"Mom, eat first. You must eat this lunch box quickly. I will return it to the chef in the cafeteria later." Shen Ruoqing handed out the rice and winked at Shen Xiangxi.

Mrs. Ji calmed down now and opened her lunch box slowly. Good guy, her lunch box was filled with big dumplings. When she took a bite, she found that they were still meat-filled dumplings.Look at the lunch boxes of Shen Xiangxi and Du Juan. One is white porridge and the other is steamed buns with two noodles.

Now I finally felt better: "Mom can't eat so many dumplings, dear baby, please eat some."

"Mom, eat quickly. If you can't eat it, give it to Third Brother. I ate it in the cafeteria before and it was very full."

Shen Xiangxi and his wife are making Mrs. Ji angry now, how can they feed them.Mrs. Ji took one big dumpling in one mouthful and ate it in three strokes, five divided by two.

After eating the dumplings, Mrs. Ji asked: "Lao San, what are you going to do?"

Shen Xiangxi didn't dare to look at Mrs. Ji. He lowered his head and said, "Mom, Juan'er is still sick. Let's talk tomorrow."

Old Mrs. Ji got angry again: "What's wrong? Are you still reluctant to let go of this vixen? She dares to steal money today and poop and pee on my old woman's head tomorrow. Our Shen family will definitely not want such a daughter-in-law!" "

"Mom, what I am carrying in my belly now is the golden grandson of the Shen family!" Du Juan suddenly said this without knowing where she got the courage.

Mrs. Ji laughed angrily: "It's only been a month since I didn't know if it was a boy or a girl. I don't know if I want him yet! Anyway, let me put it here, I don't want this child. If he is born with arms and legs broken, Forget it, what if a monster is born! Okay, you stay here well, dear, let’s go!”

Shen Ruoqing sighed and helped Mrs. Ji leave the county hospital.

"Dad, you must not let go of him. This is our child!" Du Juan held Shen Xiangxi tightly with one hand and touched her belly with the other.

"But the doctor also said that the probability of deformity is very high. Who told you to eat those messy things?"

"Isn't there a chance that nothing will happen? The doctors I see are just being alarmist, for fear that if something happens, they won't dare to take the responsibility. Shen Xiangxi, this is your son!"

On the way back, Shen Ruoqing took out orange candy and stuffed it into Mrs. Ji's mouth to make her happy: "Mom, my classmate gave this to me, but it's from the provincial capital. We can't buy it here. Try it quickly." taste."

"My sweet baby is still sensible." Mrs. Ji stopped eating after eating one orange candy. It would be better to save more of this kind of good thing for her sweet baby.

"I don't think the third sister-in-law will give up this child."

"If you don't give up the child, let the third child divorce her!" Mrs. Ji snorted.

"What should I do if Shen Xue and Shen Yun get divorced? They are still young." Shen Ruoqing is not speaking for Du's sake today. She just doesn't want Shen Xue, that little girl, to be without a mother.

"It would be better not to have that kind of mother!" Mrs. Ji was also worried. Don't look at how she asked Shen Xiangxi for a divorce before. In fact, it was just her bluff to get hold of Du. She didn't expect that Du didn't want to repent and wanted to Leave this child behind.

(End of this chapter)

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