Chapter 9 Sun Taohua is here

When it got dark, Shen Hansong, Shen Yun and Shen Xue came, but Shen Yue, Shen Hanwen and Shen Hanwu were nowhere to be seen.

"Sister-in-law, there is something wrong with Yueyue." Shen Hansong was a little embarrassed. Shen Yue originally wanted to go after hearing that he was going to catch cicada monkeys, but then she heard that he was going to catch cicada monkeys for Shen Ruoqing to eat, so she immediately stopped talking.

"It's okay, just a few of us can go. I won't let you catch this cicada in vain. If you catch one, I'll give you two cents."

"Two cents? No, sister-in-law, how can we ask you for money? We originally caught cicada monkeys to replenish your body, how can we charge you money now?" Shen Hansong, Shen Yun and Shen Xue shook their heads. They knew that Shen Ruoqing had For money, the old lady would usually give her some pocket money, and she had accumulated a lot over the years.Shen Ruoqing is also the only one who can collect new year's money without being confiscated.

"That's it. Don't you want to catch cicada monkeys for me?"

"Those things are worthless. Sister, you will kill us if you give us money." Shen Yun whispered.

"Mom, let me tell you, I want a lot of cicada monkeys. If I don't give you money, I'm afraid you won't pay attention." Shen Ruoqing waved her hand, she didn't want just one or two. "Stop talking, let's catch him first."

After leaving the house, Shen Ruoqing was a little confused.There are many trees in Dashuishou Village, including trees in front of and behind their house.She knew that cicada monkeys like to live in trees, but there were so many trees and it was dark all around, where could they catch them?

Shen Hansong's voice sounded: "Sister-in-law, just follow us."

I came out late today, it was dark and I couldn't see anything.She just went to the kitchen and borrowed a fire from her mother. With the fire lighting, she felt that she would be able to catch a lot today.

Shen Xue walked aside: "Sister-in-law, there must be no one in the woods now. When we go to catch them together, we will definitely catch a big bowl for my sister-in-law, so that you can eat as much as you like."

When they arrived at the woods, Shen Ruoqing discovered that there were just a few rows of small trees, all in disorder, and the four of them could pass by them all at once.

There are indeed a lot of cicada monkeys in the grove, but they are so small. I caught more than 50 of them and only collected half a catty. It seems that this is not a way to make a fortune!Miscalculation!
The protein of cicada monkeys is very high, not to mention that they are still wild and pollution-free. Shen Ruoqing changed her mind and stopped selling them for money. She already has more than 450 yuan, and she doesn’t like these few yuan. She might as well Grab some cicada monkeys to improve food for everyone.

By the time it was estimated that the time was almost up, the four of them had already wandered around the forest.More than 200 cicada monkeys were caught. Shen Ruoqing wanted to give the three of them money but they refused. There was nothing they could do, so the four of them hurried home.

"Erya, Sanya, you two help clean these cicada monkeys. We will fry them tomorrow." Shen Ruoqing said.

She actually wanted to fry it, but after looking at the kitchen, she saw that there was only a little oil. Deep-frying was definitely not practical, so she could only stir-fry it. There was so much.

"My dear, why did you catch so many?" Mrs. Ji looked at her, "Are you hungry for meat? Mom will cut some pounds of meat for you tomorrow."

Meat is not easy to buy nowadays.

"No, I just want to eat cicada monkeys. This is nutritious. Mom, you should eat more tomorrow."

These more than 200 cicada monkeys may seem like a lot, but on average each person can only divide them into a dozen or so.

Shen Ruoqing salted all these cicada monkeys, and they will be a meat dish for stir-fry tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Shen Ruoqing went to dig wild vegetables again.This time I also made more than 40 yuan.

At noon, the cicada monkey was served and distributed by Mrs. Ji.First, 22 were given to Shen Ruoqing, then 20 to Shen Hansong, Shen Yun and Shen Xue, 18 to Mrs. Ji herself, 16 to each of her three sons, and the rest were divided equally among the others. "This is much tastier than the one I cooked before. I put a lot of salt in it, right?" Shen Xiangnan smacked his lips, "Hanwen Hanwu, how many of you are going to catch too?"

"Go and go by yourself, don't call my precious son. There's not much meat, so what's so delicious?" Although Wang said this, she kept her mouth busy and ate several at once.This is meat.

"That's all I'm saying. I'm going to be so exhausted at work, how can I have time to catch this cicada monkey." Shen Xiangnan said.Even if he was caught, his mother would probably be reluctant to give him the salt shaker.

Mrs. Ji tasted one and found that it really had a lot of salt and was quite tasty.She looked at Shen Ruoqing with some suspicion. She remembered looking at the salt shaker. The salt in the salt shaker wasn't much less, right?

"It's enough to eat some, and it's still chirping." Mrs. Ji interrupted everyone's discussion, "You are all elder brothers, and you want your sister to catch cicada monkeys for you to eat. Are you embarrassed? In the future, you will be embarrassed. If you want to eat it, go catch it yourself.”

After eating the cicada monkey, Shen Xue ran over to her and said, "Sister-in-law, the peach blossom is here."

Sun Taohua?
What is she here for?
Shen Ruoqing wondered, has this girl not learned enough lessons?Dare you come to find yourself?
Just in time, let’s go and have a look.

Shen Ruoqing walked out, and Shen Xue followed him out of fear that something might happen to Shen Ruoqing.

"Ruo Qing, are you feeling better? I really didn't mean to push you before, and I pushed you accidentally. Because your mother went to my house to make trouble, I haven't eaten for three days, and I even received a few slaps..."

Sun Taohua's face is sallow, her eyes are red and swollen, and she is 1.5 meters tall. She is one year older than Shen Ruoqing.

"Is it intentional or unintentional? I don't want to pursue this matter anymore. Your family has also lost money. As for what happened to you, I can only say that you brought it on yourself. What are you doing now?"

Shen Ruoqing looked at her coldly.

The original owner treated Sun Taohua as a good sister, and would always give Sun Taohua a share of whatever food she had, but she didn't expect that Sun Taohua would push the original owner.

Why push it?
However, the original owner got closer to Lin Chen, the only high school student in the village. The original owner told Sun Taohua that she would soon be Lin Chen's girlfriend. Sun Taohua also liked Lin Chen. For a moment, jealousy came to her head. By some strange coincidence, the original owner was pushed away.

Although he came because of Sun Taohua himself, after all, Sun Taohua also had a life on his hands. Shen Ruoqing did not sympathize with Sun Taohua.

"Ruo Qing, why have you changed like this? I really didn't mean it. I just saw a snake and accidentally pushed you in panic. Look, you are fine now. My family also lost a lot of money. Can you just forgive me?"

"Why didn't I see the snake? I almost lost my life. I will never forgive you." Shen Ruoqing was a little irritated. If she had known that Sun Taohua came to tell her such nonsense, she would have Not coming out.

"Ruo Qing, how did you become like this? You used to be very kind and generous. If Brother Chen knew that you had become like this, he would definitely not like you."

"Stop, stop, stop, let me tell you, Lin Chen can like whoever he likes, and it has nothing to do with me!"

When she thought that the original owner died because of Lin Chen, Shen Ruoqing had no good impression of Lin Chen!

(End of this chapter)

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