Chapter 83
Lin Chen, who was chasing Wei Shuangshuang, was scolding Shen Ruoqing, why did this damn woman meet her at this time?Wei Shuangshuang has relented today and asked her father to find a job for her!Originally, Lin Chen had planned to settle the marriage with Sun Taohua as soon as possible when he returned home. Unexpectedly, he met Shen Ruoqing at this juncture!It's good now. He had been trying to please Wei Shuangshuang for two years, but everything was ruined!

Shen Ruoqing was obviously in a good mood, and turned to the salesperson selling white mesh shoes: "Comrade, please give me a pair of size 35, thank you."

The saleswoman came back to her senses. She didn't expect that her shoes could still be sold: "Oh, okay."

Shen Ruoqing carried her wrapped shoes and bought some pastries back to Tongzilou.

"My little sister is back? I just washed my hands and had dinner. Did you find any clothes you liked in the department store?" Su Jieru asked.

"I didn't see any suitable clothes, so I bought a pair of shoes." Shen Ruoqing replied.

Niu Baozhu became jealous when she saw the Huaili shoe box in Shen Ruoqing's hand.She had long heard from her husband that her brother-in-law's family loved this little girl the most, but she didn't expect that she would be so doted on. She wore really good clothes and bought the sneakers whenever she wanted.

"Brother-in-law is so kind to you. He even used money to buy you new shoes."

"My little sister bought this by herself. I didn't give her any money." Shen Xiangbei glanced at Niu Baozhu. Why did Su Qiang's new wife speak so strangely?
"Okay, let's eat quickly." Su Jieru greeted her. She didn't like her sister-in-law very much. She asked for so many colorful gifts and didn't do housework after she got married. In the first few months, she restrained her temper. Now The short-sightedness is becoming more and more obvious.

"That's right, Ruoqing finally came here, sit down and eat." Mother Su said.

Because there were guests, dinner was pretty good. I had a plate of scrambled eggs, a few vegetables brought by Shen Ruoqing, and rice.

"Xiangbei, don't tell me, your mother is really good at growing vegetables." After the meal, Su's father praised.

"If Uncle Su likes it, I will send more in the future." Shen Ruoqing said with a smile. These vegetables are grown with Lingquan water, so of course they are delicious.

"These vegetables are really good." Niu Baozhu also thought the vegetables were delicious. She had a bad appetite recently, but she ate a lot today.

"It's a little late today. I'll go buy meat early tomorrow morning." Su Jieru said.

Shen Ruoqing slept with Shen Rongrong at night. Shen Rongrong pestered her to tell stories, and Shen Ruoqing had no choice but to tell her a few fairy tales.Unexpectedly, after telling the fairy tale, I heard movement from next door.

Shen Ruoqing: Her fourth brother is quite energetic.

Shen Ruoqing didn't get up until eight o'clock the next day, and Su Jieru had already returned from buying meat.

"Little sister, I bought you dough sticks." The big fried dough sticks in this era are good things, fragrant and crispy.

Shen Ruoqing ate the fried dough sticks with white porridge and thought the fried dough sticks were really good.

"Ruo Qing is about to graduate from junior high school, right? Are you planning to continue studying in high school?" Su Jieru asked.

Shen Xiangbei took over: "With such good grades, my little sister must go to high school. It will be easier to find a job after high school."

Niu Baozhu listened on the sidelines, disapproving in her heart. For a country girl, what if she was well-fed, well-dressed, and had good grades?Do you really think you can become a worker after passing high school?Nowadays, recruitment is done internally. If you raise someone with so much money and read so many books, you will not be farming in the countryside.

"Then which school is Ruo Qing going to take the exam?" Su Jieru asked next.

"I plan to take the entrance examination to the county No. [-] middle school."

County No. [-] Middle School is the best high school in the county.

"County No. [-] Middle School? It seems that Ruoqing's grades are very good! The exam will be in more than half a month, right? Then Ruoqing should work hard." Niu Baozhu followed up with a compliment, but in his heart he mocked Shen Ruoqing for not knowing how high the sky is. How many students from rural schools can pass into high school?Still want to take the exam for County No. [-] Middle School?
"If you want to be admitted to the County No. [-] Middle School, you can't take it lightly during this period. The most important thing is persistence, the difficulty lies in persistence, and success lies in persistence." Su's father said.

"Thank you, I will work hard." Shen Ruoqing agreed with a smile.After chatting for a few words, Shen Ruoqing went out again.

Still transformed into Xiao Liu and went to see Brother Biao.

"Brother Xiaoliu, that one said that he can't handle this matter alone and needs to report it to the police. He wants you to wait a few more days."

Shen Ruoqing expressed his understanding that selling low-priced grain directly to the country cannot be decided by a senior county official, and he also needs to be able to give Dalong an overseas Chinese identity.

"I won't stay in the county town forever. If you have news, go find Dalong. Dalong lives at No. 132 Haitang Road." Shen Ruoqing was thinking about whether the county officials had enough energy. If it was not possible, she would go to the provincial capital. ?No, no, that Master Ji is obviously not something she can handle.

After Shen Ruoqing came out, she changed her clothes and went to a state-owned hotel. She wanted to buy a few more large fried dough sticks but was told that all the fried dough sticks were sold out.

It was a pity in her heart that there was nothing Shen Ruoqing could do, she came out too late.

When she went back to eat at noon, Su Jieru made a plate of braised pork.

Braised pork!Shen Ruoqing has not eaten braised pork for so long since she came to this world.This is red and shiny braised pork!

However, since he was a guest, Shen Ruoqing did not eat less meat and only took a piece to taste.Seeing that she was embarrassed, Su Jieru gave her another piece.

Niu Baozhu was not polite and immediately took two pieces for himself, but as soon as he put them in his mouth and chewed them, he spat them out in disgust.

"Baozhu, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Su Qiang swallowed the meat in his mouth and looked at his wife with concern.

Niu Baozhu covered her mouth, stood up and looked for the trash can.

Now everyone stopped eating and looked at Niu Baozhu with concern.After Niu Baozhu vomited for a while, Su Qiang poured her a glass of water.

"Why do you feel uncomfortable? Do you want to take you to the hospital?" Su Qiang said.

"Sister Baozhu must be pregnant." Shen Ruoqing has been observing Niu Baozhu's reaction. Her reaction should be morning sickness in the early stages of pregnancy.

"What did you say?" Su Qiang was stunned for a moment when he heard Shen Ruoqing say that Niu Baozhu should be there.

Mother Su was also here. At this time, she asked kindly: "Daughter-in-law, has your monthly letter arrived for this month?"

Niu Baozhu said: "It seems that he did not come, but my monthly letter is not accurate, so I didn't pay much attention."

Su Qiang laughed sillyly: "I'm going to be a father!"

Su Jieru said: "It's better to go to the hospital right now to get a sure diagnosis."

"Yes, yes, let's go to the hospital now!" Su Qiang and Su's mother took Niu Baozhu to the hospital.

The final test results came out and Niu Baozhu was indeed pregnant.

This result made everyone in the family happy. When he came back, Su Qiang was even more cautious, fearing that Niu Baozhu would bump into him somewhere.

Niu Baozhu was also obviously very happy. Although she and Su Qiang had only gotten married not long ago, it was a good thing to have a happy event so soon.When she was helped to the room to rest, Niu Baozhu suddenly thought that if her child was born, this room would not be enough.

(End of this chapter)

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