Chapter 34 Autumn Harvest
"Does mom really want third brother to divorce?"

"Hey, even if we get divorced, your third brother won't be able to find another wife."

Shen Ruoqing understood, "Mom, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. You worry too much, that's why you are so angry. The child on the left and right belongs to the third brother. Why are you worrying so much? Then let the third brother give you 70 yuan. Brother wrote the note, it's a loan. Next time mom will hide the money, I believe my third sister-in-law won't dare to steal it again."

"Just let her go like this?" Mrs. Ji was a little unwilling.

"Mom, what do you want? Don't make yourself angry. It won't be worth it if you make yourself so angry."

"Mr. Du will do all the work at home!"

"The third sister-in-law is rushing to do all the work at home during this period."

"Then she is not allowed to eat."

"Okay, okay, Mom, then I will punish Sister-in-law [-] not to eat for a day. Actually, I think this is not good. Without eating, people will not have the strength to work. It is better to let Sister-in-law [-] eat a little, and then watch us eat well."

Mrs. Ji rolled her eyes at her: "Does our family have so much fine grains? Everyone eats fine grains every day, don't you want me to be poor?"

Shen Ruoqing thinks this little old lady is quite interesting and cute.

Du stayed in the hospital for observation for a day and was discharged after being fine.

Perhaps because she had calmed down for a day, Du Shi returned to her previous bowed and obedient appearance, and knelt down as soon as she entered the door.

"Mom, I know I was wrong."

Mrs. Ji snorted: "Don't kneel down to me. It's a new society now. We don't want to do that anymore. If you try to put a big hat on me, you won't be able to torture my old bones enough. I see you Do you want me, old lady, to go to that cowshed?”

Du Shi seemed to be frightened, either kneeling or standing up: "Mom, I didn't mean that."

"Then what do you mean? Forget it, it will all be your own business from now on, and my old lady can't control it."

Mrs. Ji went back to her room by herself, ignoring Du Shi who was kneeling.

These words scared Shen Xiangxi quite a lot. Mom, what does this mean?Is it possible that they need to divide their third bedroom?

Now he became anxious, and he quickly followed Mrs. Ji into the house. The family couldn't be separated.

"Sister-in-law, why don't you get up? The courtyard door is not closed. What will you say if others see it? Then you will have to put a shit basin on my mother again." Shen Ruoqing said calmly.

Only then did Du get up.

Shen Ruoqing also entered Mrs. Ji's house.

Shen Xiangxi stood there and slapped himself: "Mom, it's all my fault. It's all my failure to take care of my wife that made you angry."

After Shen Xiangxi slapped him more than a dozen times, Mrs. Ji stopped: "Okay, write the IOU, and your third room will do all the work at home for three months. If something like this happens again, don't blame me for not keeping it." Love. As for that child, it is your own child anyway, so you can do whatever you want."

"Thank you, Mom, thank you, Mom!" Shen Xiangxi finally felt relieved and hurriedly wrote an IOU.

"I knew Mom had the best heart."

"What's good? You're so sweet. If it weren't for the bad times now, and she, Du, had made such a big mistake, she would have divorced or divided their three rooms. I was also wrong. I didn't expect it. Du Shi still has this ability." Mrs. Ji waved her hand.She still has a bit of a mother-son affection for Shen Xiangxi.

In the end, Sanfang decided to have this child.

This was something Shen Ruoqing expected.Mrs. Ji just sighed and didn't care anymore.

After getting Lingquan water, Shen Ruoqing changed all the water he drank at home to Lingquan water, and the water for irrigating the fields was also replaced by Lingquan water. Shen Ruoqing found that Lingquan water was also helpful to crops.

Time passes day by day, and in a blink of an eye it is the day of autumn harvest.

Due to insufficient watering, grain production was reduced. It was obviously a good day for harvest, but no one could show a smile.

In the past, the ears of wheat were bulging, but now the ears of wheat are dry and flat.When everyone gathered all the food under the sun, their hearts became even colder.

"Captain, this year's harvest has been greatly reduced?"

Looking at this small harvest, let alone keeping some food for myself, I'm afraid it will be too much to pay for it.

"Captain, what shall we eat next year?"

"This amount of food is not enough to survive the winter. Doesn't this give us a way to survive?" The speaker was a widow. She had two children at home. She was counting on the autumn harvest to survive the winter. But with this harvest now, I'm afraid it won't be enough if the food is handed over. What's left, what can I do?
Captain Tang raised his hand to signal everyone to quiet down.

"It is a time-honored rule to hand over rations. You have to hand it over even if you don't. Even if you beat me, the captain, there will still be people going door to door urging you to hand over rations!"

Someone scolded, "You don't have any good things. Why should I share my hard-earned food with others!"

"Don't worry, everyone. Although most of this food must be handed over, we still have a lot of sweet potatoes... The sky is the limit. This year's food production will be reduced. We can still apply for relief food. This food must be handed over. .”

Next, people whispered to each other. In fact, everyone knew that this food must be paid, but no one wanted to accept such a cruel fact.

"Can the relief food really come out?"

"I have to tighten my belt. I can't bear to eat sweet potatoes every day."

"It's good that we still have sweet potatoes to eat. I heard that some places can't even eat sweet potatoes."

Captain Tang had people use tractors to pull big bags of grain into the commune that day.

Listening to the rumbling sound of the tractor, many people's hearts are bleeding, this is their food ration!
The remaining food was divided the next day.

The Shen family received only 20 kilograms of rations this time and [-] yuan.Among them, only one hundred pounds were unhusked millet.But the sweet potatoes are still in the ground and have not been dug out.

"How can these 300 kilograms of grain be enough for you?" Wang said with a pout, "It seems like you will be eating sweet potatoes every day this year?"

Mrs. Ji glanced at her and said, "I won't miss out on your food no matter what. Just say a few words."

Their family also has their own plot of land, where they have grown a lot of corn and sweet potatoes, plus the sweet potatoes they have harvested. If they eat less, they should be able to get through this winter.Other people in the village also planted their own plots, but they did not plant as much as they did because there was not enough water to water them.

Nowadays, there is a food shortage all over the country. They will be better off in the rural areas. No matter how bad the situation is, they can find a lot of food in the mountains.

Shen Ruoqing also has a bitter face now.Thanks to her efforts, her family was finally able to eat cornmeal. From time to time, it was still white flour mixed with cornmeal. Now looking at Mrs. Ji's appearance, her family's food is getting worse again.

"Mom, my godbrother said that you can directly exchange vegetables for grains. You can exchange them for white flour, cornmeal or rice."

Now, exchanging food was a sure-profit deal. Of course Mrs. Ji agreed. That night, the Shen family exchanged vegetables for two more bags of food.

(End of this chapter)

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