Chapter 84 June
There are only three bedrooms in the Su family.The largest room was divided into two rooms for Su Jieru and his family.Originally, Niu Baozhu complained about Su Jieru's family wanting to live together. Now that she has a baby, she has some objections to Su Jieru's family.

"Brother Qiang, how can you say that there is no married girl who has always lived in her natal family? Your sister has always occupied the largest bedroom in our family. It was just you and me. Now we have a new member in our family. Well, we can’t let the child live with the two of us forever." Niu Baozhu said.

"You want your sister and brother-in-law to move out? But my parents probably won't agree. And where do you want my sister and brother-in-law to move? Are you going to rent a house outside? And the brother-in-law is also a half-wife, so this is not good." Su Qiang said.

Niu Baozhu pinched Su Qiang: "It's not like your old Su family doesn't have a son, so why do you need a wife? I know that your parents love your sister very much. They didn't want your sister to suffer in the countryside, so they let your sister and brother-in-law stay together. We live at home, but now that we have a baby, don’t you think about your own child in the future? Now my brother-in-law is considered a small leader. It only costs a few yuan to rent a house outside. Why can’t he still pay the rent? ?"

After hearing this, Su Qiang felt that there were two points of truth: "Then I will discuss it with my parents later."

"That's pretty much it." Niu Baozhu has long been coveting the house where Su Jieru's family lives, but she just got married and can't say much.Now that she is pregnant, of course she can legitimately let Su Jieru and Shen Xiangbei move out.

Su Jieru didn't know yet that Niu Baozhu was planning to drive her family out, but she was really happy for her brother.

It was getting late, and Shen Xiangxi also came to take Shen Ruoqing back.When Shen Ruoqing went back, Shen Xiangbei asked her to bring two canned fruits back.

After returning home, Shen Ruoqing told Mrs. Ji about Niu Baozhu's pregnancy.

"Then I'm afraid we won't be able to live there." Mrs. Ji immediately thought of the housing problem, "It was fine in the first few years, but if Su Qiang's wife's children grow up, the house may not be liveable. Your fourth brother wants another one."

Shen Ruoqing hadn't even thought about this question yet, "What should we do?"

"Then we can only rent a house. Housing is so tight now. It's hard to rent a house, and renting a house is expensive. Don't spend an extra four or five yuan a month. Your fourth brother and sister-in-law's unit is too There is no news about room allocation.”

"Perhaps there will be news about housing allocation in two years."

"Yes, Su Qiang's wife has just become pregnant."

In the following time, Shen Ruoqing focused on the high school entrance examination.There are two candidates at home, and nutrition must be kept up. Eggs are no longer sold, and each person has two eggs a day. Of course, nourishing her baby is the most important thing, and Shen Hansong is just incidental.There was also wild boar meat made into bacon, all of which were cooked during this time.There is also a glass of milk for two people every night.

Mrs. Wang was jealous: "Mom, you have to keep this bowl of water in check. Why do you only open a small stove for your eldest brother's son? Han Wen and Han Wu are also your grandchildren."

"Are they going to take the high school entrance examination? If they can pass it, I will help them make a small fuss every day." Mrs. Ji glared at Mr. Wang, "You have a lot to do, why don't you go make some more egg trays."

Soon it was time for the high school entrance examination, and the examination took place at No. [-] Middle School in the county. Shen Ruoqing and Shen Hansong were driven to the examination room by Shen Xiangxi on a tractor.

Shen Ruoqing was confident, but Shen Hansong was a little uneasy.In fact, he also wanted to get into the county No. [-] Middle School and continue to be classmates with his sister-in-law.But Liu Xinyi said that her grades were good in a rural school, but not average in a county town, and she would only hold her sister-in-law down.Because of worry, Shen Hansong didn't sleep well last night.

Shen Ruoqing saw the faint green and black under Shen Hansong's eyes. She handed the kettle to Shen Hansong: "Drink more water and relax first, and then go to the toilet. Think carefully about what I taught you during this period. Believe in yourself." .”

Shen Hansong had always been convinced by Shen Ruoqing. He took the kettle and drank it. Strangely, he seemed to be less nervous after drinking the water.Liu Xinyi watched from the side, silently cheering herself up. She would definitely be admitted to the county No. [-] middle school.

The stressful exam passed quickly.

There is also news from Brother Biao. Dalong's identity has been figured out and he is just waiting for Shen Ruoqing's food.The father of the country asked for a very large amount. Shen Ruoqing first gave 20 kilograms of grain. The people who received the grain were very satisfied. They knew that the grain was new grain at a glance.Originally, they were worried that such cheap grain must be some old grain and might have other problems, but they did not expect that the quality of this batch of grain was so good.

Brother Biao revealed that the above intention was to give a compliment and asked Shen Ruoqing what kind of reward he wanted.

Shen Ruoqing said that as long as he can travel conveniently in the future, it will be fine, and other rewards are not needed.

During this period, Brother Biao also sold a batch of grain in small batches, but he didn't make much, so he was quite happy.Senior county officials were promoted and transferred to the city.However, the newly arrived county official received the above words and said that he would also take care of the patriotic Da Long.Before leaving, the senior county official also arranged a bright job for Brother Biao, because the senior county official got the news that the black market would be suppressed in a while.

It's time for the double grab again. At this time, the whole team is very motivated, and Liu Xinyi also joins the double grab team.She deliberately let the scorer put her on the same team as Mubai.

Mubai frowned slightly.

"Mu Zhiqing." Liu Xinyi's face was a little red, "Don't think I'm a lesbian, I can also cut grain."

Mubai said nothing and continued to cut grain.

Liu Xinyi gritted her teeth. She volunteered to take the job of cutting the grains from the scorer, and she didn't come to see Mubai cut the grains.

"Mu Zhiqing, why do I feel like you have misunderstood me?" Thinking of the last time she heard that Mu Bai saved Shen Ruoqing, Liu Xinyi was so angry that her teeth itched. Could it be that Shen Ruoqing said something?
"Comrade Liu, you are overthinking. I have not misunderstood you. I just want to get the job done quickly." Mubai's words were polite and distant. It was clear that his attitude towards him was not like this before.

Next, Liu Xinyi kept trying to find an opportunity to talk to Mubai, but Mubai didn't pay much attention to her. Later, Mubai felt a little annoyed and took the initiative to tell the scorer that they had changed to a rice field.

This made Liu Xinyi very angry.

Why did he make Mubai tired of him?

Shen Ruoqing cooked a large pot of mung bean soup at home, bought ice cubes from the system mall, put them in to melt, and then took the mung bean soup to Mrs. Ji and the others.

In fact, double robbery is too hard, and the family is not short of food. Shen Ruoqing doesn't want Mrs. Ji to do it, but Mrs. Ji feels that she has a strong body and wants to earn this cent.

(End of this chapter)

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