Chapter 8

"Yes, I just have the last 5 kilograms. I will close the stall when they are sold out. If you want it, I will give it to you for one yuan per kilogram!"

"One dollar a pound?" Shen Xiangbei almost shouted, but he quickly lowered his voice: "Show me, if it's good, I'll take it all."

He asked around and found out that the cheapest white flour costs [-] yuan per catty, and the most expensive ones cost [-] yuan. The white flour that costs [-] yuan per catty is not particularly white and is not ground carefully.He thought that as long as the white noodles were not too bad, he would have it.

As a result, I peeled off the cloth and saw, my dear, this is a Fuqiang fan, right?So white, so fine, he earned it with blood!
Shen Xiangbei quickly paid five yuan and walked away.

Shen Ruoqing also quickly went out and changed his clothes.This black coat was so hot that it almost heated her to death.Fortunately, it can be sold back to the system, but after wearing it, the system only charges six yuan to recycle it.Hey, I have to hurry up and make money to buy space.

"Ruo Qing, where did you go? I searched all over just now and couldn't find you."

"Fourth brother, am I in urgent need of urination? Why don't I go to the toilet? Have you bought everything?"

"That's right. Your fourth brother is out, and you're still worried? Let's go back quickly."

Shen Xiangbei and Shen Ruoqing went back.

"Mom, don't say that I am an unfilial son. Now, do you know how much a pound of flour is? Three yuan a pound! The supply is still in short supply. I also bought five pounds, which cost me 15 yuan. Money, my son’s savings are all spent on this.”

As soon as he entered the door, Shen Xiangbei complained to Mrs. Ji, saying that the white flour he paid one yuan a pound was replaced by three yuan a pound.Mrs. Ji didn't believe it at first, but after looking at the white noodles, she saw that they were so white, so she believed the price of three yuan a pound.

"Mom knows, I didn't raise you in vain." Mrs. Ji complimented Shen Xiangbei casually, picked up the food and left.

"Mom, I'd better help you carry this weight of grain back."

It’s a total of 55 kilograms. How can this little old lady carry it?

"Okay, you can help us carry it back." Mrs. Ji didn't plan to carry it herself. She was waiting for Shen Xiangbei to say this.

It was already noon when we returned to Shen's house.

"Fourth, please stay and have lunch." It's already dinner time, so I'd be embarrassed if I didn't leave any food.

"No, Mom, I'm going back first."

"Why, you don't like our crotch?"

"How dare you, Mom? I don't think there's enough food here."

"I told you to stay, I'm not polite to you, so don't talk nonsense."

Shen Xiangbei was silent. Mrs. Ji rarely left him to eat. Today she left him for lunch. It seemed that she benefited from the five kilograms of white flour.

"Mom, the fourth brother stays at home for dinner. I'll go and change two eggs." Shen Ruoqing's senses are pretty good for this fourth brother.

"Look how nice your sister is to you. She even has to get eggs for you when you come. My old lady doesn't treat you like this. You must remember your sister's kindness in the future." Old Mrs. Ji started to treat Shen Xiang as soon as she got the chance. Bei was brainwashed, although she felt that maybe her sweet baby wanted to eat eggs.

The current price of eggs is [-] cents per pound, which is the price of the supply and marketing cooperative. The local eggs laid by farmers are small, and there are ten of them per pound. Each egg costs [-] cents. It is a precious thing that farmers are reluctant to eat.

Shen Ruoqing exchanged the grain she just bought for eggs, and exchanged five of them. She planned to make up for the loss of grain by herself secretly.Now she has bought more than 50 kilograms of grain. As long as she adds a little secretly, who can find out?
Mrs. Ji felt a little distressed when she saw Shen Ruoqing taking five eggs. These grains were all high-priced grains bought from the black market. If you can exchange them for two, why do you need to exchange them for five? "Mom, let's fry it all and eat it."

"What a prodigal. I just exchanged for such a small amount of food, and all of it was taken care of by you." Although she said some words of blame, Mrs. Ji followed Shen Ruoqing, "Boss, let's fire everything. This is your sister, I feel sorry for you. You guys, I’m afraid you won’t have enough to eat, so I brought out a few more eggs.”

Shen Xiangbei was a little moved at this time. Maybe his mother was right. This sister really missed his brother.

Good guy, these eggs exchanged for public food are all the work of Shen Ruoqing.

For lunch, I had wild vegetables and steamed buns, plus a scrambled egg with chives. It was a very rich meal.

Because there were eggs, everyone at the dinner table rushed to grab them. If Mrs. Ji hadn't given Shen Ruoqing two chopsticks, Shen Ruoqing wouldn't have been able to eat the eggs.

The plate of scrambled eggs with leeks was immediately empty.

It seems that there are still too few eggs, but there is nothing we can do, there are so many people at home.Shen Ruoqing thought secretly in his heart.

After dinner, Shen Xiangbei said goodbye and left.

Shen Ruoqing rubbed her belly. She still had 412.54 yuan left. Going to the black market would bring in money quickly, but she couldn't keep going to the black market. The road was too far and it was unrealistic.Besides digging herbs and wild vegetables, is there any other way to make money quickly?

"Sister-in-law, I caught the cicada monkey, and you will burn it and eat it later." Shen Hansong held a jar with five or six cicada monkeys in it.

Farmers are all greedy for meat, but they are reluctant to buy it. The day when the cicada monkeys are unearthed every summer is their happiest day.Generally, it is cooked with cicada monkey or grilled over fire. It is delicious. After all, this is meat, and it is free meat.Shen Hansong heard Mrs. Ji say that Shen Ruoqing needed to be replenished, so he went to catch it.

Shen Ruoqing knows the cicada monkey, but has never eaten it. In modern times, it is rare to eat pure natural and pollution-free food. All of them contain excessive heavy metals, but many people eat it, and it is The stuff is expensive.

"Dip - Golden cicada has been detected. It's seven yuan per catty. Do you want to sell it?"

Shen Ruoqing was shocked, can this cicada monkey be sold for money?
"Hansong, where did you catch this cicada monkey?"

"I just caught it when I passed by the woods when I came back. It's summer, aren't these things everywhere?" Shen Hansong rubbed his head, a little confused as to why his sister-in-law was suddenly so excited.

"Can you help me catch more of these cicada monkeys?"

"Well..." Shen Hansong looked confused, "Sister-in-law, I have to go to work in the afternoon. If you want to come back in the evening, I will help you catch it. I will talk a lot at night."

There is no one in the whole family who doesn't work, except Shen Ruoqing.Even Mrs. Wang, although she is pregnant and does not go to work, still has to do housework at home, help with cooking and so on.It's just that Wang's cooking is not as delicious as Han's cooking. Usually when cooking meat dishes, Mrs. Ji lets Han take over.

Shen Ruoqing said: "Okay, let's go catch the cicadas tonight. You can call Sanya and the others to join us."

Shen Xiangbei didn't pay too much attention. He thought it was Shen Ruoqing who was greedy for meat, so he quickly promised to take the younger members of the Shen family to catch cicada monkeys in the evening.

These five or six cicada monkeys were too few to buy, so the system mall only gave them a price of [-] cents.Shen Ruoqing put them away and decided to sell them together after accumulating more.

In the afternoon, Shen Ruoqing went to dig wild vegetables and medicinal materials as usual and earned 41 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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